[adrotate group=”1″] I am no expert on what I am about to bring up. Merely a possibility, The Singapore flagged ship which crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. The Pilot claims to have lost control of the ship. Could this be the case? Very much so. Is it possible some terrorist group remotely took over control. I don’t know. It just seems odd the bridge is the Francis Scott Key Bridge, (Francis Scott Key the writer of the poem, “The Defence of Fort McHenry”. Now known as the United States of America’s National Anthem, “THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER” Written while watching the bombardment of the fort by British Navy in Outer Baltimore Port in the PATAPSCO RIVER. (Same River) HERE is some things I found researching the possibility of a remote control take over. The Dali, a Singapore-flagged container vessel, collided with the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. Here are the key points: Incident Details: The Dali collided with the bridge, causing it to collapse into the Patapsco River. Video evidence captured the ship’s approach and subsequent loss of control. Police radio traffic reported steering failure just before the collision. Remote Control Possibility: While the incident does not directly involve remote control, the concept of remotely operated vessels exists. Large robotic ships equipped with cameras, radars, and GPS can be operated from land-based control centers. Investigations will determine the precise cause, but there is no evidence of intentional remote guidance. Advancements in Maritime Technology: Autonomous and remotely operated ships are transforming the industry. The Dali incident highlights the need for safety protocols and further research in vessel control systems. NOTE: I HAVE NO REAL PROOF. THIS IS MERELY CONJECTURE !! An American Veteran exercising my first amendment right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH ! Post Views: 119
Category: Consiracy
[adrotate group=”1″] Central America has a rich and complex past, shaped by political upheavals, economic transformations, and social struggles. From its early days as part of the Spanish Empire to the tumultuous events of the 20th century, Central America has witnessed significant changes. Here’s a concise overview: Colonial Era and Independence: After centuries of Spanish colonization, Central America declared independence from the Spanish Empire in 1821. The region initially formed the Federal Republic of Central America, which included present-day countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica . However, this federation was short-lived. By 1822, some Central American countries were annexed by the First Mexican Empire under Emperor Agustín de Iturbide. Yet, they regained their independence and reconstituted the federal republic in 1823 . Economic Landscape and Social Struggles: In the aftermath of World War II, Latin America’s economic landscape underwent significant changes. The United Kingdom and the United States held political and economic interests in the region. Central America’s economy shifted from relying solely on agricultural exports to promoting internal development. However, this new system often favored capital over labor, leading to socioeconomic disparities . The most marginalized members of society faced unjust land tenure, labor coercion, and unequal political representation. Large corporations exerted influence, displacing self-sufficient farmers and workers . Central American Crisis (1970s-1990s): The late 1970s marked the onset of the Central American crisis. Major civil wars and communist revolutions erupted across the region. The United States feared that communist victories would isolate South America if Central American governments fell to pro-Soviet forces. Consequently, the U.S. supported right-wing governments against left-wing guerrillas . Notable events: Nicaragua: The Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) overthrew the Somoza dictatorship in 1979. The U.S. opposed the revolution due to FSLN’s communist sympathies and backed anti-left-wing rebels . El Salvador: The Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) fought against the military-led government. The U.S. supported the Salvadoran military and supplied arms . Guatemala: Civil war raged between 1962 and 1996, following a CIA-backed coup in 1954 . Legacy and Challenges: The Central American crisis left scars—thousands lost their lives, and societies grappled with trauma. Today, Central America faces ongoing challenges, including poverty, violence, and migration. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, further impact the region . In summary, Central America’s history is a tapestry of struggle, resilience, and transformation. From colonial beginnings to modern complexities, this region continues to shape its destiny. [adrotate group=”1″] Post Views: 120
[adrotate group=”1″] When I attended school way back in the 1950s, we were taught the 3 AMERICAS. 1. North America: Canada, United States of America, and Mexico. Then there was 2. Central America: Now made up of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. However, you rarely, (if ever), hear Central America mentioned. Did North America eat up these countries, OR did South America take them over? So I decided to do a little research. This is all I could come up with. Apparently this area is still CENTRAL AMERICA, seems the MEDIA is unaware of the existence of Central America. This will be a two post story. Please let me know… DOES CENTRAL AMERICA STILL EXIST? PART 1. Central America, a region steeped in history and complexity, has witnessed profound changes over the centuries. From colonial conquests to modern-day struggles, its story is one of resilience, tragedy, and hope. In this blog post, we explore the disappearance of Central America—a disappearance not of landmass but of lives, dreams, and stability. Roots of Inequality and Violence Central America’s woes trace back to the age of Spanish colonization. The legacy of inequality and violence has haunted the region for centuries. Here are some key factors: Spanish Conquest: The arrival of Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century marked the beginning of a tumultuous era. Indigenous populations were subjugated, their lands seized, and their cultures suppressed. The seeds of inequality were sown. Elites vs. Populations: Over time, small criminal elites thrived at the expense of the masses. These elites controlled resources, perpetuating poverty and injustice. The majority struggled to survive, caught in a cycle of exploitation. US Intervention: The United States played a pivotal role in Central America’s fate. Sometimes unintentionally, other times deliberately, US actions shaped the region. Whether motivated by profit or ideology, the consequences were far-reaching. The Desperate Exodus Fast-forward to the present day. Families in Central America face a hellish existence—a reality the US has helped create. Here’s how: Costly Journeys: Desperate to escape violence, poverty, and hopelessness, migrants embark on perilous journeys. The cost of smuggling services has skyrocketed—from $1,000 to up to $12,000. Families take out loans, hoping that reaching the US will be their salvation. US Policies: US foreign policy has often favored the powerful and wealthy. When activists championed the dispossessed, the US either intervened against them or turned a blind eye to their plight. The result? Families flee their homes, seeking refuge from a system that failed them. Unintended Consequences: Enforcement measures aimed at curbing illegal immigration inadvertently increased the stakes. Failure meant debt, and the only way to repay it was to keep trying. Women and children migrate, hoping to stay together. The Missing Voices Central America’s disappearance isn’t just about physical borders—it’s about the missing voices. More than two-thirds of migrants fleeing the northern triangle countries (Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador) have experienced murder, disappearance, or kidnapping . The toll is staggering: Guatemala: More than 45,000. El Salvador: Over 5,000. A Call for Change Central America’s struggle continues. Poverty, violence, and corruption persist. But so does resilience. Communities fight for justice, families search for their loved ones, and activists raise their voices. As we reflect on Central America’s disappearance, let us remember the faces behind the statistics—the lives lost, the dreams shattered. And let us advocate for a world where no one vanishes into the void, where every voice matters. In the end, Central America’s story isn’t one of disappearance; it’s a story of survival, endurance, and the unwavering quest for a better tomorrow. [adrotate group=”1″] Post Views: 122
Non-Politics View of Biden Presidency
As I have stated many times in my posts. I AM NOT REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT. I have no political allegiance. THERE IS NO ROOM FOR POLITICS IN GOVENMENT. My Observations during my life span is that POPULAR PRESIDENTS are the ones who do nothing UNPOPULAR PRESIDENTS are the ones who DO something. The last 4 years we had an unpopular president. (As seen by the MEDIA), Right or Wrong President Trump tried to do something. However he was faced by a Democrat packed HOUSE. Unlike any I have seen. They were SO disappointed of not SEATING Hillary Clinton, (which would have been a disaster for our Good Old USA. (My opinion). They never had time to do anything for “US”. The ONLY AGENDA on their 4 year shift; was to undercut the “REPUBLICAN” , who defeated their Dear Hillary. It didn’t matter if it were Donald Trump, or you, or I who defeated H.R. Clinton. The agenda would have still been the same. Undercut the person who won out over her. Now, don’t get me wrong. I did not agree with everything, our President said or did. But he TRIED to some good things. Only to meet opposition. In fact I would have voted for Biden; had he been the Democratic candidate rather than Clinton. This year was different. I found Biden to be somewhat INDECISIVE. It is MY OPINION The Democrats are using him as a pawn, to advance their Socialistic views. (As in Union Soviet SOCIALIST Republic). The “HOUSE”, has already began laying the foundation to remove Biden from office. Remember when the “PELOSI FAMILY”, was plotting to make it so “ THE HOUSE”, could declare the President “UNFIT “? My personally conducted “STRAW POLL” , came to the following conclusion: Biden is given at most 1 year as President, before the HOUSE begins the procedure to deem him UNFIT. Thereby achieving their immediate goal of a WOMAN PRESIDENT. I hope I am wrong. I hope Biden will wake up and see how the Democrats intend to use him, and actually accomplishes something. I hope I am wrong about the plot of the “PELOSI FAMILY”. That is HOW I SEE IT! Post Views: 119
The Native American Mascot GENOCIDE !!
GENOCIDE The DELIBERATE and SYSTEMATIC EXTERMINATION of a National, Political, Racial, or CULTURAL GROUP. It appears to me the “MEDIA”, has triggered a movement to eradicate the MEMORY, of our Native American Culture. We now see few movies featuring the “INDIAN”. Westerns we all watched, most of the time, featured the Indian in a fashion that could be interpreted in a bad light. The Massacre of Custer’s troops. Attacking wagon trains, etc. etc. Then we also had the ones which showed the other side the “Indians” who worked as Scouts for the Calvary. SACAGAWEA, Who was instrumental in the movement to push the boundaries of the United States to the Pacific Ocean. Without her, the USA may have ended at the Mississippi River. Let’s not forget the “INDIANS” who befriended the first SETTLERS, and saved their live by teaching them how to grow keeps in this “Untamed Land”. We had Tonto, faithful companion to The Lone Ranger, NOT just a companion, BUT actually his life saver. And many more. In reality many of us wanted to be the “INDIAN” when we played Cowboys and “INDIANS”. We admired the family values, they depicted. We appreciated their courage. Their tenacity to hold on to their Land and way of LIFE. WHO? Among us would not FIGHT to defend our LAND, OUR WAY OF LIFE. We took away their Land, Food, and most likely their dignity. We moved them around, for our convenience. Put them on little parcels of land called RESERVATIONS. Before we came this whole country was theirs. They welcomed us with open arms, and we treated them badly. Now the NCAA and PRO Sports, even our Primary Schools, are wanting to abolish the use of any reference of the “INDIAN”. I know of a small town about 20 miles from where I live, began as an “INDIAN” village. The school there taught them our ways, and took their name as the school’s nickname. Thanks to school consolidation, the town has only an elementary school, but still carries the “INDIAN” name. The meaning has several interpretations today, from the native name of a type of TREE, to what they called EELS. HISTORY LOST. But ask any of the alumni, or any of the townspeople. They are proud of the that name regardless of what it means. By removing the last remnants, the team NICKNAMES, and MASCOTS; the GENOCIDE, of our Native Americans will move closer to being nothing more than a footnote in history. These Mascots, (even if not exactly accurate), remind of the American Heritage. There were many Tribes. Few of us know more than a handful of their names. But with the Colleges, Pro, and Primary Schools, we find our last tributes, to the brave native people who settled here long before “”AMERICANS”‘, thought of coming here. What people are missing is this. The names were given with respect and admiration. Whether, like the nickname of the school previously mentioned, (remember the tree, or eel, or whatever it meant). Or a local tribe, or chief, or warrior. They remain as a reminder, lest we forget… If you have noticed I used quotation marks each time I wrote “INDIAN”. American should be used. The word “INDIAN” came about because Chris Columbus thought he was in INDIA. In conclusion, I think removing these last few reminders, of the REAL American, would be an absolute tragedy. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 120
I feel sorrow for the families of both victims, and shooters family. It is a hard thing to accept on both sides. That a friend or family member uselessly had their life terminated, or suffered injury. Some of which could prove to be a life altering thing. I am certain the memory will always be life changing. The shooter’s family, because it has to be hard to accept the fact that someone you knew,cared for, and LOVED, could possibly be involved in such a cowardly act. By the way ISIS has reportedly admitted they were behind the attack. CAN YOU SAY “TERRORIST”? Apparently Barack nor Hillary can’t. Hillary and her gun hating lemmings will have a field day with this one as they always do. It seems they look forward to unfortunate events, (I don’t particular like to use “event” here but, I think it adequately fits, the way Hillary/Barack look at this); It gives them a exvuse to strut their DIS-ARMING AMERICA agenda. I can’t help but wonder how they would feel if the people they have guarding them were to suddenly lose the guns. Then the agents would not be there. I can’t afford to hire people to be my personal guards. That would put them on equal ground with me. Walking around in a city or country side with no means to protect me from harm. Many times I read of people in perfectly NICE neighborhoods being injured or killed. Not just guns,…. But Knives, Arrows, Strangulation, Arson. Beaten to death, just to name a few. Many times when I go to major sporting events, or Conventions, I must make my way on dark streets, or by alleyways, or even recessed doorways. AND don’t give me that old “police presence” will protect me. I could be attacked and my assailant far away before the nearest police officer could come to my aid. BUT, if I get to my destination I most likely not be allowed to have any means of protection on me. Thus I am open to attack. Excuse me for straying a little, however I believe it is important in relating my feeling on these MASS KILLINGS. 1. Have these anti gun people realized. MOST ALL, of these mass killings have been in “gun free” zones. Schools, Churches, even Government buildings, or annexes. Cowards will take a path of least resistance. FIFTY people killed. I just can’t help but wonder why so many killed and injured before police arrived. After all according to the anti gun people this is why we have them to protect and prevent something like this from happening. Always in the right place at the right time. (Apparently even after they arrived). Perhaps if one or two of the patrons, or employees had a a legally permited GUN; MAYBE, JUST, one of them could have stopped the perpetrator, before all of the death and injury. HOW, many people might still be alive? Uninjured? If only HALF of them, heck even one would have been saved. Isn’t that worth something? Apparently not according to those who want to be like Hitler, and those others whose first steps were to disarm the citizenry). GEE! Just think if the British had of thought of this we COULD all still be British subjects, OR overrun by some other country. 2. While, as a CHRISTIAN, I can’t condone homosexuality. But neither do I wish to give up my rights to them either. I, in fact, still can’t stop wondering if a boy in a neighboring school, of mine, who everyone knew was a homosexual, but no one I know of treated him any differently, BUT the fact that when he “hit the beach” of Viet Nam, It was reported he was the first one killed. Enemy coincidence, or was he killed by “friendly fire” I have always wondered about that. I am affronted by their constant public displays (as a group), (“LGBT”). It would appear to me, this group of people were not hurting anyone, they were not blatantly displaying their sexuality in anyone’s face, The assassin may have been known to some of the club attendees, as it was stated he was a “REGULAR” at the club. BUT it is not my place to judge them. That is up to GOD. I am not qualified to say what his Judgement will be. I guess I am more offended by what appears to me a CALL to put my religious beliefs on the back burner while demanding I accept their lifestyle. I treat all people equally, unless they give me reason not to. Being Homosexual is not one of them. But I would surely like to be able to use the word “GAY” properly, and not have it confused with homosexual . As it is now used, apparently everyone in the 1890’s were homosexual. “GAY NINETIES” We even had a little eating place “very small, really good food. The name was GAY DAN’S. ( meaning a fun place to eat, apparently owned by someone named DAN). When homosexuals became associated with the word “GAY” the small eating chain had to close it’s doors. 3. Need for more extensive background checks? EXCUSE ME! I believe the FBI investigated Omar Marteen at least 3 times, before he purchased his weapons. Why this didn’t trigger a flag on the background check is beyond me. That seems pretty EXTENSIVE to me. In the state where I live we have the NICS background check, even when purchasing a squirrel rifle. I also know IF there is a flag of something unverified, or whatevere reason, the inquiry comes back with a hold, ( I think of 5 or 7 days), so a more extensive background check can be made. 4. A woman I recall being interviewed about gun laws, stated, “All anyone has to do is go online and buy a gun and have it shipped to his door.” Ignorance of the law is no excuse. In my state, YES! I… Continue reading ORLANDO PULSE CLUB SHOOTING, MY THOUGHTS.
Minimum Wage Debate (My View)
Do We Need A New National Minimum Wage?? There are arguments FOR and AGAINST. Most of you have heard the arguments FOR. Fast food restaurants, janitorial workers, migrant workers, etc, etc.. (Aside: Does a sentence ending in an abbreviation need 1 period, or 2; one for the end of the abbreviation, and one to end a sentence. If you know please tell me). I realize these are low paying jobs, with little benefits. BUT: what about the waitresses , for example. In the state I live, these people earn about $2-$3, an hour. The reason for this is the proprietors expect the patrons to pay their help. (TIPS), This is another topic for later. True some waiters/waitresses make big tips. I was speaking to a WAITER, who works in our State Capital, near all the Convention Centers, and Athletic Arenas. This restaurant is well known all across the USA. The wealthier clients entertain there quite often. He told me he and his colleagues earn between $60,000.oo and $70,000.oo, in TIPS a year. But away from there in your average town I have noticed the average tip is about $1.oo per Person. Therefore you can add that to the low wage paid and they are still making less than the average fast food server. In just this instance we have a huge difference in pay. So you raise the Minimum wage for the small town wait people, to lets say $10.oo an hour. That sounds good. Specially to the ones in the big City Fancy Restaurants who are making the $60-70,ooo.oo tips. (by the way the wait people in our area are required by the management to split their TIPS with the BUSBOY, COOK, DISHWASHER, and I have been told the owner of the establishment in some cases. So a minimum wage raise may help some people, and others even more. But how will this affect the Senior Citizen. The same Citizen who financed the bailouts, by not getting Social Security raises for 2 years running. When I calculated the money the government saved more than doubled the amount used for the bailout. My friend who was forced into retirement, and lost not only money in his 401k, but was forced to spend it to pay off bills that would have been paid, had he been able to work the next 6 years as had been planned. (His place of employment closed it’s doors. Although qualified and able he could not get a job. Why? AGE. Not what he was told but the real reason). Making him rely heavily on Social Security for his needs. He showed me his check, after working, and paying into Social Security for 45 years his check, after the government takes out for his MEDICARE. Oh yes they take that out of your Social Security check. Break the remainder down to a40 hour week, then down to per hour. His gross pay is $6.49 an hour. (Which puts him, I believe, below poverty level. This before he pays his Supplemental Insurance, which helps pay what Medicare does not. Plus he has to pay for Eye Care, Dental, and Medicine. This Supplemental Insurance costs him $150.oo a month, and his insurance agent tells him that will go up effective the first of August. He tells me this insurance goes up more each year the small raise he gets. In other words he goes further behind each year. Will he get a raise to even things out in purchasing power. Well not as long as Obama, is in office. So. What is my point you ask. Raising the minimum wage will put more money in some people’s pocket. Business knowing there is more money out there will merely raise their prices, thus negating the raise. It always happens. The government will take in more money, via taxes. People will cheer a Minimum Wage Increase. What they don’t understand is it is merely a sham. They won’t be able to live any better. So What Is The Point? T hat Is How I See It. PS: Sorry if I rambled on and strayed, but I think you get the idea. Post Views: 116
False Advertising Or Oversight
What constitutes False Advertising ? Does anyone know. I’m sure the lawyers all have a different idea, depending on the side they are defending. I have my definition. False Advertising is the altering, omission, or just plain lying about your product. When I went to Dictionary.com, it said “ask a lawyer”. Ha Ha. Here I am only going to deal with a single product. I don’t use this product because it states one thing which is, as far as I can tell, is false advertising, But also because I can’t stomach the item it falsely claims as something it isn’t. By product name. It is Campbell’s V-8 Juice. The can states “100 % Vegetable Juice from concentrate….with added ingredients. First of all if it has added ingredients, HOW can it be 100% Vegetable Juice. Now let us look at the JUICES. Carrots. Okay I guess you can extract juice from carrots. I have never been able to. I suppose if you put it into a blender and whatever you do with it you may come up with a juice like substance. But I have never had a juicy carrot. Celery. Well I have had some celery that I would consider juicy. Beets, Yuck. But I have seen juice around beets when they are served. Parsley. I am not sure on this one. When I eat parsley it has at some point been in water, so I don’t know if that is Juicy or watery. Lettuce. Again I have never been able to extract juice from lettuce. Watercress. I don’t even know what this is. I have eaten it in my salads, but again; no juice. Spinach. Love raw spinach. Hate cooked spinach. No juice in raw spinach. But I see some slimy stuff when it is cooked, is that juice? Lets see that is 7 vegetables. But the container says V8. Suggesting there is Eight Vegetables. Let me look again. …………No that is all the vegetables listed. There is a FRUIT listed. Now we all know Fruit is where the juice is. Hello people, here we are. The folks at Campbell’s appear to count, TOMATOES, which any school child can tell you is a FRUIT. (This is the one item that I cannot tolerate). So should not the label say V7 F1. Just to be honest about the content. I think so. It would appear the Tomato (FRUIT) is the main ingredient. Or any way that is what it looks like to me. False Advertising? Most likely not. More like an oversight, or ignorance. I don’t know. If you like it drink it. But do remember it isn’t really V8. In truth it is V7F1. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 160
Celebrity Apprentice ?
I never watch any of the “reality” shows. However I have checked a couple of times, on the Celebrity Apprentice, (is that the name of the show). I had to see Paul Sr. from American Choppers, (I guess this one reality show I watch. Even though it isn’t as interesting as it was before they got all the fancy equipment. I enjoyed watching and learning how to do things with the tools I had). It seemed to me Paul Sr. would be so far out of his element. What I have seen, maybe a total of one (1) hour of the series, I have definitely decided the one person who would be fired the first time, is the, I don’t know how to put this politically correct, over weight woman they bill as a comedian. Sorry I don’t know her name, nor have I ever heard of her. But she is definitely the weakest contestant. I would pull my hair out if I had to work with her. She is your typical know-it-all, pushy, backstabbing, anything to get ahead ______ you fill in the blank. She would definitely have been the first one “You’re Fired”. That is my feeling. However because she is so much like Donald Trump. She will hang in there for some time. In the real world she would hang in until “The Donald” felt her to be a threat to him. He loves YES people. Most people, as he, like yes people, because they stroke their egos. Then as these yes people worm their way in they will eventually make their move to take the bosses job. They either succeed in their attempt or are disposed of. I personally have failed to see any positive she has brought to the team. But, as I said I have only watched about an hour or so of the series. I caught more of her this week when I couldn’t sleep and it was a later airing. Then I was back and forth between a better show, which happened to be about the fifth time I had seen it. Watch everyone, she is not a team player, she is an “I” player. Thus the lack of ethics. A genuine plus in “BIG BUSINESS” That Is How I See It. Post Views: 212
Indiana Super Bowl Vs Worker’s Rights
By now you all know of the struggles of the Union workers in Indiana. You also know Indiana is hosting the Super Bowl. It is too bad the legislators in Indiana refuse to listen to the people who elected them. It is too bad they do not have a sense of timing. But as we try to keep up on politics a little. (Remember I do not believe in POLITICS in GOVERNMENT). Politics get in the way of doing the bidding of the people. Looking back on the administration of one MITCH DANIELS, it is plain to see there has been no regard as to the welfare of the working man, in Indiana. He has led a government “of the people“ by “BIG BUSINESS” for “BIG BUSINESS” He finagles what ever Big Business wants, (after all they are the ones who line politicians pockets with the GREEN). It is just too bad the football fans from around the country who are visiting Indiana to be caught up in his MESS. But he tends to play on the big field. Regardless of the consequences of the STATE, COUNTRY, or PEOPLE he pretends to represent. From what I have seen of this person, I, personally can’t understand why anyone would vote for him in the first place. But the citizens of Indiana apparently did. People of America would you,(how could you), ever consider someone of his caliber for President of the United States. Oh yeah that’s right you elected Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Nevermind. So FOOTBALL fans you have a right to blame the Hoosiers, (no disrespect to Indiana University); for trying to spoil your stay in Indiana. Had they had any sense they would not have put Daniels in the position of TSAR. So I recommend you just ignore the fact Daniels intentionally put you in the middle of his MESS. Enjoy the weather Indiana is experiencing. Enjoy the Game. NFL owner, remember what Daniels has put you in the middle of his MESS. Remember this well if Indiana ever wants you back for another Super Bowl. That Is How I See It. PS. I remember seeing one of his campaign speeches in which he states would never back or sign any legislation that interfered with worker rights. Post Views: 142