NFL Play Offs Week Three

I know there will be those of you who disagree with me.  That is ok.  This blog is for my opinion.  So you are allowed to have your opinions, too.  Feel free to comment.  If you agree or disagree with me.

It just is my opinion there is only one team which earned there way to the “FINAL FOUR’  That team is San Francisco.  I am not nor have I ever been a San Francisco fan. (Even though I and they share something in common).  And no it is not California.

The other teams seem to have “lucked” their way in.

The only near competitor I see to San Francisco is New England.  No I am not a New England fan.  I don’t even know anyone who is.

So I guess I am saying WHAT THE HECK are Baltimore, and Atlanta doing there.  A little SKILL and a lot of LUCK.

So we now are looking at will LUCK, a MIRACLE cohesion of Baltimore or Atlanta.  Or will a complete break down of San Francisco, and/or New England Put Atlanta and/or Baltimore into the Super Bowl.

One thing I think would be GREAT is an all HARBAUGH “SUPER BOWL”.

That being said let’s get to my picks.


SUNDAY  01-20-2013 3:00 pm  (Your Local Fox Network Station)

SAN FRANCISCO 28 @ Atlanta 24 2 (HIT 2),2,2

SUNDAY 01-20-2013 6:30 (Your Local CBS Network Station)

Baltimore 28 @ NEW ENGLAND 13 1(miss 1),0,2


Final Score; 44  FINAL SCORE: 41

Only off by a field goal.  not bad.

Good Luck Everyone.  Regardless (If you are like me and your favorite team has been eliminated),  Let’s hope for two well played games, and no run-aways.  Let’s enjoy the day.

I UNDERSTAND THE SAN FRANCISCO COMEBACK WAS THE LARGEST COMEBACK IN PLAYOFF HISTORY.  I believe it was said previous biggest comeback was from 13 down.  And San Francisco’s comeback was 17.  Good job.

San Francisco @ Atlanta.  Surprised me.  It was a good game from start to finish.  Probably the best officiated game of the season.  Atlanta started strong.  I must give the FANS credit for being behind their home team,  They helped the players a lot.  I could not believe this was the same team that had appeared to luck their way into the play offs.  But In retrospect I suppose if you luck your way as consistently as the Falcons did,  They had to have something else going for them too.  And it just seemed they finally came together today and had they had the previous show of luck they probably would have won.

Good Job Atlanta.


Ravens got their act together tonight.  They out played the Patriots.thus setting up the hoped for face of brothers JOHN and JIM HARBAUGH.

Big Brother (by what 15 months) JOHN and little brother JIM.

Could prove to be interesting.

Side note JOHN and JIM’s  brother-in-law Tom Crean is having a very successful year coaching INDIANA UNIVERSITY’S Basketball team.

We know a Harbaugh will have a Super Bowl win.  Can brother-in-law Crean come in with a NCAA championship.   What a family meeting that would be One brother showing off his Super Bowl Ring, Brother-in-law Crean showing off his NCAA Trophy, and one Harbaugh saying I TRIED.

Beat of Luck to both San Francisco, and Baltimore.

Next week I believe is the Pro-Bowl.   I never watch that game.  Have no interest in it so you won’t see anything here about it.

But I will be back for the Super Bowl




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