Public Service Announcement (PSA): Personal Safety in Extreme Cold Weather at Outdoor Football Stadiums

  Introduction Attending a football game in an outdoor stadium during extreme cold weather can be an exciting experience, but it also comes with significant risks. Hypothermia, frostbite, dehydration, and other cold-related illnesses are real dangers that can impact your health and safety. This PSA is designed to guide you through every step of your game-day experience—from arrival to departure—ensuring you remain safe, warm, and able to enjoy the game without unnecessary risks. Before You Leave: Preparation is Key Proper preparation is the most effective way to protect yourself from extreme cold weather. Here’s what you should do before heading to the stadium: 1. Check the Weather Forecast How long will you be out Look at the forecasted temperature, wind chill, and the possibility of snow, ice, or freezing rain. Consider how long you will be outside, including pre-game tailgating and post-game traffic delays. 2. Dress in Layers Layering is the best way to maintain body heat while allowing flexibility to adjust your clothing if needed. Base Layer (Moisture-Wicking Material): Avoid cotton, which retains moisture. Instead, choose thermal or synthetic fabrics that wick sweat away. Middle Layer (Insulation Layer): Opt for fleece, down, or wool to trap body heat. Outer Layer (Windproof and Waterproof): A high-quality winter coat with wind and water resistance is essential. Additional Cold-Weather Gear Headgear: A thick beanie or insulated hat that covers your ears. Neck Protection: A scarf, neck gaiter, or balaclava. Gloves and Hand Warmers: Insulated gloves or mittens with hand warmers inside. Thermal Socks and Footwear: Wool socks and insulated, waterproof boots to keep your feet warm and dry. 3. Essential Gear to Bring Hand and Foot Warmers: These disposable heat packs provide extra warmth. Blanket: A thermal or fleece blanket can provide additional warmth. Poncho or Rain Gear: Protects against wet snow or freezing rain. Extra Socks and Gloves: In case they get wet. High-Calorie Snacks: Your body burns more energy in the cold, so bring energy bars, nuts, or trail mix. Hot Drinks in a Thermos: Hot chocolate, tea, or coffee can help maintain warmth. Emergency Supplies: A small flashlight, whistle, and emergency blanket in case of an emergency. Arrival at the Stadium 1. Plan Your Transportation If driving, ensure your car is winter-ready with full antifreeze, an ice scraper, and a winter emergency kit. If using public transport, check for delays and service interruptions due to weather conditions. If walking, use well-lit, cleared paths to avoid slipping on ice. 2. Parking and Entry Precautions Choose parking spots with clear pathways and minimal ice. Walk carefully on icy surfaces; use small steps and wear traction-enhancing footwear. Be aware of large crowds pushing through narrow entrances—slipping hazards increase in these conditions. During the Game: Staying Warm and Safe 1. Protect Yourself from the Wind Wind chill can make temperatures feel much colder than they actually are. Sit near a barrier if possible, or bring a windproof blanket to shield yourself. 2. Keep Moving Stand up and stretch periodically to maintain circulation. Wiggle fingers and toes regularly to prevent numbness or frostbite. 3. Stay Hydrated Cold air can be dehydrating, so drink water throughout the game. Avoid excessive alcohol, as it dilates blood vessels, increasing heat loss. 4. Recognize Signs of Cold-Related Illness Hypothermia Symptoms: Shivering, confusion, drowsiness, slurred speech. If you or someone near you exhibits these, seek medical help immediately. Frostbite Symptoms: Numbness, white or grayish-yellow skin, waxy or firm skin. Move to a warmer area if symptoms appear. 5. Know Where Emergency Help is Located Identify first-aid stations and emergency personnel upon arrival. If feeling unwell, seek shelter in heated areas. After the Game: Departure Safety 1. Avoid the Rush Large crowds rushing out can cause trampling or slipping hazards. Consider staying seated for a few extra minutes before leaving. If walking back to your car or public transport, use designated walkways to avoid ice patches. 2. Check Your Vehicle Before Driving Warm up your car before driving but never in an enclosed space. Clear all snow and ice from windows, mirrors, and lights. Drive cautiously on potentially icy roads. 3. Look Out for Others If you see someone struggling with the cold, assist them or alert stadium personnel. Make sure your group stays together, especially in severe conditions. Conclusion: Enjoy the Game Safely Attending a football game in extreme cold weather can be a memorable experience if you take the right precautions. By preparing properly, staying warm, recognizing cold-related illnesses, and being cautious during departure, you can ensure a fun and safe event. Stay warm, stay safe, and enjoy the game! Post Views: 27

If Elected I Will: Promises Made by Politicians

  Election time is here ! We can tell by the sprouting of signs in lawns, billboards, newspapers, TV and Radio ads.  (which is, it seems at least one or two out three ads).  They fall into three different catagories.  One is telling you how bad a person their opponent is.  The second is telling you what a terrific person the one who’s being told what a louse he is by his opponent.  The Third is PROMISES, that are in truth what the politician thinks the people he represents want to hear.  So, today let’s take a short look at how valid, or likely those freely strewn promises have of actually happening.  It is really more complicated than what we see here; but this will give you somewhat of an idea how most of the things promised Won’t happen.  I would much rather hear, “These are the things I WANT to do”.   Rather than, “This what I WILL do, if elected”.  Doesn’t that sound more truthful? So here we go. When politicians run for office, they often make a variety of promises to the electorate. These campaign promises are designed to align with their constituents’ values and concerns, and are intended to illustrate the candidates’ goals if they are elected. However, it is true that these promises sometimes extend beyond what the politicians themselves can personally deliver. Let’s look at some of the reasons why this is the case. 1. Separation of Powers: In many democratic societies, powers are divided among different branches of government. For example, in the United States, power is split between executive, legislative, and judicial branches. If a candidate running for an executive office (like President or Governor) makes a promise that requires legislation to be passed or changed, they will need cooperation from the legislative branch where lawmakers may not share their views or objectives. 2. Opposition: Politicians often face opposition from other elected officials who either have different views or might not want them to succeed for political reasons. This opposition can come from within their own party (intra-party) or from other parties (inter-party). This opposition might block or delay legislation needed to fulfill certain promises. 3. External Constraints: Sometimes events outside a politician’s control can hinder their ability to fulfill promises made during campaigns. The economy could enter a recession; there could be natural disasters; international events could demand time and resources–all these factors can divert attention and resources away from certain campaign promises. 4. Public Opinion: Public opinion can shift over time due to external factors or changes in societal attitudes which may make it difficult for politicians to keep certain campaign promises without risking public approval. 5. Constraints by Law and Constitution: Many countries have constitutions that place restrictions on what government bodies can do within their jurisdiction which may limit a politician’s ability to fulfill some election promises. Despite these constraints, it’s important for citizens in any democracy to hold elected officials accountable for their campaign pledges within these realistic limits. If a politician consistently fails to meet their promises without good reason, voters can express their dissatisfaction at the ballot box in the next election. An educated electorate is a key pillar of any healthy democracy, and understanding the real constraints politicians face can help voters make informed decisions about which candidates truly have their best interests at heart. Post Views: 153


This article comes to us from our friend; and occasional contributor O.L. Thymer.  Thanks OLT, The devices and implements used for fighting plant enemies are of two sorts: (1) Those used to afford mechanical protection to the plants; (2) Those used to apply insecticides and fungicides. Of the first the most useful is the covered frame. It consists usually of a wooden box, some eighteen inches to two feet square and about eight inches high, covered with glass, protecting cloth, mosquito netting or mosquito wire. The first two coverings have, of course, the additional advantage of retaining heat and protecting from cold, making it possible by their use to plant earlier than is otherwise safe. They are used extensively in getting an extra early and safe start with cucumbers, melons and the other vine vegetables. Simpler devices for protecting newly-set plants, such as tomatoes or cabbage, from the cut-worm, are stiff, tin, cardboard or tar paper collars, which are made several inches high and large enough to be put around the stem and penetrate an inch or so into the soil. For applying poison powders, the home gardener should supply himself with a powder gun. If one must be restricted to a single implement, however, it will be best to get one of the hand-power, compressed-air sprayers. These are used for applying wet sprays, and should be supplied with one of the several forms of mist-making nozzles, the non-cloggable automatic type being the best. For more extensive work a barrel pump, mounted on wheels, will be desirable, but one of the above will do a great deal of work in little time. Extension rods for use in spraying trees and vines may be obtained for either. For operations on a very small scale a good hand-syringe may be used, but as a general thing it will be best to invest a few dollars more and get a small tank sprayer, as this throws a continuous stream or spray and holds a much larger amount of the spraying solution. Whatever type is procured, get a brass machine it will out-wear three or four of those made of cheaper metal, which succumbs very quickly to the, corroding action of the strong poisons and chemicals used in them. Of implements for harvesting, beside the spade, prong-hoe and spading- fork, very few are used in the small garden, as most of them need not only long rows to be economically used, but horse- power also. The onion harvester attachment for the double wheel hoe, may be used with advantage in loosening onions, beets, turnips, etc., from the soil or for cutting spinach. Running the hand- plow close on either side of carrots, parsnips and other deep-growing vegetables will aid materially in getting them out. For fruit picking, with tall trees, the wire-fingered fruit-picker, secured to the end of a long handle, will be of great assistance, but with the modern method of using low-headed trees it will not be needed. Another class of garden implements are those used in pruning but where this is attended to properly from the start, a good sharp jack-knife and a pair of pruning shears will easily handle all the work of the kind necessary. Still another sort of garden device is that used for supporting the plants; such as stakes, trellises, wires, etc. Altogether too little attention usually is given these, as with proper care in storing over winter they will not only last for years, but add greatly to the convenience of cultivation and to the neat appearance of the garden. As a final word to the intending purchaser of garden tools, I would say: first thoroughly investigate the different sorts available, and when buying, do not forget that a good tool or a well-made machine will be giving you satisfactory use long, long after the price is forgotten, while a poor one is a constant source of discomfort. Get good tools, and take good care of them. And let me repeat that a few dollars a year, judiciously spent, for tools afterward well cared for, will soon give you a very complete set, and add to your garden profit and pleasure. Post Views: 113


I was raised on a farm and rural town.  So Hunting was a natural thing.  We planted our own garden, raised our own hogs, beef, sheep, chickens,etc.  We had apple trees, cherry trees, and pear trees.  We had Black Raspberry, Gooseberries, Black Berries, Blue Berries, Strawberry Bushes., and of course there was always a bountiful pick of mushrooms. A creek, (in our area it was pronounced CRICK), so plenty of fish to eat.  We hunted rabbit, and squirrel, to supplement and vary our meat diet.  We Churned our own butter, and canned what we could to get us through the winter.  So, you see hunting was a natural thing for us. All my life I have been pretty much anti HANDGUN.  I first fired a handgun at age 9.  My best friends cousin, who was about 10-12 years older than us,  took us out to an empty field and set up some tin cans, a let us shoot his Colt 45.  I think that is what it was,  to me it was just like the one the LONE RANGER used.  Granted it was a treat, pretending to be a real western cowboy.  But I could see no real reason to own one.  My other time was when I was about 19.  This time I was in the Military and had to qualify with the Military pistol, a gun I carried rarely.  Ok.  This I could see.  Being the radio operator, it was not always practical for me to carry a rifle.  But those times would be in battle or rioting conditions.  But for an average citizen,  I could still see no reason for anyone to have a handgun.  I had my Shotguns, and Rifles to defend my home with. But recently,  I was asked to check  a friend’s property,  they noticed someone had damaged the gate to their property, when they arrived home, and was going to wait on the road at the end of their drive.  They had called for the  police.  They said it was pretty obvious the police did not want to respond.  So off I went.  It took me  half and hour to get there.  (No Police).  I bravely entered the property, armed with my PELLET PISTOL,  to check things out.  I found no one.  My friends found what looked like a failed attempt to break in a door.  I waited with them another half hour, and still NO POLICE.  We called the police back, to let them know they could cancel the call.   We were told that they had not yet dispatched anyone to the scene. A couple of weeks later I made a trip to a neighboring state.  The friend I was visiting there had a neighbor who was a retired Sheriff.  They were talking about a handgun my friend was considering buying.  It was type the Sheriff used as a back up weapon.  I was asked my thoughts on it.  I told them I didn’t see any reason for owning one.  I explained that I did have a Pellet Pistol,  and how I had taken it to my friends on the aforementioned instance.  The retired Sheriff laughed, then scolded me.  He told me taking my Pellet Gun was worse than taking no gun.  The trespassers could have seen it and used a “real gun”  and shot me on the spot.  He also recommended I get a handgun.  I explained I had my Shotgun and Rifle.  He asked why did I not take one of them instead of the Pellet gun?  I explained they seemed a little cumbersome, and if someone was hidden and I was in close proximity I might not be able to use the long guns.   The Sheriff said, “One of the reasons you should consider getting a handgun”.   He also added long guns are not real good if I was attacked by a carjacker, if I were met with a mugger, and he continued on and on with reasons I should consider a handgun. As of now I have not made a decision.  I will think it over this week. Check back next week for further details. Comments are welcome.  REAL COMMENTS.    I make no money for my opinions, and any comment posted to promote your business will not be posted. Post Views: 98

White Canned Coca~Cola

Have you tried the new Coca~Cola in the WHITE CAN.  Coke tries to pass this off as the “CLASSIC COKE”.   But real Coke drinkers can tell you it is NOT!!!! Some of you may remember when they ditched the Coca~Cola formula and introduced “NEW COKE”  What a disaster.  Coke lovers raised such a fuss they had to come up with “CLASSIC COKE”.  “CLASSIC COKE” as anyone who remembers was not the ORIGINAL COKE.  It left something out that gave Coca~Cola it’s unique aura of taste, and (for a lack of a better word), It’s kick.  A milder version of the ORIGINAL version. Coke, if you did not know came in 6 ounce bottles.  That was in it’s heyday.  Then because Pepsi Cola was selling 12 ounce bottles (this was how they competed.  They gave a very watered down version of coke in 12 ounce bottles which had about half the kick of Coca~Cola in the 12 ounce bottle for the same nickle as Cokes 6 ounce bottle).  For some reason Coca~Cola felt the need to compete with the 12 ounce Pepsi Cola.  When Coca~Cola put their product in 12 ounce bottles it lost some of it’s flavor.  The bigger the bottle the less pizzazz, it had. I just tried the COKE (?) in the WHITE cans and found it to be a sweeter milder  flavor, nothing like Coca~Cola.  Still better than Pepsi Cola. Better than the “NEW” Coke.  Not as good as “CLASSIC”  Coke.  No where near as good as “ORIGINAL” Coke. I fail to see why the company wants to fool with perfection.  I know this new generation may not be able to handle the REAL THING.  It probably has too much kick for them.  What I do not like is Coca~Cola trying to pass off this new flavor by saying we only changed the can color.  But for people with real taste we can tell the difference, and the difference was not made by a white can.  White Can Coke is NOT THE REAL THING! I am not a diet drinker.  But I have tried Coke Zero.  Believe me Coke Zero has more Coca~Cola taste than White can Coke. I’m not saying White “Coke” is all bad.  It just isn’t Coca~Cola.  It might go well by some other name.  But Please COCA~COLA don’t try to pass this formula off as COKE.  Give it it’s own name.  Perhaps the people who like the sweet mild taste of Pepsi Cola will pick upon your WHITE CAN cola. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 281

Pizza a Vegetable?

Well it looks as if our United States Government, has done it again. No they did not say Pizza is a vegetable.  Only the Sauce. This will be a very short post, because that is all this deserves.  If any at all. Correct me if I am wrong…. But isn’t pizza sauce made out of TOMATOES?     This is just another example of the inept leadership we now have.  If the leaders of our country don’t know a FRUIT; from a Vegetable,   How can they possibly be relied upon to make decisions regarding the SAFETY, HEALTH, and WELFARE of our great country. The TOMATO has been a fruit from the beginning of time.  Come on people.  Do we maybe need to require an IQ test for anyone elected to office. That Is How I See It Post Views: 190

Government Seeks More Of Your Money

It must be that time of year.  Companies are talking of more layoffs.  According to news reports the RICH widening their gap between them and the middle class, which must mean the poor are getting poorer.  What we have doesn’t buy what it did a year ago. One area I read about is trying to kill itself.  Earlier I wrote of a community in Indiana who charges parents for their children to ride to school.  And to participate in sports.  Now I see they are wanting to raise fees for just about everything, and put new fees on anything they can find.  NO wonder people are looking to move away.  Perhaps this is an attempt to weed out the poorer class (perhaps including the middle class),  and establish a community of upper crust citizens. I just read that Illinois citizens have built the WHITE SOX owners a new BACARDI restaurant, at a cost of millions.  By the way the taxpayers receive no share of the profits of this restaurant.  It all goes to the owners of the White Sox baseball team. BUT we all know that movie theaters make most of their money from concessions.  I just read that in Washington D.C.  The mayor wants to tack on an extra tax for concession.  They already pay 10% tax on concessions.  As I understand, which is quite high.  BUT to add another 5% and raise the tax to 15%…..well isn’t that a little greedy?  Not to mention the less people will be able to attend, and may put the theaters out of business.  Thus a loss of revenue from the property, and business tax, let’s not forget the current 10% tax on concessions. I think their reasoning is flawed.  They intend to use the money to lure movie production companies thus creating jobs.  Am I wrong if less people go to the movies because they can’t afford the concessions,  there will be more demand for movies to be made. I know now in my town for 2 of us to go to the movies cost about $20 this is more than the average wage.  But get this for one medium Coke and medium popcorn add another $20.  That is why we have began driving 2o miles to another town that costs us about $12 on a Sunday afternoon, to get in and about $10 dollars for a medium Coke and medium popcorn Oh for the good old days when we had drive in theaters.  One night I think it was Monday was carload night.  you could take your whole family to the movies for about $2,  You brought your own popcorn and Cokes.  Yet the concession stand was always crowded with people buying hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. Well I guess it is getting close to Christmas.  What better time to lay people off and raise taxes, fees, etc. That Is How I See It. more than between Post Views: 163

Obama On A Genocide Mission?

Gen·o·cide [jen-uh-sahyd]: A noun.  The deliberate ans systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or CULTURAL GROUP.   Since Mr. Obama has taken office it seems he has pinpointed the elderly as the means to balance his budget.  Or should I say slant things to his pet projects. What do you do if you want to spend money you don’t have.  You eliminate things you don’t need.  Divert that money to what you want.  That my friends is just what Mr. Obama has done.  First on his agenda was to bail out his buddies in the banking, and manufacturing industries.  (Rich helping Rich get Richer).  To do this he refused to admit the costs of living rises (Medicinal, Utilities, and yes gasoline) .   He even wants to change the formula for figuring these costs, because he says they project a false and higher cost of living than is a true cost of living . Therefore not giving the elderly the raises they deserved, since he has been in office.  To subsidize his buddies, the elderly have, by not getting a raise for 2 years. Has amounted to between $45 and $90 trillion dollars.  That more than paid the trillions given to the bail out effort.  These people have paid into this account for 40 to 50 years.   It is not their fault the Government gave that money to other Government agencies. (Which fail to pay it back. let alone pay interest).  merely a mismanagement of funds. Some of you will think the amount paid in does not equal the amount paid out….HOWEVER…  Let us not forget the INTEREST which this money had been properly invested.  How many of the people who have paid in never receive a check, because of death.  Or just drop out of the system.  How much of this money is being spent on people who never paid in a cent. How about planning our own retirement income.  I did this.  I invested the maximum I could.  Two years later it was all gone.  My company shut the doors,  Not my fault.  Due to EMERGENCIES,  and the need to get by until I could find another job, (which has been 3 years now).  I have no money.  The barter system works fairly good but I still have to do without a lot,   So you see that doesn’t help either. So how does this  relate to GENOCIDE?  By denying the elderly people the money needed to exist on.  The poverty level is $10,890 a year.  If I were to be on Social Security now I would be getting about $13,800 a year.  But as of now I would have about $1392 a year subtracted before I get my check for MEDICARE,  Which I have also been paying for all my working life.  That takes me to $12,408, a year. Now let us not forget we need a supplement insurance.  This cost is around $125 a month (according to friends paying it). This is another $1500 gone.  Leaving us with $10,908.  This puts you at just    $18 above poverty level.  Now subtract a conservative average of $600 a month for rent or mortgage.  There goes $7200.  Let’s see,  that takes us to $3708 dollars to pay utilities, and buy food, house or renter insurance, life insurance and let’s not forget MEDICINE, Car insurance if we are lucky enough to have  one.  But then you would not be able to put gas in  it.  And let’s not forget we have to pay SALES tax on everything.  Including our utilities. It seems that Mr. Obama’s plan is eliminate the elderly as quickly as possible.  After all they are a drain on his economy. Genocide or what.  I see it as an attempt to eliminate the elderly. That Is How I See It. How many people do we have die of starvation or heat, or just plain a lack of compassion by our leaders. more than between find merely find find Post Views: 177

What Is The Scoop

We stopped at Steak ‘n’ Shake the other day for a bowl of Chili.  Which by the way is much, much better than Wendy’s.  I like to go to Steak ‘n’ Shake,  even though their quality has lapsed since I used to go as a kid.  There are two things I can not understand. 1) To me and my contemporaries, a milk shake is something you drink.  I remember at the baseball games, whether it was a pee wee game or a high school game, if you hit a Home Run,  some one from town would treat you to a 25 cent milk shake.  That was a treat for me, although I only hit one home run in my life, you consider my allowance for doing my chores all week was 10 cents.  The local drug store was the best place to get a shake.  The restaurants weren’t bad, don’t get me wrong, it was just something extra about the drug store milk shake.  My favorite was, and is Chocolate Ice Cream, Chocolate Milk, and Chocolate syrup.  They were drinks, you sucked them up through a straw.  No whipped cream and cherry on top.  Steak ‘n’ Shake somehow got confused and think they are like  a Sundae.  Ever try to suck a Steak ‘n’ Shake  shake up a straw.  You have to use a spoon just like with  a Sundae.  Then they top it off with whipped cream and a cherry.  Do they think only women buy milk shakes dressing them up like that.  I always have to find someplace to put this dressing so I can get my spoon in.  I usually tell them I want a drinking milk shake not an eating milk shake, with no dressing.  My local Steak ‘n’ Shake now knows what I mean.  I guess they figure they make more money by not blending the ice cream and by charging extra for the dressing up. 20The other thing I don’t understand.  Why in the heck did they buy Scoop Shovels for you to eat your soup with.  The thing is too big for me to get in my mouth.  I always have to ask for a spoon.  Why did they waste their money buying these unnecessary utensils.  Are they making so much they are looking at ways to waste money? That Is How I See It. high school other thing find find find Post Views: 529

I Hate Change

Have you ever noticed when you have a good computer program,  the publisher will try to make it better, but it doesn’t work as well.  I have had that experience many times.  The first one that jumps to my mind is PRINT ARTIST.  Print Artist was an affordable program which let you make greeting cards, business cards, stationary, letterhead, etc, etc. I used it a lot.  I had flower shops, and small retail businesses who would call me when one of their customers wanted a personalized birthday card, or anniversary car, or get well card, in return they would put my little sign up which included other things like website building, etc.  This was before all the cookie cutter sites went up.  When companies thought a thousand dollars for a website was a bargain.   Then one day the publisher decided to make it better  (?).   All they accomplished was making it more difficult to use.  There was nothing more you could do with it than you could with the original.  Oh, yes it cost a little more too.  I had friends who upgraded a couple of times.  The eventually migrated to another program too. When I was in high school our class had about 21 students, and then there was me,  But we learned more than the kids at the big school in the county which had about 150 students in a class.  Then they came up with school consolidation.  What a big mistake.  Oh yes you had a better offering of classes, and a couple of sports more to participate in.  I visited one school when my sons were wrestling,  I was told the freshman class that year had 1,000 students.  That is just too ridiculous.  With the small schools you knew everyone in your school.  You generally played your sports together since you were small.  At our county’s big school with 150 kids in the class they didn’t know all their classmates.  I got around the classes not offered at my school by going to big school for summer classes. As an example let us look at basketball in our county.  At one time we had 10 schools scattered throughout the count.  We had an “A” team, and a “B’ team.  Each team consisted of 12 players.  (subs included).  Usually 4 cheerleaders, and a couple of  “student managers” who kept statistics, tended to injuries, kept the uniforms in shape, and swept the gym floor.  That makes what 30 students involved with basketball, per school.  Take that times the 10 schools, we had 300 kids playing basketball. Then came CONSOLIDATION.  Our 10 schools became 3.  With the same number (30) per school participating in basketball,  we were left with 210 kids with nothing to do but get in trouble.  (Then our leaders wanted to know why we had more kids in trouble). With the small schools we had age old rivalries, not only the county schools but other nearby schools.  The bigger schools developed rivalries, but nothing like with the small schools. They were a sense of pride for the towns.  Everyone attended a basketball, football, or baseball game.  After consolidation.  The pride was lost. As if this was not bad enough.  Someone about 12 years ago came up with the idea of CLASS sports, (Aren’t we supposedly a classless country?)   Which killed all rivalries,  a decreased interest in sports, lower attendance, and now at our larger schools the coaches practically have to go around and ask students to participate.  Parents have to insure the younger athletes have a way to travel the 20-25 or more miles to practice.  And of course with the CLASS system travel to games is outlandish.  One instance that come to mind is Football sectionals.  The farthest we would travel for a sectional football game was about 2o miles.  Now the first game you play may be a hundred miles away.  I missed one because I got off work at 6 pm the game started at 8 pm. (not a problem if you only have to go 25 miles,  but if you have a 2+ hour drive to the game. you have to eat while driving.  The game gets over around 10 pm another 2+ hours to get home, and I had to be at work at 6 am.  Oh yes I had to wait for the team bus to arrive at our school.  The kids always stopped at  at McDonald’s or somewhere to eat after the game.  Of course this takes time for them to give all their orders, and preparation of the orders, eat, and rehash the game. then get back on the bus, to continue the trip home.  The bus got home around 1:45 am.  Remember I had to be at work at 6 am for another 12 hour day. I could go on and on (and I have made this too long already and only covered 3 subjects), so I’ll get off my soap box for now. Just so you know I really am not a fan of most change. That Is How I See It. high school became involved Post Views: 232

AI Assistant Test Translation