[adrotate group=”1″] Born not on Irish soil, but across the sea, In Britain’s realm, his story began                            Patrick, a lad of noble birth, Destined for more than mere mortal span.             Captured by raiders, torn from kin, He found solace in Ireland’s wild embrace.                                Six years a shepherd, heart heavy with longing.  He turned to faith that desolate place. In dreams, a voice whispered divine and clear, “Escape, young Patrick, flee this verdant shore”                                                                                                                                           He journeyed, barefoot across rugged terrain.  Guided by angels to freedoms door. Yet another vision awaited him there.  Angel’s plea: “Return ,O Patrick, dear friend.                  Bring light to this land, where druids roam and weave Christianity into its ancient blend./ In green meadows, Patrick walked and taught, His words like dewdrops on shamrocks’ leaves                                                                                                                                              Three hearts in one—the Holy Trinity— He revealed through clover, a truth that weaves.     On March seventeenth, the world dons green, In honor of this saint, both humble and grand.                                                                                                                                   Church bells chime, and Irish families gather, To celebrate faith, heritage, and the land. Lenten prohibitions yield to joyous feasting, Cabbage and bacon grace every plate.                     And in the pubs, where laughter dances, Green beer flows, a merry twist of fate. Dr. Thomas Hayes Curtin, an Irish soul, In New York City, a century ago,                                            Decided to paint the ale with shamrock hues, A festive libation, a radiant glow. Not with magic, but a drop of wash blue, A touch of poison, yet the crowd rejoiced.                            Green beer was born, a St. Patrick’s tradition, A toast to the saint, a jubilant voice.                            So raise your glass, dear revelers all, To Patrick, the shepherd turned apostle.                                    His footsteps echo through time’s emerald halls, Guiding us toward love, hope, and the celestial. In every verdant sip, we taste his tale, A blend of faith, courage, and mirth.                                                                                                                                          St. Patrick, forever woven into Ireland’s fabric, A beacon of light across the emerald earth. May the shamrocks twirl, the bagpipes play, And green beer flow on this hallowed day. Sláinte, St. Patrick, your legacy lives,                                                                                        In every heart that dances where the clover thrives. [adrotate group=”1″] Post Views: 144


[adrotate group=”1″]\   Remember to get your sweetie something for Valentine’s Day ! Valentine’s Day, a celebration of love and affection, has a rich history that spans centuries. Let’s embark on a journey through its past and explore how it has evolved into the cherished day we know today. Ancient Origins The origins of Valentine’s Day can be traced back to ancient Rome. It was celebrated as Lupercalia, a fertility festival held in mid-February. During Lupercalia, young men would draw names of women from an urn, and the chosen pairs would be companions for the duration of the festival. The festival also honored Juno, the goddess of marriage and women. Christian Influence The Christianization of Lupercalia led to the association with St. Valentine, a priest who defied Emperor Claudius II’s ban on marriage for soldiers. St. Valentine secretly performed marriages for soldiers and their beloveds, leading to his martyrdom on February 14. His acts of love and sacrifice became the foundation for Valentine’s Day. Medieval Courtly Love In the Middle Ages, courtly love poetry flourished. Knights and troubadours composed romantic verses for their ladies. Geoffrey Chaucer’s poem “Parliament of Fowls” mentioned Valentine’s Day as a day for birds to choose their mates. The idea of expressing love through written messages gained popularity. Victorian Era Sentiments The Victorian era saw the rise of elaborate Valentine’s cards adorned with lace, ribbons, and sentimental verses. Lovers exchanged these intricate cards, often expressing their deepest emotions. The tradition of sending valentines became widespread. Modern Celebrations Today, Valentine’s Day is celebrated globally. Couples exchange gifts, flowers, and heartfelt messages. It’s not limited to romantic love; friends and family also express their affection. Whether it’s a candlelit dinner, a handwritten note, or a simple hug, the essence remains the same: celebrating love. In the present day, Valentine’s Day transcends borders, cultures, and generations. It’s a reminder to cherish our connections, express gratitude, and celebrate the beautiful tapestry of love that binds us all. Artie Faschal Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️🌹 2of30 Show learn more suggestions Post Views: 88

NFL CONFIDENCE PICKS WEEK 12 11/24-27-28/2022

HAPPY THANKSGIVING  !!!!!!   COLTS:  Defense really blew what could have been a very IMPRESSIVE win.  At the end, for some unknown reason,  they leave about a 20 foot wide hole up the middle.  WHAT was that all about?  A toddler could have crawled through for a TD.   Player error, DC error, or HC error.  We will probably never know.  No one will admit they screwed up. For those of you who are new here. This is  how confidence ranking goes, let me explain. If we were playing an office pool,(which we ARE NOT).  The object is to score the most points. To obtain the score YOU rank the teams by how confident you are a team will win its game.  EXAMPLE:  Say this week we have 16 games.  The team you are most confident will win you would assign the number 16 and follow down to the team you are least confident in and assign that number 1.   You add up the TOTAL CORRECT PICKS.. That would be your score.  We use the Monday night (Last game played) as a TIE BREAKER.  The tie is broken by the closest to the total (that is the COMBINED score of the two participating teams) final score, without going over. YOU can adopt the scoring  described above.  Or, the optional method.  A  negative score for missed games.  We will continue to get a positive score for correct predictions.  EXAMPLE:   if you scored     1 pt on the first game and you had 15 pts on the second game and lost you would still have  1 pt. 1.  HOWEVER. with the same scenario new scoring system would result with a –14 score If we were playing this is how my sheet would look;  My pick will be in bold Capital letters.  you can use circling, underlining, or highlighting.  I will show my correct points in Bold I will fill in my picks Thursday.  Until then feel free to: Just copy and paste for your own Fun Pool Use.  Or to see if you can beat me. IF YOU SEE I MADE A MIS-COPY OF THE GAMES AND TIMES FEEL  FREE TO EMAIL ME AND TELL ME I GOOFED. BYES: None All TimesEST GAME # TV VISITOR SCORE HOME SCORE CONFIDENCE RUNNING SCORE THUR 11/24/22 12:30 1 CBS BILLS (7–3) 25 @ Lions (4–6) 25 14 14/14 THUR 11/42/22 16:30 2 FOX Giants (7–3) 20 @ COWBOYS (7–3) 28 13 27/27             THUR   11/24/22 20:20             3 CBS Patriots (6–4) 26 @ VIKINGS (8–2 ) 33 3 30/30             SUNDAY   11/27/22 13:00           4 FOX BRONCOS (3–7) 10 @ Panthers (3–6) 23 2 30/28 5 FOX BUCCANEERS (5–5) 17 @ Browns (3–7 ) 23 (OT) 7 30/21 6 CBS RAVENS (7–3) 27 @ Jaguars (3–7) 28 9 30/12 7 CBS Texans (7–8–1) 15 @ DOLPHINS (7–3) 30 15 35/27 8 FOX Bears (3–8 ) 10 @ JETS (6–4) 31 10 45/37 9 CBS BENGALS (6–4) 20 @ Titans (7–3) 16 1 46/38 10 FOX Falcons (5–6 ) 13 @ COMMANDERS (6–5) 19 6 52/44     SUNDAY   11/27/22 14:05               11 CBS CHARGERS (5–5 ) 25 @ Cardinals (4–7) 24 5 57/49 12 CBS Raiders (3–7) 40 @ SEAHAWKS (6– 4) 34 (OT) 8 51/41     SUNDAY   11/27/22 14:25   13 FOX Rams (3–7) 10 @ CHIEFS (8 –2) 26 16 67/57 14 FOX Saints (4–7 ) 0 @ 49’ERS (6–4) 13 12 79/69             SUNDAY 11/27/22 22:20 15 NBC Packers (4– 7) 33 @ EAGLES (9–1) 40 11 90/80 MONDAY 11/28/22 20:15 16 ESPN Steelers (3–7) 24 @ COLTS (4– 6-1) 17 4 90/76 GAMES 11– 5 69%/31% 66%/59% Points Possible 136 Tie Break (Total score Last Game) 39 Total 41 Points Off -2 Post Views: 72

New Year Celebration?

Reflecting on our ritualistic celebration of “NEW YEAR”.   I paused to wonder why we celebrate something we have no idea if it will be a good year or a bad year.  After all we welcomed in 2011.  Was it worthy of the celebration we had.  For most people I would guess not.  For a few it may have been better than 2010.  Now we have no idea what  2012 will bring.  Yet we welcomed it in, with a big worldwide party. I suppose the reason is our eternal hope that things will get better.  We always look forward to better things.  Remember the saying…”The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”. Maybe it is why we celebrate the birth of a new family member, be it by birth, adoption, or by the unification of two people; (a wedding). We have no idea what a baby will grow to be.  I’m sure bin Laden’s, family never foresaw his being the leader of  murdering cult. Apparently something went wrong in his wiring and why he took the path he took, we really don’t know.  Did he really believe he was in the right, or was he just evil.  Did Abe Lincoln’s family know he would grow up to be a great President of the United States.  Most likely not. Yet the promise of the unknown, hope for a better tomorrow, for our family and friends is; always present. So, whatever your reason for the celebration, (believe it or not some just see the New Year Celebration as an excuse to get drunk). But I believe for most it is the expectation of things getting better.  I personally believe it is like beauty…in the eyes of the beholder. Have a Happy and Safe and Prosperous New Year! That Is How I See It. Post Views: 496

Happy New Year !!!!

I am happy to report that because I didn’t make any New Years Resolutions.  I did not break any of them this year..SUCCESS.  This will be a super short post. I am one of those people who only get about 4 hours of sleep a night.  Regardless of what time I go to bed I usually fall asleep between 11:30 and Midnight.  I wake up between 2:30 and 3 am.  If I don’t fall asleep before Midnight then I don’t go to sleep until the next night. Therefore to stay as close to tradition as I can I plan to celebrate New Years at 12 NOON Saturday, New Years Eve.  What??  It is still 12 even though it isn’t Midnight.  OK?  I figure it must be midnight somewhere. I feel sorry for my friends who have to work Monday Jan.2, 2012.  Most of them have made a tradition of watching the Rose Bowl Parade, and Game.  I have told them I will record it on my Recording device and they can come over and watch at a mutually agreed time and we can have a Rose Bowl Parade Party. Well I guess that is it for now.  If I don’t see you before…. HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!! That Is How I See It. between Post Views: 160

Christmas Cards

I remember when as a child, we had our fireplace mantel full of Christmas cards we received.  Not only was the mantel full, but we had at least one wall, and usually more, filled with Christmas cards.  Then when I had my own place, it was the same way.  We had cards from friends, and family, we may only see once every year or so.  These cards would be full of update messages, and imparted a genuine desire to keep in touch with each other.  They came from all over.  I received one from my older cousin who was stationed in Okinawa.,  I was probably about 10 then.  (Off the subject a little but this reminds me of one of my favorite memories)  He came home between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  He came to my school to pick me up, in his dress blue uniform. It was quite a thrill when you are only 10 for a real Marine to come get you out of school  to spend the day with you. But back to the Christmas cards.  I look around now  and I got one. From my insurance agent.  Granted my extended family and friends are dwindling.  Spread out far and wide.  We, the younger generation have just gone our separate ways.  If we see each other at all it is when one of our relatives die.  But because of riffs between some of the older relatives,  some of my cousins refuse to attend the funerals of these elder relatives.  So the Christmas card would have still been a good way to keep in touch.  Several of them have moved around several times.  I don’t have any of their addresses.  And I suppose they have lost mine.  Some of them have prospered way beyond my means, and probably think they are too good to communicate with me.  When we do see each other, on those rare funeral occasions, we still have fun talking and reminiscing. But the ones I really have to blame is the CARD COMPANIES,  and the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE.  They have pretty much priced the average Joe out of the Christmas card season.  We could get enough cards to send out to 40 or 50  people for what it costs for about 5 cards or less now.  We could mail about 8 or 9 cards for the price of one now. Then you have the Card Companies making their cards the right size but once you put them in the envelope, the USPS has this little fee for cards that don’t fit through the sorter. Much of the time it is because the card would fit but once inside the envelope it is too large by maybe a 1/32 of an inch, and has to be hand sorted. Enough about the card situation.  Let’s remember the real reason for Christmas. CHRIST.  Whether you consider him your  SAVIOR, A PROPHET, or whatever.  For Christians HE is the beginning, of our salvation,  To others he may be someone else.  Either way his birth. (whenever that may have been) we celebrate HIS Birth on this CHIRSTmas day. I still miss the cards.  But I still Have CHRIST. MERRY CHRISTMAS  TO ALL That Is How I See It, between Post Views: 413

Passenger Arrested For Being Drunk

Look out America!  Indiana is at it again. DEC. 2008.  Indianapolis Indiana. We all know if we have had too much to drink.  We also know what the Public Service Announcements, (PSA)  tell us to do in this situation.  Have a DESIGNATED DRIVER. One night in INDIANA a lady after parytying too hard found her in the situation she knew she could not drive, (legally or possibly anyway).  Being responsible enough to seek out someone to drive her home, she found a volunteer. And now, as Paul Harvey would say, is the rest of the story. As this lady and her designated driver were on the way to her hone,  an officer of the law noticed the vehicle had a license plate light out,  Of course he had to pull the car over.   That is when he discovered the driver’s license was not valid, (perhaps, expired, or not issued, I don’t know.  This lady admitted she had too much to drink couldn’t drive.  The officer had no choice to arrest her for PUBLIC INTOXICATION .  Now let’s back  up here a minute.  This means if you are sitting in your car (which is private property,  you are actually not in private property but public property????, I’m not a real drinker only maybe have one beer when with friends,  usually I drink my Coca-Cola.  But this doesn’t seem right to me.  On a side note I know of one poor chap who was having a halloween poker party,  He had a car for sale which was sitting on his property near the highway.  Kids came by and were throwing eggs at the car.  He of course had been drinking while playing cards.  He decided he would move the car.  Only thing someone had siphoned off the gas.  he left the keys in the car, went to his garage to get some gas. Put about a gallon in the tank.  as he approached the car door a State or County Mountie pulled up with lights flashing and proceeded to issue him a DUI.  (He was at his car with the ignition key in the car not running, as he has just put gas in it.  On his own propery) Another unconfirmed story I heard of in this same county.  A guy was riding his lawnmower, mowing his own yard.  When an officer, came up to him and issued him a ticket for violation of the” open container law”  while  being on his mower.   If you aren’t aware of the open container law. It means no alcoholic beveridge  can be in a moving vehicle unless it is in the trunk or some where the driver cannot reach. Any way back to the story.  The lady was convicted of Public Intoxication.  She appealed this ruling.  The Indiana Supreme Court ruled 4-1  to uphold the conviction.  According to their ruling the justices stated the conviction followed the law.  Because she admitted to being Drunk.  Cars traveling on public roads are considered to be public places. According to the case prosecutor The Supreme Court made the right ruling.  The law needs changing. I think it was a miscarriage of justice.  She did what the government’s PSA said by getting a designated driver.  So what does this mean?  We all know the police need no real reason to pull you over.  But what about real public transportation like Taxi’s.  It seems to me come New Year’s any Taxi can be pulled over and the responsible person who called the cab to help save his and other people’s lives could end up in jail for PUBLIC INTOXICATION. This year Indiana enacted 300 laws.  My sources tell me the local newspapers nor TV stations have listed them.  But the state will tell you ignorance is no excuse.  If you had 300 new laws dumped on you, could you remember them all. In closing I ask YOU.  Is it fair for the GOVERNMENT to instruct you to do something in a particular circumstance the arrest you for doing it? That Is How I See It Post Views: 657

Hope You Had a Happy 4th

The 4th of July when we celebrate the signing of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. The beginning of our country. The Pilgrims came to our shores to escape religious persecution.  In fact our 1 st Amendment states.: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Yet as we celebrate our DAY OF FREEDOM,  we must look at the rights we have lost,: and there are many of them.  Remember just recently our 4th Amendment, barring illegal entry of our homes, was struck down by the Supreme Court, by upholding a ruling that police no longer need a warrant to barge into our homes, and we lost our right to defend our homes from police action. Sometime ago our SUPREME COURT sided with a minority led by the ACLU (Anti Christian Lawyers Union).  When they errantly interpreted our 1 st amendment. What they are missing. The SEPARATION of STATE and CHURCH. Was actually meant to protect our right OF, (Not FROM as your local ACLU would have you believe) religion.  You remember at the top of this post I said the Pilgrims cane here to flee religious persecution.  Well that was what was happening.  EXAMPLE: Some states were mandating the prevailing sect of that area, or of the ruling class. (Yes we did not have royalty.  But like now we have the wealthy who can make the most noise, and thus assumed to be the leaders of the people).  Perhaps in one State, let us say predominately Methodist.  This sect would be essentially the state adopted religion. While a Baptist minister might be jailed for preaching the Baptist beliefs in this state.  In a neighboring State,  The state may favor the Baptist, and the Catholic priest may be in jail.  Do you see what I am getting at? Separation of State and Church was meant to keep the STATE from mandating a religious sect. (Religion, if you will).  Not to remove GOD from our country. We hold these truths to be  that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. CREATOR as explains.    The Creator, GOD. Hope you had a happy 4 th of July. That Is How I See It.     Post Views: 213

Cost Of Entertainment On Rise

I just read where Disney World  is increasing the price of a day pass.  Admittedly it may not be a big increase.  I really don’t know.  I once won a 3 day stay there, which included flying down, and back, with a  room and continental breakfast.  I told them to give it to someone who would go.  It would take about a $million to get to Florida.  Well I might go for $100,000.oo.  I was there once.   Drove 18 hours to get there,  After reaching our destination, I stayed 5 hours and came back home.  Worst place I have ever been.  Exception might have been Camp Eagle.  But that is another story.  It may just be in my blood.  My Dad went there to visit my Uncles who moved down there.  He hated it too.  My son went to college there one year.  He is a little more lenient than my Dad or me.  He will go there for a day or two to visit friends. But back to the rise in costs for Disney World.  Now it  isn’t just Disney World,  it seems most amusement parks are raising their prices.  We all know sometimes a price increase has to come along.    As employee’s need raises, and employee benefit cost raise.   So I’m not really knocking them for the price increase.  However, when you think about the overall cost for someone like me to go as a family of four, it really is quite pricey. Assume it is still the 1800 miles I traveled the last time.  (There wasn’t Interstates all the way, so went by U.S. Highways),  I think a good estimate for cars now is 26 mpg average.  So round trip of 3600 miles, figure gas cost now about $3.50 a gallon, equals about $485.oo. Entry at $80.oo time 4 equals $320.oo. Now we are at $805.oo.  Even for me 1800 miles is too much for a one day trip.  Figure, driving the interstates, it is at least a 2 day drive.  Thus we end up with at least 10 meals each for the round trip.  Even eating at Burger King, we are looking at $200.oo for food, and that is not counting any drinks or snacks you have while on the road.  Two overnight stays at a motel, (one going, and one coming home), that’s at least another $300.oo.  I don’t know if Disney World charges to park there, I have been to some Amusement parks that do.  But most don’t.  So I’ll assume Disney doesn’t.   Now we are at $1300.oo  and just getting in the gate.  Assuming, (again), you and your children spend what we spent the last time I took my family, which was several years ago, on drinks and food and souvenirs we’ll ad another $100.oo.  Up to $1400.00 now.  And let’s face it how much are you really going to get to see or do in one day? I know most of you are probably thinking WOW! that’s not bad.  I suppose not but after driving 12 hours a day, for 2 days to get there, and 12 hours, a day for 2 days to come home. (Let’s not forgetting listening to the children and wife all that time while trying to keep your mind on driving),  is it really worth it?  Again probably yes, just to see the kid’s having fun. But for me that is more than I make each month.  AND I still have my house payment, utilities, food, auto expenses, etc. But don’t worry, even if I could afford it I wouldn’t go.  Disneyland in California would be another thing. That Is How I See It. have been just getting Post Views: 123

Memorial Day

Formerly called DECORATION DAY.  MEMORIAL DAY is a day set aside to honor our Military men and women who died in service of our country.  Celebrated on the last Monday of May. Established to honor the fallen soldiers of our Civil War, both Union, and Confederate.  Later extended to all honor all our soldiers killed in defense of our country, the United States of America.  Now days we also take this time to remember all our loved ones. I think many Americans have forgotten the reason we have Memorial Day.  To many it has become a day off with pay.  A day of outdoor grilling, and party.  A long weekend for a mini vacation.  And to some The Greatest Spectacle In Racing,  The Indy 500. It is great we can have all these things.  But let’s at least take a moment of this day to remember our fallen soldiers who by their death gave us this opportunity. That Is How I See It.   Post Views: 139

AI Assistant Test Translation