Parkland High School Shooting Thoughts

While putting together my thoughts on the recent tragedy in Florida.  I had many things flash through this feeble mind. We had the shock of another terrible loss of young lives.  We had the “STUDENT ACTOR”.  We had the Scripted Interviews.  We had the usual MEDIA SPIN.  We had the Anti Gunners.  We had the Pro-Gunners.  We had the Sheriff’s men who failed to enter the school. So let us look at these things. First the Shooter.  Had he not lost his parents at such a tender age, would he not have acted the way he did.  It appears that his adoptive family, noticed he was troubled.  According to reports the local constabulary, even the FBI, had concerns about the mental/emotional stability of Nineteen (19) year old Nikolas Cruz, EVEN the school personnel had concerns. They expelled him.  I have not read or heard anything where these people tried to get him help.  Had they tried to get him help, would it have possibly  detoured this terrible event.  Probably, maybe not.  We don’t know.  BUT, it would have been worth a try.  Should he have had guns.  Given his  background reports we have seen; NO! BUT, there is always a but;  I believe this to be where the LAW should have impounded his guns, until further investigation, and psychic evaluation was attained.  BUT, WAIT !  He did have grenades. Where did these come from?  I am sure they are harder to get than guns. Aren’t they?  Seems they should be. Now the student and  teacher population of this School. It is always a bad sign for our future when innocent young people needlessly lose their lives.  Seventeen, 17, lives.   I would not want my children exposed to this.  Nor to the pain of those who were at the school or worse witnessed the unfortunate incident. I know of no Teacher who leaves for school thinking I may be killed at work today.  Who knows what emotional and/or mental damage may have been done. We all know the MEDIA, has a penchant to SLANT the news the way they want it. How many times have you watched political events, or anything, only to have the NEWS MEDIA, say “Now let US tell you what you really heard”.  ?  I remember learning in grade school, then having my newspaper editor reinforce.  A reporter tells WHO, is in the story. WHAT, is the story. WHEN, the event occurred.  WHY, did the event occur.   The WHY,  becomes the gray area.  You have heard of sport team announcers getting fired because they said something the OWNER found to be derogatory to the team.  Players get fined, for the same thing.  It most probably is TRUE.  BUT, are contrary to what the BOSS wants. The same is true with reporters, They may disagree with management, BUT, (see here it is again; I wonder how many times I will use it today),  THEIR JOB maybe on the line.  Some may simply state their opinions, (NOT FACTS), In other words they EDITORIALIZE.   NOTE:  Editorialize is what I do.  After all this BLOG is for MY OPINIONS.  I share them with you as MY opinions.  Not hardcore news.  (See the difference) Is the media above scripting interviews. NO happens quite often. Are the anti-gunners above hiring actors to further their propaganda.  SURE ARE.  How about the Pro-gunners.  Could be.  Probably do.  But I prefer to think They would be ABOVE taking advantage of such an event as this. One thing ANTI-GUNNERS are quick to point out is “Law enforcement is only a call  away”.  In this case they were just OUTSIDE the door.  THEY WERE A LOT OF HELP.  Had teachers been able to have guns….Would that have altered the outcome?  Hard to tell.  I am not sure I would be able to pull the trigger.  I think I would be more inclined to pull that trigger to protect someone else (KIDS) than I would be to protect myself.  BUT, I am sure if it was him or me, I would choose ME.  What I am saying is; if it were just me and him, I would most likely not go hunt him.  BUT, if he came hunting for me.  DEFINITELY ME. Back to the Law Enforcement Officers.  YOU CANNOT COUNT ON THEM.  My own experience. 1. I had a motorcycle stolen off my front porch.  I called the police.  I was told;  “ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS IF THEY SAW ANYTHING”.  ” COME TO THE STATION AND FILL OUT  A REPORT”.   2. My High School son was threatened that he would be shot when he walked out of the school, (a disagreement about a girl),  I called the cops.  I was told, “Just one of those teenage things.  You probably should pick him up and take him home after school”. 3. I had my Mustang convertible top slashed, the dash destroyed. My truck window smashed and the stereos stolen from both.  Witnesses knew who did it.  The Cops knocked on the culprits door, and said, “Did you steal those radios’? He said, “No”.  The cops said okay.  That was all there was to it. 4. While watching a friends property while he was away.  One of his relatives called said he had received a threat of vandalism to the property at some time soon.  I called our local County Mounties.  “It will be some time before we can get there”, they said.  It took me about a half hour to get there.  No damage yet.  One (1) hour passed.  No County Mounties.  After waiting another half hour, I called again. “We haven’t dispatched anyone to that location yet” Yeah. Right.  The Law is only a few minutes away.   HA,HA. The Right to Bear Arms is a constitutional right.  A Right that state shall not be infringed upon.  That means NO ONE can stop you from legally owning or carrying a gun.  There have been exceptions made.  Felons, people with a misdemeanor of domestic battery, mental disorders, or if so adjudicated by a judge. Driving is… Continue reading Parkland High School Shooting Thoughts


I feel sorrow for the families of both victims, and shooters family.  It is a hard thing to accept on both sides.  That a friend or family member uselessly had their life terminated, or  suffered injury.  Some of which could prove to be a life altering thing.  I am certain the memory will always be life changing.   The shooter’s family, because it has to be hard to accept the fact that someone you knew,cared for, and LOVED,  could possibly be involved in such a cowardly act. By the way ISIS has reportedly admitted they were behind the attack.  CAN YOU SAY “TERRORIST”?  Apparently Barack nor Hillary can’t. Hillary and her gun hating lemmings will have a field day with this one as they always do.  It seems they look forward to unfortunate events, (I don’t particular like to use “event”  here but, I think it adequately fits, the way Hillary/Barack look at this);  It gives them a exvuse to strut their DIS-ARMING AMERICA agenda.  I can’t help but wonder how they would feel if the people they have guarding them were to suddenly lose the guns.  Then the agents would not be there.  I can’t afford to hire people to be my personal guards.  That would put them on equal ground with me. Walking around in a city or country side with no means to protect me from harm.  Many times I read of people in perfectly NICE neighborhoods being injured or killed.  Not just guns,…. But Knives, Arrows, Strangulation, Arson. Beaten to death, just to name a few.  Many times  when I go to major sporting events, or Conventions,  I must make my way on dark streets, or by alleyways, or even recessed doorways.  AND don’t give me that old “police presence” will protect me.  I could be attacked and my assailant far away before the nearest police officer could come to my aid.  BUT,  if I get to my destination I most likely not be allowed to have any means of protection on me.  Thus I am open to attack.   Excuse me for straying a little, however I believe it is important in relating my feeling on these MASS KILLINGS. 1. Have these anti gun people realized. MOST ALL, of these mass killings have been in “gun free” zones.  Schools, Churches, even Government buildings, or annexes. Cowards will take a path of least resistance.  FIFTY people killed.  I just can’t help but wonder why so many killed and injured before police arrived.  After all according to the anti gun people this is why we have them to protect and  prevent something like this from happening.  Always in the right place at the right time.  (Apparently even after they arrived).  Perhaps if one or two of the patrons, or employees had a a legally permited GUN; MAYBE, JUST, one of them could have stopped the perpetrator, before all of the death and injury.  HOW, many people might still be alive?  Uninjured?  If only HALF of them, heck even one would have been saved.  Isn’t that worth something?     Apparently not according to those who want to be like Hitler, and those others whose first steps were to disarm the citizenry).  GEE! Just think if the British had of thought of this we COULD all still be British subjects,  OR overrun by some other country. 2. While, as a CHRISTIAN,  I can’t condone homosexuality.  But neither do I wish to give up my rights to them either.  I, in fact, still can’t stop wondering if a boy in a neighboring school, of mine, who everyone knew was a homosexual, but no one I know of treated him any differently,  BUT the fact that when he “hit the beach” of Viet Nam, It was reported he was the first one killed.  Enemy coincidence, or was he killed by “friendly fire”  I have always wondered about that.   I am affronted by their constant public displays (as a group), (“LGBT”).  It would appear to me,  this group of people were not hurting anyone, they were not  blatantly displaying  their sexuality in anyone’s face,  The assassin may have been known to some of the club attendees,  as it was stated he was a “REGULAR” at the club. BUT it is not my place to judge them.  That is up to GOD.  I am not qualified to say what his Judgement will be.  I guess I am more offended by what appears to me a CALL to put my religious beliefs on the back burner  while demanding I accept their lifestyle.  I treat all people equally, unless they give me reason not to.  Being Homosexual is not one of them.  But I would surely like to be able to use the word “GAY”  properly, and not have it confused with homosexual .   As it is now used, apparently everyone in the 1890’s were homosexual.  “GAY NINETIES”   We even had a little eating place “very small, really good food.  The name was GAY DAN’S. ( meaning a fun place to eat, apparently owned by someone named DAN).  When homosexuals became associated with the word “GAY”  the small eating chain had to close it’s doors. 3. Need for more extensive background checks?  EXCUSE ME!  I believe the FBI investigated Omar Marteen at least 3 times, before he purchased his weapons.  Why this didn’t  trigger a flag on the background check is beyond me.  That seems pretty EXTENSIVE  to me.  In the state where I live we have the NICS background check, even when purchasing a squirrel rifle.  I also know IF there is a flag of something unverified, or whatevere reason, the inquiry comes back with a hold, ( I think of 5 or 7 days), so a more extensive background check can be made. 4. A woman I recall being interviewed  about gun laws,  stated, “All anyone has to do is go online and buy a gun and have it shipped to his door.”  Ignorance of the law is no excuse.  In my state, YES!  I… Continue reading ORLANDO PULSE CLUB SHOOTING, MY THOUGHTS.

What Does Our Future Hold?

While watching recent news casts, and some reality show, which I rarely do, I began wondering, what DOES our future hold?  Will we be prepared? Here in the good old USA,  (The A is there.  It just doesn’t show up too well on a white background).   Our forefathers lived primarily off the land.  Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, and Tilling the land.  Yes we had merchants, who for the most part bartered their wares for their needs.  We now live in a more industrialized nation. Few people are self sufficient any more.  We mostly rely on someone  else to provide our wants and NEEDS.  NEEDS, being the operative word here.  What I will be addressing today is our Needs.  We all want somethings, but we can live without them.  Needs is what it takes for us to maintain life.  If for some reason our Dollar fails, what will we do?  Revert to the way of our forefathers. Today we have a much larger population.  Less farms, and woodlands.  Less farmland means we have less ground to grow our food.  Looking at it this way the farmer has an edge; very slight.  They will be able to grow crops, plant gardens, and may, or may not,  have a wooded area to Hunt and Trap,  or somewhere to Fish. Will they be able to support all of us?  Let’s probe deeper. When I was a child we had an 80 acre farm.  We grew crops, we had a garden we planted every year.  We had livestock, so we had meat, milk, and butter.  We had chickens, so no problem with eggs, or chicken to eat.  In our garden we also had berry bushes.  We knew our neighbors well, even though there may be a mile or more from us.  We knew if there was something we needed, and our neighbor had it they would help us our,  maybe just out of friendship, or maybe they needed or just wanted, we would trade.  Maybe it was feeding their livestock, or pets, while they were away for a day or more.  Maybe, it was something to be made.  My Mother was an excellent seamstress.  My Father was pretty much a Jack of All Trades.  Now, farmers have fields bigger than our farm. On the obverse side of the coin.  Farmers will need fuel for their machinery, Electricity, to run some of their equipment.  But if our dollar collapses, where will they be able to get the fuel?  Barter for it?  Maybe until the current supply runs out.  Then WHAT? During this time how will people react?  Will they be willing to help?  Or will they become hoarders?  Can’t blame them.  Family comes first. So what will you and I do?  Will we become Looters, or poachers.  Living in the city now, I may become a poacher.  Depending on if someone gives me permission to hunt or trap, or fish, on their land.  Unlike the days of our forefathers there is little open wilderness to pursue these necessities.   I can not see myself becoming a looter.  I have heard depression era survivors, admit stealing bread or some food item to feed their family. Now with loss of so much open land, and the increased population, will there be enough wildlife to  support all of us? There is a group out there referred to as “PREPPERS”.  They tend to stockpile food, guns, ammo, etc..   How long will their stores last?  In a prolonged dollar collapse, they too will be in the same boat as the rest of us.  Personally I do not have the funds available to “prep”.  So I will try to keep my rifles, and shotguns, in good shape, and buy a box of ammunition, when I have a few dollars to spare. (Note to self: invest in real traps, not just the ones I built).  But I doubt I could ever amass enough to last.  (Unlike my teen age hunting buddy, I miss occasionally).  It is not like you could stock up on wild game, you need a freezer or some way to preserve the meat.  Some you could make into Jerky, extending it’s shelf life.  (If you know how to do that the old fashion way, without electricity). Communication:  How will we communicate.  If you are like me I must have the TV on or I can’t sleep.  If for some reason it goes off during my sleep hours, I will awake, and stay awake until it comes back on.  I am sure I will adapt, but not without a struggle.  As a HAM radio operator, I will be able to communicate with other HAMs, until my batteries die.  So I suppose I should look into getting some sort of hand crank generator made to be able to charge my HAM equipment.  Or Better yet,  I need to set up a small solar power system just to keep my batteries charged.  (So you see we do have at least one option to electric power, (as long as the solar batteries last). We all need to prepare ourselves.  I’m not saying I believe anything like such a disaster will happen.  But as Benjamin Franklin said in reference to fire prevention: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.  We need to hone our survival skills.  As a whole I think the AMISH people now have the best chance of survival. Maybe I should look into buying a canoe.???? That Is How I See It. Afterthought: Tools are another thing we should be sure we have on hand.     Post Views: 110

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