FIRST LET ME MAKE IT CLEAR. I AM NOT NOW OR EVER HAVE BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH ANY POLITICAL PARTIES. THERE IS NO ROOM IN GOVERNING OUR NATION FOR POLITICS. Just two of the many reasons I CAN NOT vote for Kamala Harris. Aside from never getting a direct answer regarding her plans for OUR future. She speaks nonsensically I know preschoolers who are able to communicate better. One of President Biden’s first orders to VP Harris was to oversee the illegal immigrant invasion. We still have seen no action. Except to place Trump ideas in effect, like many other things. {I can only expect the same thing). NO POSITIVE ACTION, for another 4 years if she is elected. We know she is incapable of thinking on her feet, and has to be fed what to say. Just like a puppet. So, do we know who will be pulling her strings if elected? MAYBE some subversive group (?), A quote from the woman; herself regarding GUNS and the Privacy of your home. Yes, Kamala Harris did make a statement about authorities checking how guns are stored in homes. This remark dates back to 2007 when she was the District Attorney in San Francisco. During a news conference about new legislation aimed at enforcing safe storage of guns, she said, “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs” To me this is a corner cutter for a means of doing an “UNREASONABLE SEARCH”. A means to enter YOUR HOME and make up any reason they want, to SEIZE YOUR PERSONAL SELF DEFENSE equipment, Not to mention any thing else they might not like. Now let us look at another thing Ms. Harris seems so proud to stand up for..MISINFORMATION Yes, Kamala Harris has addressed the issue of misinformation on several occasions. In her speeches, she has emphasized the dangers of misinformation and the importance of combating it to protect democracy and public health. For example, during her campaign and tenure as Vice President, she has spoken about. Now let us look at another thing Ms. Harris seems so proud to stand up for..MISINFORMATION. the need for accurate information, especially in the context of elections and public health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. Misinformation can undermine trust in institutions and spread false narratives that can have serious consequences. Harris has advocated for greater efforts to ensure that people have access to reliable and truthful information. We live in a world of misinformation, especially from politics. Example of misinformation,(simplified). Simple sentence: “I don’t like chocolate milk” Simple enough? Of course the politicians AS WELL AS MEDIA,(depending on what they want to push). Let’s omit the word, (one word), “DON”T”. Now it looks like I said, “I like chocolate milk”. Or omit the word CHOCOLATE. Now it appears “I don’t like milk”. If you omit the word milk, Now it appears that “I don’t like chocolate”. To sum up: WHO would make the judgement of what is misinformation? THE GOVERNMENT !!!! Now if this is the type of RULER you want vote for the potential Tzarini. (My word), for a female Tzar. Or maybe Marxist, as she apparently grew up in a household of Marxist. I have NO idea what to expect from Ms Harris. I really expect the END of our Freedoms as we know them. She appears to want to take away at least two or three of our Constitutional Rights. Today 2 or 3 by the end of her term we may be living under Russia’s PUTIN, or Hitler. Now lets look at the Trump side. What can I say? I don’t agree with everything he says. I don’t always agree with things he does. BUT, he does say what he thinks, SO I know what I am getting. I think a lot of things he says is in jest, just to make a point. Mark Twain was very good doing this. Post Views: 70
Category: Bill of Rights
[adrotate group=”1″] I am no expert on what I am about to bring up. Merely a possibility, The Singapore flagged ship which crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. The Pilot claims to have lost control of the ship. Could this be the case? Very much so. Is it possible some terrorist group remotely took over control. I don’t know. It just seems odd the bridge is the Francis Scott Key Bridge, (Francis Scott Key the writer of the poem, “The Defence of Fort McHenry”. Now known as the United States of America’s National Anthem, “THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER” Written while watching the bombardment of the fort by British Navy in Outer Baltimore Port in the PATAPSCO RIVER. (Same River) HERE is some things I found researching the possibility of a remote control take over. The Dali, a Singapore-flagged container vessel, collided with the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. Here are the key points: Incident Details: The Dali collided with the bridge, causing it to collapse into the Patapsco River. Video evidence captured the ship’s approach and subsequent loss of control. Police radio traffic reported steering failure just before the collision. Remote Control Possibility: While the incident does not directly involve remote control, the concept of remotely operated vessels exists. Large robotic ships equipped with cameras, radars, and GPS can be operated from land-based control centers. Investigations will determine the precise cause, but there is no evidence of intentional remote guidance. Advancements in Maritime Technology: Autonomous and remotely operated ships are transforming the industry. The Dali incident highlights the need for safety protocols and further research in vessel control systems. NOTE: I HAVE NO REAL PROOF. THIS IS MERELY CONJECTURE !! An American Veteran exercising my first amendment right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH ! Post Views: 119
I must apologize. With TAX season upon us; I got busy and didn’t realize my hosting fee was due. SORRY about that. But we are up and running again. Let me begin by re-affirming. I AM NEITHER A REPUBLICAN NOR DEMOCRAT. I FEEL THERE IS NO ROOM FOR POLITICS IN GOVERNMENT. Recent events have shown WHY I have this belief. Was Donald Trump my first choice for President of United States. NO! However given the choice between Mr. Trump and Hillary Clinton ( a proven anti American candidate), there was little choice. I figure women voted for her because of their desire to have a WOMAN President. Then you have those people (of both parties) Who will vote for a candidate because he/she is of a certain party. If Hitler were alive and nominated for a political office there is NO doubt he would get the vote of those hard line PARTY MEMBERS. I do not think Donald Trump believed he had a chance to become President. And was really taken off guard when he got the nomination and then actually WON. Had the democratic party chosen an able candidate I may have voted for that one. However given the record of Barack Obama, IT would have been difficult to justify any DEMOCRATIC candidate.. I could write volumes about how Obama wasted eight years of being a very powerful person. (I did like that he appeared to to LOVE basketball). I could also fill volumes of why I feel Ms. Clinton is anti-American. Let me say that I was no fan of Republican Ronald Reagan, or H.W. Bush. Now on to my POST. As I see it TOO MANY OF YOU HAVE BECOME FOLLOWERS. You will sit there and watch a speech or a video account of something and RATHER, Than believe what YOU hear or see. YOU believe the editorialized version you receive from the MEDIA. We have so few NEWS “REPORTERS”. What we have are…” NEWS EDITORIALIZERS” They do not “REPORT NEWS” . THEY merely give you their version. (Or their boss”s version). I have seen many LIVE speeches given by Mr. Trump. Only to see the news version which has been edited. Omitting even a word or two can change the entire meaning. This is one trick they use to convince you to believe their way. I find it hard to believe the majority of DEMOCRATS are being truly represented by the people they elected. (Some Republicans are the same). It just seems that the DEMOCRATS now in office have no LOGICAL THINKING ABILITY. (I am one who relies on LOGIC more than not. Let us look upon Nancy Pelosi. A person totally void of LOGIC. I know for a fact that Mr. Trump tried in earnest to negotiate with her on the wall deal. But Pelosi (being one minded), refused to try to negotiate. (NEGOTIATE: TO DEAL OR BARGAIN WITH ANOTHER OR OTHERS IN THE PREPARATION OF A TREATY OR CONTRACTIN PRELIMINARIES TO A BUSINESS DEAL). Example: If you are wanting a raise in wages. Say you are really wanting a dollar an hour raise, or if on salary you want a $5000 a year raise. Do you go to your boss and say I want a dollar an hour more. He will com back and say I will give you a quarter and hour and somehow you reach an agreement between his offer of a quarter and your asking one dollar. No you go in and ask for say $2 an hour raise through negotiation you agree to the dollar raise ( or near it), you get your raise the boss feels he has saved $1 an hour. You both are pleased. BUT If you go to the boss and say I want to negotiate a raise. The boss says NO I won’t discuss a raise. Thus you have no negotiations. That is exactly what Ms Pelosi told Mr. Trump. So he did what you and I would do and walked out. Ms. Pelosi has her own agenda and thinks she is the sole charge of USA. An ego trip if you will. She is not interested in representing the majority of democrats, She is merely trying to make a name for herself. The name she is making I personally would hate to have. I know MANY Democrats whho have tuned her out and are ashamed to admit they are Democrats. People who have been Democrats for SIXTY to SEVENTY years. Now let’s move to this wall thing. Jim Acosta a CNN reporter was walking along a portion of wall and telling everyone the wall was not needed. After all the businesses behind that wall were all doing well and no trouble with people illegally crossing ACCROSS the border. FROM BEHIND THE WALL.. Did you see the interview of the tthree ranchers whose ranches are along the border? One rancher tells of 2 million illegal crossings on his property and tearing down his fences. (I think that number could have been stretched a little), BUT they are entering our country illegally.. Another tells of 38 trucks coming across with illegal guns to be sold in our USA. Another tells of truckloads of drugs crossing onto his ranch. The third tells of even more truckloads of drugs, crossing over his ranch. Ms. Pelosi and her comrade Schumer seem to go blind to these things. She claims we need “MORE GUN CONTROLS”; BUT ! Pretends there are illegal guns coming ILLEGALLY, into the USA.. Not to mention, in this day of “IDENTITY THEFT, HOW many of these illegal trespassers are using good citizens identities to obtain “ LEGAL GUNS”. As to PRESIDENT TRUMP stating he could have not used his power to accelerate the building of the WALL, (I personally don’t like the idea of a wall ….BUT). To delay the inevitable is like shutting the barn door after the horse is out. Lets curb these illegal activities as quickly as… Continue reading THE WALL, GUN CONTROL AND OTHER THINGS
Parkland High School Shooting Thoughts
While putting together my thoughts on the recent tragedy in Florida. I had many things flash through this feeble mind. We had the shock of another terrible loss of young lives. We had the “STUDENT ACTOR”. We had the Scripted Interviews. We had the usual MEDIA SPIN. We had the Anti Gunners. We had the Pro-Gunners. We had the Sheriff’s men who failed to enter the school. So let us look at these things. First the Shooter. Had he not lost his parents at such a tender age, would he not have acted the way he did. It appears that his adoptive family, noticed he was troubled. According to reports the local constabulary, even the FBI, had concerns about the mental/emotional stability of Nineteen (19) year old Nikolas Cruz, EVEN the school personnel had concerns. They expelled him. I have not read or heard anything where these people tried to get him help. Had they tried to get him help, would it have possibly detoured this terrible event. Probably, maybe not. We don’t know. BUT, it would have been worth a try. Should he have had guns. Given his background reports we have seen; NO! BUT, there is always a but; I believe this to be where the LAW should have impounded his guns, until further investigation, and psychic evaluation was attained. BUT, WAIT ! He did have grenades. Where did these come from? I am sure they are harder to get than guns. Aren’t they? Seems they should be. Now the student and teacher population of this School. It is always a bad sign for our future when innocent young people needlessly lose their lives. Seventeen, 17, lives. I would not want my children exposed to this. Nor to the pain of those who were at the school or worse witnessed the unfortunate incident. I know of no Teacher who leaves for school thinking I may be killed at work today. Who knows what emotional and/or mental damage may have been done. We all know the MEDIA, has a penchant to SLANT the news the way they want it. How many times have you watched political events, or anything, only to have the NEWS MEDIA, say “Now let US tell you what you really heard”. ? I remember learning in grade school, then having my newspaper editor reinforce. A reporter tells WHO, is in the story. WHAT, is the story. WHEN, the event occurred. WHY, did the event occur. The WHY, becomes the gray area. You have heard of sport team announcers getting fired because they said something the OWNER found to be derogatory to the team. Players get fined, for the same thing. It most probably is TRUE. BUT, are contrary to what the BOSS wants. The same is true with reporters, They may disagree with management, BUT, (see here it is again; I wonder how many times I will use it today), THEIR JOB maybe on the line. Some may simply state their opinions, (NOT FACTS), In other words they EDITORIALIZE. NOTE: Editorialize is what I do. After all this BLOG is for MY OPINIONS. I share them with you as MY opinions. Not hardcore news. (See the difference) Is the media above scripting interviews. NO happens quite often. Are the anti-gunners above hiring actors to further their propaganda. SURE ARE. How about the Pro-gunners. Could be. Probably do. But I prefer to think They would be ABOVE taking advantage of such an event as this. One thing ANTI-GUNNERS are quick to point out is “Law enforcement is only a call away”. In this case they were just OUTSIDE the door. THEY WERE A LOT OF HELP. Had teachers been able to have guns….Would that have altered the outcome? Hard to tell. I am not sure I would be able to pull the trigger. I think I would be more inclined to pull that trigger to protect someone else (KIDS) than I would be to protect myself. BUT, I am sure if it was him or me, I would choose ME. What I am saying is; if it were just me and him, I would most likely not go hunt him. BUT, if he came hunting for me. DEFINITELY ME. Back to the Law Enforcement Officers. YOU CANNOT COUNT ON THEM. My own experience. 1. I had a motorcycle stolen off my front porch. I called the police. I was told; “ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS IF THEY SAW ANYTHING”. ” COME TO THE STATION AND FILL OUT A REPORT”. 2. My High School son was threatened that he would be shot when he walked out of the school, (a disagreement about a girl), I called the cops. I was told, “Just one of those teenage things. You probably should pick him up and take him home after school”. 3. I had my Mustang convertible top slashed, the dash destroyed. My truck window smashed and the stereos stolen from both. Witnesses knew who did it. The Cops knocked on the culprits door, and said, “Did you steal those radios’? He said, “No”. The cops said okay. That was all there was to it. 4. While watching a friends property while he was away. One of his relatives called said he had received a threat of vandalism to the property at some time soon. I called our local County Mounties. “It will be some time before we can get there”, they said. It took me about a half hour to get there. No damage yet. One (1) hour passed. No County Mounties. After waiting another half hour, I called again. “We haven’t dispatched anyone to that location yet” Yeah. Right. The Law is only a few minutes away. HA,HA. The Right to Bear Arms is a constitutional right. A Right that state shall not be infringed upon. That means NO ONE can stop you from legally owning or carrying a gun. There have been exceptions made. Felons, people with a misdemeanor of domestic battery, mental disorders, or if so adjudicated by a judge. Driving is… Continue reading Parkland High School Shooting Thoughts
Well, here are at either a stopping place or a pausing place. It depends on how things go, if anything else comes up. I have made my decision that it is not guns that need control it is PEOPLE which need control. For the most part, it would be control of the people who have no respect for property or life. I see no fool proof way to do this. BUT, it surely isn’t taking away the rights of law abiding citizens. I firmly believe in the right of each U.S. patriot to have a gun for self protection, (as well as hunting, and sport). (What I am going into now is the considerations of whether carrying a gun is for me. 1. Will I be comfortable with a weapon on my person? (in my home I am fine with). 2. Would I be able to handle killing someone? (Justified or not). I know some of you would consider it the same as killing in a war. 3. What about the financial responsibility? Just like farmer Tony Martin. Defending himself and property, yet taken to court by the criminal for injuries. Maybe I mistakenly take a good guy as a criminal, If I see a CRIME being committed. OR, accidental discharge. Other things I must consider include the fact, where I live, (in a small town), the probability of my needing it for defense is very, very low. But I would feel more comfortable with a gun to protect my family and friends. PROPERTY, does not mean that much to me. Where I would be more in need of personal protection is when we go to the BIG CITY, (where there are multiple murders each night, not to mention other crimes), for sporting events. We may need to walk many blocks to get the sporting event, at night, and you have the parking garages where it would be easy to be mugged. Usually the only employee they have is the one who collects the fees. Here is the big CATCH, we are not allowed to take a weapon into the arenas, and they don’t have lockers to stow any. I know. I have a pocket knife I have carried for over….well let’s just say the majority of my life. It has been lost and found so many times. Once I lost it over a thousand miles away. It was lost for about 3 years. A friend bought a truck with a title from that state, and while cleaning it up we found MY Lucky knife. But back to my point. Open the total length, handle and all is about 3 inches. I had to take it back to my car, or not see the game. Ridiculous, isn’t it? These are the things, I believe everyone, should consider. I may get a permit, whether I decide to get a handgun or not. Some of my friends have been known to forget one of their guns in my vehicle. If something were to happen and a police officer or game warden sees it…I’m busted for illegally carrying. That is what my retired Sheriff told me. One other thing, whether or not I decide to purchase a hand gun, I do not think getting some training would hurt. It might even help me make up my mind. I will think these things through and decide if I want to even own a hand gun. I have rifles, and shotguns, after all. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 123
Chink In The Armor
Chink In The Armor. This is just another example how our language has changed. I remember a time when GAY was a good thing. It meant we were having a real fun time. The GAY Nineties. Did that mean everyone in the 1890s were homosexuals. Our dictionaries gave this definition: having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music. We at one time had an eatery called GAY DAN’s. It was a good place to eat, and fun place to visit friends. But alas due to the new connotation of GAY. They were forced to change their name to Mr.Dan’s. I assume they are out of business now, as I have not see one in many years. When we played Cowboys, and Indians, it was not that the INDIANS, were being mean evil or savage. It was just the same as if we were playing CIVIL WAR. The INDIANS were a group whose homeland was being invaded by outsiders. They were defending their land. Then all of a sudden the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), tells the colleges whose names include reference to our NATIVE Americans, they cannot host or display their names, or mascots.during an NCAA sponsored event. or even use their names while participating in NCAA sponsored events. They cite Native American’s concerns of the nicknames as casting dispersions upon the Native American. But like it or not, Sports is a battle, (not on a life or death scale) but it is the same thing, protecting their LAND; School grounds, their honor, if you will on an athletic or academic playing field. Just as the NATIVE American protected his land. Is it a shame to a group of people for others to want to be like them or their ancestors? Seems to me I would be proud if people wanted to take my name as a symbol of HEROICS. Now on the CHINK statement of the ESPN corespondent. As anyone who has ever been in the public spotlight, whether it be a reporter, politician, or a public speaker, YOU can only say what you mean, How others respond to what you say is in their understanding. Their UNDERSTANDING, is limited to their vocabulary. In some parts of our country we order a COKE. Some parts of the country we order a COLA, while in others we order a SODA. Get my drift? Dictionary meaning for CHINK is: A crack, cleft, or fissure: a chink in a wall. Or as we have all heard a chink in the armor. meaning Not perfect. The fired ESPN employee statement was… “Chink in the Armor” — after the Knicks lost to the New Orleans Hornets Friday night. Now considering the Knicks had not lost a game with Jeremy Lin. When they did lose, (although Lin still played an outstanding game, it proved they (Knicks were not perfect, even with Lin). Therefore a “chink”, a flaw in their game. Enough said. I think the people who think this is a slur, will find the only slur is in their mind. For it is in their minds “chink” is a slur. I know many people who are like this. In this usage it was not a slur. I don’t know all the terms of the English language. Just let me put it this way. Had the reporter stated “Jeremy Lin is a chink” (No disrespect here Mr. Lin. Merely making a point ). That would be a slur. But to say there is a.. “Chink in the Armor” while referring to the Knicks…can hardly be considered a slur. Perhaps indeed, Dan Fastenberg (AOL writer) during his report on the TV Show Undercover Boss (which I personally do not waste my time watching) stated the CEO of Checkers, and Rallys fast burger chain “… Silva’s time on “Undercover Boss” was a true chance to see the chinks in the armor of the fast food empire…” Using the same standards, should not Mr. Fastenberg be fired? Ah, how our language changes day to day. What will be next word that is to become a slur? That Is How I See It. Post Views: 122
Parents Must Pay For Bus Ride To School
Franklin Township in central Indiana sold school buses to an independent firm for $1. Now parents of the children in this district have a choice to make. Take them to school, and pick them up. (Which would have been impossible for me as a working single parent). Let them walk in the dark of the morning. Dark because Supreme Ruler Mitch Daniels, deemed Indiana, a state which lines up in the CENTRAL time zone, observe ATLANTIC time (AKA Eastern DAYLIGHT SAVINGS time). Which puts Indiana residents 2 hours ahead of the sun. Thus children walking in the dark to school. Or, PAY about $475.oo a year for the first student in the family, with a discount for other children of the family. From what I read a family of 2 students will pay $900.oo So, the way I figure it the rest of the families students ride for $425.oo each. That means a family who is either living on unemployment, or welfare, or working and earning the minimum wage will really have little choice, but to make them walk, and risk being kidnapped. Hit by a car or truck or/and harmed in some way. Heck it would be a drain on any family. By the time you clothe, and pay at least a couple of dollars for school lunches, extra curricular fees, and book rentals. Plus the BUS fee of approximately $50.oo, per sport, per student participant imposed on them. This all started when the Franklin Township school board decided they wanted more money than was available and wanted to raise taxes. The referendum was voted down. So, it seems to me their reaction, was an immature…We’ll make you pay one way or the other! Other schools, faced the same cost cutting measures, and most have met the cuts needed without any repercussions. The most penalties, school districts have made is a modest bus fee for sports, and extra curricular activities. But in some areas the business people have donated the money to cover those fees. A pride in their communities. Some schools/sports are putting on charity events to cover these costs. These are public schools using tax payer money. What effect will this have on the community? Will people move away? Will business close due to lack of customers, or workforce. With a drop in enrollment also comes a drop in state funds. The formula is so convoluted, I’m surprised a lawyer can figure it out. But the way it seems to me, a smaller school get less money from the state than a larger school. (Which seems a little unfair). Each day or part thereof missed by a student equals a deduction in the amount received by that school. I’ve rambled on too long. What it appears we have here is a very greedy school system which has little empathy with the well being of the community children and a lust for more money. It would serve them right if everyone moved out of their district, (which I know they either can’t or won’t). I believe it is time for the voters, community leaders, and parents, take back the school system. It seems apparent to me the school board has no concern about their students. Will the harm the children face walking to school in the dark. Or the hardship put on families affect the members. Probably not. The only thing that will affect them is a loss of MONIES. Could this happen to your children? Is your community next? That Is How I See It. have been Post Views: 143
Hope You Had a Happy 4th
The 4th of July when we celebrate the signing of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. The beginning of our country. The Pilgrims came to our shores to escape religious persecution. In fact our 1 st Amendment states.: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Yet as we celebrate our DAY OF FREEDOM, we must look at the rights we have lost,: and there are many of them. Remember just recently our 4th Amendment, barring illegal entry of our homes, was struck down by the Supreme Court, by upholding a ruling that police no longer need a warrant to barge into our homes, and we lost our right to defend our homes from police action. Sometime ago our SUPREME COURT sided with a minority led by the ACLU (Anti Christian Lawyers Union). When they errantly interpreted our 1 st amendment. What they are missing. The SEPARATION of STATE and CHURCH. Was actually meant to protect our right OF, (Not FROM as your local ACLU would have you believe) religion. You remember at the top of this post I said the Pilgrims cane here to flee religious persecution. Well that was what was happening. EXAMPLE: Some states were mandating the prevailing sect of that area, or of the ruling class. (Yes we did not have royalty. But like now we have the wealthy who can make the most noise, and thus assumed to be the leaders of the people). Perhaps in one State, let us say predominately Methodist. This sect would be essentially the state adopted religion. While a Baptist minister might be jailed for preaching the Baptist beliefs in this state. In a neighboring State, The state may favor the Baptist, and the Catholic priest may be in jail. Do you see what I am getting at? Separation of State and Church was meant to keep the STATE from mandating a religious sect. (Religion, if you will). Not to remove GOD from our country. We hold these truths to be that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. CREATOR as explains. The Creator, GOD. Hope you had a happy 4 th of July. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 213
I just read in USA Today an article which states our United States Supreme Court by a vote of 8 to 1 voted to support WARRANTLESS ENTRY. Essentially, from what I understand, the 8 justices voted to leave it up to the individual POLICE , THE PEOPLE, no claim to the 4th Amendment. We all know what that means. Now I can’t say about all Law Enforcement Officers, in the area I live our Police feel they are above the law, as it is. This disturbing ruling just gives them more power they aren’t equipped to handle. How many times have we recently read where our people sworn to “SERVE and PROTECT” have overstepped their boundaries, and above the law. I can’t tell you how many have been caught and punished. But more have not been caught. I have seen them make arrests for underage drinking, confiscating the beverages, the late saw them selling to underage drinkers from the trunk of their cruiser. I know of one Chief of Police who became a cop because he was arrested in Florida for drugs. His father just happened to be mayor of his home town and convinced the Florida Police his son was a member of our local police force and was working undercover. When he came back he was on the police force. We all know of his continued involvement in drugs, but are helpless to do anything about it. A member of our County Sheriff’s department was investigating him. He was STRONGLY advised to “back off”. Our county commissioners are pretty much in the same boat. When I asked them about it I was told this. “If we act, we cannot be sure that our children or other family members may not be arrested for drugs. He has a reputation of planting drugs, on innocent people. Or in their vehicles or homes. Only Ruth Bader Ginsburg voted against this action stating the it was an affront to our constitutional 4th Ammendment Right. That Is How I See It. have been became Post Views: 151
Fourth Ammendment Overturned?
MUNSTER, INDIANA. A small town approximately 29 miles SE of Chicago, Illinois. Court rules CITIZENS do not have the right to resist illegal entry of POLICE. Is this a violation of our Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. This amendment in our BILL OF RIGHTS, (The rights of people), reads. RIGHT OF SEARCH AND SEIZURE RESTRICTED The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. You may want to read this again just to be sure you read it the same as I do. Which I interpret to mean. People are to be SECURE in the knowledge that the GOVERNMENT, (police included) can not just enter your house, without either your invitation, or acquiring a warrant and undergoing the proper channels to secure the warrant. If these rules are not followed it is CONSTITUTIONALLY ILLEGAL entry. Just the same as if they were burglars. HOWEVER, the INDIANA SUPREME COURT ruled 3 to 2 against the 4th Amendment. Stating, “The Court is the place to resist”. In other words we will decide (after the fact),. No properly issued warrant is necessary for police to storm your house, and do whatever they please. Then if you survive, and are willing and can afford to fight in court The STATE, (essentially, the employer of the police, will decide if it was legal). The story behind this ruling is this. A man yelled at and blocked police entry to his home during an alleged DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE, call. (I say Alleged because I found no evidence to justify such a call in my investigation. I do not have access to the records, and did not travel the distance for further evidence. Therefore it may have been called in by someone). By the way the man was tasered. I don’t know if any other charges were filed or if they even found anything. This is one of those things the ACLU (American Civil liberties, Union) was created to protect. But most likely will not pursue. Because they are now the ANTI CHRISTIAN LAWYERS UNION, and will only get involved if it is a way to remove GOD from our country. Do we now live in a POLICE STATE? Let me know if you think I am wrong, Or express your opinion if you think I am right’ That Is How I See It. have been involved Post Views: 185