This will be the final word you hear from me on “DEFLATE GATE”. 🏈 Not all involved were fairly punished. You have the officials who receive the ball from the sidelines to be put in play. All veterans. We know they could easily tell the ball were under inflated. We have all seen them squeeze the ball before putting it in play. Yet, they went virtually unpunished for permitting this infraction. The QB in question a four game vacation. Really? (Slap on the hand) No, No, don’t do that again. As for the PATRIOTS (?)…would a real PATRIOT cheat just to win a kids game. So they lost a couple of draft picks. That is pretty easy to get around. If they see someone they really need they work out a trade with another team for him. So much for the lost draft pick. A million dollar fine. For the most of us fans that sounds like a LOTTA MONEY. But how much did they make counting in all revenue streams for “winning” the Super Bowl. Let’s say a minimum of 10 million dollars. (probably a lot more than that). But WHO of you would not shrug off a 1 million dollar fine, when you were able to pocket the other 9 million dollars. But even though they cheated one must ask the question. DID THEY WIN THE SUPER BOWL, or were they handed it by a coaching error by the SEATTLE SEAHAWK staff. I have not spoken to any one who thought they made the right call. All agree they would just keep putting the ball in the hands of Lynch. But they did make that call, and you have to admit Pete Carroll made a lot of strange calls throughout the season, and for the most part they worked out. I guess you could say he went to the well one time too many. He merely played on the fact that the other team would expect him to go with the obvious. But it did rob his team and The really best QB in many years of back-to-back Super Bowls. Like I said the PATRIOTS basically received a reprimand Roger Goodell thought the public would accept without really hurting his friends. That Is The Way I See It. Post Views: 108
Category: Players Union
How Do You PIck A Super Bowl Winner
How Do You PIck A Super Bowl Winner? After talking to many people I have found many different ways, people use to pick the Super Bowl Winner, even down to the score. I, like probably most of you look at past performance, and the statistics, etc. Some simply pick their hometown, (if they happen to be participating), team. Other may pick a team because they like a player,or because one the players came from their home town or state. But I know of one lady who won a football pool which included all the play off games. She had also used this method to win three consecutive NCAA basketball office pools. What is her favorite method of consistently choosing winners? Men this will make little sense to you. Women it may make more sense to you. HERE is her little secret. The coaches of each team. Have you guessed it yet? She looks at each coach, and selects the team with the more handsome looks. Well it works for her. Apparently. This next one was passed on to me from an Indiana resident. Just last night, as a matter of fact. He told me one of the local TV weatherman has chosen New York Giants by Nine (9). According to his recount of the weatherman’s method is really quite simple. Are you ready for this? Reportedly the temperature in New York; on Super Bowl Sunday will be 44 degrees. The temperature in Foxborough ,will be 35. A nine degree difference. This would indicate a final score New York Giants, 44. New England Patriots, 35. Although my informant did say the weatherman did make this disclaimer. He would not guarantee the 44-35 score. Only the 9 point difference in favor of New York’s Giants. So whatever your method may your team win. If you are interested I can tell you the score right now before the game even begins …………..0-0 Right? I kind of lean toward the New York Giants. I see a little more desire in their eyes. But I see revenge in the eyes of the New England Patriots. Will desire win out over revenge. I feel desire will lead to the win, because REVENGE can cause more mistakes, and if I am right the New England penalties, and errors will give New York Giants the edge. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 194
Indiana Super Bowl Vs Worker’s Rights
By now you all know of the struggles of the Union workers in Indiana. You also know Indiana is hosting the Super Bowl. It is too bad the legislators in Indiana refuse to listen to the people who elected them. It is too bad they do not have a sense of timing. But as we try to keep up on politics a little. (Remember I do not believe in POLITICS in GOVERNMENT). Politics get in the way of doing the bidding of the people. Looking back on the administration of one MITCH DANIELS, it is plain to see there has been no regard as to the welfare of the working man, in Indiana. He has led a government “of the people“ by “BIG BUSINESS” for “BIG BUSINESS” He finagles what ever Big Business wants, (after all they are the ones who line politicians pockets with the GREEN). It is just too bad the football fans from around the country who are visiting Indiana to be caught up in his MESS. But he tends to play on the big field. Regardless of the consequences of the STATE, COUNTRY, or PEOPLE he pretends to represent. From what I have seen of this person, I, personally can’t understand why anyone would vote for him in the first place. But the citizens of Indiana apparently did. People of America would you,(how could you), ever consider someone of his caliber for President of the United States. Oh yeah that’s right you elected Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Nevermind. So FOOTBALL fans you have a right to blame the Hoosiers, (no disrespect to Indiana University); for trying to spoil your stay in Indiana. Had they had any sense they would not have put Daniels in the position of TSAR. So I recommend you just ignore the fact Daniels intentionally put you in the middle of his MESS. Enjoy the weather Indiana is experiencing. Enjoy the Game. NFL owner, remember what Daniels has put you in the middle of his MESS. Remember this well if Indiana ever wants you back for another Super Bowl. That Is How I See It. PS. I remember seeing one of his campaign speeches in which he states would never back or sign any legislation that interfered with worker rights. Post Views: 142
A friend just asked what I thought of the Pro-Bowl football game. I had to admit I didn’t even know they had played it. I totally forgot about it. Supposedly the Pro-Bowl is the ALL-STAR game for professional football. The big differences are the timing, the location, and the lack of the top stars, (not due their lack of want to participate), because they have a commitment to the SUPER BOWL !!!! Granted Hawaii is appears to be a great setting for anything one would want to do. But realistically the average fan could not afford to travel to Hawaii, and if he could probably could not afford the tickets. From what I have been told Hawaii is a very expensive place to visit. So who attends, most likely the very wealthy people who like to take potential clients, or other people to impress. A mere vacation. From what I have seen in past Pro Bowl games, and heard about this one, is just what the players go for. A V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N. As one fan described it to me a very lack-luster performance. As if the players were merely going through a practice game. All other ALL-STAR games come in the middle of the season. Pro Football could do this. All Teams have a week off during the season. Let them all take the same week and put the Pro Bowl game there. INJURIES the bane of all football players. These big burley guys with all kinds of pads, helmets, etc. Lets face it Football isn’t what it used to be. I know it is not a fair comparison but here it is. The average amount of action in a Pro Football game is estimated to be between 8.5 and 11 minutes a game. That folks is offense and defense. Breaking that down (just for fun) roughly means the Offense plays 4.25 to 5.5 minutes a game. And the Defense likewise. We have seen the free substitution of player. How many minutes do each of these spend on the bench resting ? So how many action minutes does the average player see in a game. (?) I don’t know. I admit that. But let us take a look at a sport that is really downplayed but in my opinion far outweighs the efforts of any Footballer. But of course there is no big Sport Franchise for this sport. Which is why it probably is not a fair comparison. That SPORT is WRESTLING. Not the pro stuff that is all acting. But the real WRESTLING in High School and College. Each contestant goes out on the mat, one on one. SIX minutes (if the match goes the full length, more if it goes to overtime). Six minutes of all out battle. Not a chance to relax, relax for a fraction of a second could mean being beaten. Each match consists of 3 periods of 2 minutes, (that is about half the time either an Offensive or Defensive football player sees for a whole game,) They do have a short break between periods to pick a starting position for the next period. For those of you who are not up on WRESTLING. Just imagine an all out effort for 6 minutes. Using all your strength and ability for 6 minutes. That is Wrestling. Not to mention the weight battle. Every meet you must not weigh over your assigned weight class. Dieters you should be able to relate to this. But back to the PRO BOWL 1. Change the time of year. 2. Let the best as voted by the fan play 3 Play it at a more accessible venue. 4. Or as usual ignore the fans and do the good old boy way. I guarantee they will choose number 4 After all the fan is not a real concern to the NFL That Is How I See It. Post Views: 104
Colts New Coach
Continuing to follow the drama of the Indianapolis Colts. We had a Super Bowl contending team a year ago. This year we saw that team drop to a dismal 2-14 team. Most everyone will agree the loss of Peyton Manning the Colts were no longer the MASSIVE offensive machine it was. Thus allowing the opponent to exploit the weaknesses of the defense. (Which was less a concern of teams prior to the meltdown). With the Colts not able to score: their opponents, could concentrate less on stopping the scoring, and more on SCORING themselves. Again, this goes back to the Polians’, and Irsay’s failure to foresee the impact of a Manning-less led offense. So as is the usual case the lower level people must bear the brunt of the failure. (Regardless of their involvement). Apparently Jim Irsay has given new General Manager, Ryan Grigson, CARTE BLANCHE as far as team personnel is concerned. HOWEVER: I could be wrong, and probably am, the new COACH has been an employee of the team for this last season. I do not think Mr. Grigson has any real say here. I feel Jim Irsay made the decision to replace JIM CALDWELL last year. The person I am thinking of may be able to lead a PRO team. BUT I personally have a problem with his ethics. Whether the COLTS fans will share my concern remains to be seen. (I doubt if they will. As we saw with the lockout, most “fans” don’t really care about such things only if their team wins). The CENTRAL changes in the coaching ranks I see are these two. COACH: Former OHIO STATE COACH JIM TRESSEL. OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR: Former Colts QB PEYTON MANNING. Regardless, the COLTS, will have to find a place for Manning. That Is How I See It. find find find Post Views: 169
NBA Strike. Fans Strike Back
The Bible has the 10 Commandments. One of those commandments is “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You”. I am asking you to do this for the NBA. Neither the owners or players, took into account the fans wishes when they entered into this STRIKE/LOCKOUT. Causing the Die Hard fans anguish. With little or no regard. I admit I am not a Die Hard Fan of the NBA, only rarely watching a portion of a Professional game. I think everyone should GO ON STRIKE/LOCKOUT against the NBA. No one should attend or watch on TV or listen on Radio. The same number of games you have been deprived of by the on going actions of the NBA. It only sounds fair to me. But, alas the fans are weak and will give in willingly to the NBA machine. It’s Time for the fans to retaliate, and make a stand. Passing the message to Professional sports that the FAN also has a say in these matters. It is only fair. STRIKE back LOCKOUT the NBA. That Is How I See It. have been Post Views: 568
NBA Lockout
Here we go again. Multimillionaire vs Multimillionaires, (or billionaires), who knows, who cares. The NBA claims the league lost $300 million this past season. The league will tell you it is the players fault. The players will say it’s the owners fault. I’ll take the blame. I haven’t been to a professional game in years, therefore it must be my fault because I didn’t pay to watch a bunch of overpaid people play a game I would play for free. No! I don’t take advantage of watching them on TV. Will they never learn? We had the NBA lockout in what (1998), then to get people back they created “SUPER STARS’, By allowing certain players to not follow the rules, and blasting their names on anything, and everything. These were decent players before, (Let me explain. I look at the overall skills of a player to rate them. If a player scores 30 points a game but puts up 60 shots; does this mean he is a great player. If a player is allowed to go from one end of the floor to the other with only 3 dribbles, is he a good ball handler. The answer in my opinion is NO!) The fact that professional basketball is not real BASKETBALL, but comparative to professional wrestling. They give what the so-called fans want. That’s OK it is merely a business, BIG BUSINESS, but business. In the NBA’s greed, they started raising ticket, and licensing fees. Then the players said Hey I want some of that. And I have no quarrel here. What we have here is: The NBA owns the company. The players contract with different teams for the most money they can get. It is just business. Who cares? Will we not be able to feed our kids if the two can’t reach agreement. Probably we would have more money in our pockets. I suggest if you want to see exciting BASKETBALL take in a grade school, (or as some of the upper class prefer elementary school), games, Jr high or middle school, or high school. Or a nearby division 2 or 3 College game. It won’t cost you nearly as much, and you will most likely see a more competitive game than the NBA will offer. And I’m sure your school and community could use the money. That Is How I See It. high school merely Post Views: 712
Lockout Insurance
Have any of you received money, a lot of money. I’m talking about $4.5 BILLION, for doing nothing? The way I understand it now; that is exactly what the NFL owners are looking at. It seems that they made some concessions to the Television networks that would allow them $4.5 BILLION even if there is no games played next season. Hopefully we will have a full season coming up. The way I understand it Television money is to be split between owners and players (or players union) The players union went to court to fight this and was given a small award. Which I understand they appealed the ruling. The Players Union want this money placed in escrow until a contract agreement can be reached. The owners want to have total access to the money. Now the current Contract expires March 4, 2011. So, as I see this situation, if the owners have control of this $4.5 Billion they would be able to have LOCKOUT INSURANCE. This gives them unfair leverage against the union. They could choose to not negotiate in good faith. Lockout the player,. NO GAMES, NO PAYROLL. $4,500,000,000.00 (that is a lot of zeros, and they say zero means nothing) in the bank, probably drawing interest. Would the owners split with the players if no season were played? DOUBT IT! Only if they were forced to. In a previous post I have stated that players are overpaid and so are the owners. For me it has become a detriment to my FANDOMSHIP (?) I prefer to watch high school Sports. At any rate I agree with the players. The money should be put in escrow until an agreement is met. The owners should not be allowed to have this LOCKOUT INSURANCE. Hopefully the appeal will see this as the only fair thing to do. Thus not upsetting the balance of power during negotiations. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 161