It has been brought to my attention, some states are taking steps to eliminate the ‘ELECTORAL COLLEGE”. Apparently the people trying to eliminate the Electoral College, either missed that day in school, or was asleep when the subject was being taught. You see the Electoral College was put in the constitution to protect smaller states from being RULED by the whims of the larger populated states. It is a safe stop; which is more necessary now than at the time of its placement in the constitution. Before you begin reading the main body of this post, I ask you to keep in mind these numbers. (Although the Electoral College isn’t perfect please consider these numbers). Then tell me who completely controls the “POPULAR VOTE”. California: 38,889,700 people. Texas: 30,978,754 people. Florida: 22,975,931 people. New York 19,467,232 people. Pennsylvania 12,951275 people. I am using numbers available for April, 2024. The total population of just these 5 states, (according to my calculator), 335,893,238 that is almost 336 MILLION PEOPLE. Now as for the other 45 states (again according to my calculator), 206,982,776 almost 207 MILLION PEOPLE. My point being with 5 states having 129 MILLION MORE PEOPLE THAN THE remaining 45 states. These 5 states have more than enough people to elect whoever they want not necessarily who is best for the entire country. This conundrum (to ME). Do I want a president I do not want or even have a say in? The Electoral College is a mechanism established by the United States Constitution in Article II, Section 1. It was intended as a compromise between those who advocated for the election of the president through a vote in Congress and those who believed it should be decided by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors in total, which represent the 435 Representatives, 100 Senators, and three additional electors from the District of Columbia. To win the presidency, a candidate must receive at least 270 electoral votes. This system is not based on equal representation of individuals, but rather on equal representation of states. Now let’s consider your hypothetical scenario where just five most populated states control a presidential election. These states are California (55 Electoral Votes), Texas (38), Florida (29), New York (29), and Pennsylvania (20) as per the 2020 allocations. This adds up to just 171 electoral votes – still far short from the required majority of 270. Therefore, even though these states might have large populations, they alone cannot decide an election through popular vote due to our current electoral college system. However, if we were to shift to a direct democracy model or use only popular vote to determine elections, theoretically these states with high populations could indeed dominate national elections. This could lead to political imbalance and neglecting interests of less populous areas which often have unique socio-economic and environmental issues that require specific policy attention. If this were the case, citizens from less-populated states might feel that their votes don’t carry enough weight or their voice is not heard adequately in deciding national leadership. This could lead to certain degree of voter disillusionment or lower voter turnout among them because they may see their role as insignificant next to larger populace areas. This concern forms one of key arguments behind maintaining our Electoral College – it ensures all parts of country can have recognizable say in choosing our national leader irrespective of their population size. Furthermore, the electoral college system forces presidential candidates to seek support from a wider geographic base, instead of just focusing on densely populated urban areas. It maintains the balance of influence among states and encourages candidates to understand and respond to diverse needs of different states. So despite criticisms, many argue that maintaining the electoral college is an important tool in preserving our federal system and ensuring that all parts of the country have an equitable say in national elections. In conclusion: What am i missing? After all I am sure these lawmakers have a much better education than I do. OR, are they ??? What is their motive for taking away the voters rights, as IT IS possible that the votes cast by these 45 states are just a matter of going through the motions, allowing the residents to feel their votes count. Thank you. Artie Fischal P.S. Please feel free to leave me comments those who agree and those who don’t agree. Maybe I’ll learn something. Post Views: 163
Category: Religion
[adrotate group=”1″] Born not on Irish soil, but across the sea, In Britain’s realm, his story began Patrick, a lad of noble birth, Destined for more than mere mortal span. Captured by raiders, torn from kin, He found solace in Ireland’s wild embrace. Six years a shepherd, heart heavy with longing. He turned to faith that desolate place. In dreams, a voice whispered divine and clear, “Escape, young Patrick, flee this verdant shore” He journeyed, barefoot across rugged terrain. Guided by angels to freedoms door. Yet another vision awaited him there. Angel’s plea: “Return ,O Patrick, dear friend. Bring light to this land, where druids roam and weave Christianity into its ancient blend./ In green meadows, Patrick walked and taught, His words like dewdrops on shamrocks’ leaves Three hearts in one—the Holy Trinity— He revealed through clover, a truth that weaves. On March seventeenth, the world dons green, In honor of this saint, both humble and grand. Church bells chime, and Irish families gather, To celebrate faith, heritage, and the land. Lenten prohibitions yield to joyous feasting, Cabbage and bacon grace every plate. And in the pubs, where laughter dances, Green beer flows, a merry twist of fate. Dr. Thomas Hayes Curtin, an Irish soul, In New York City, a century ago, Decided to paint the ale with shamrock hues, A festive libation, a radiant glow. Not with magic, but a drop of wash blue, A touch of poison, yet the crowd rejoiced. Green beer was born, a St. Patrick’s tradition, A toast to the saint, a jubilant voice. So raise your glass, dear revelers all, To Patrick, the shepherd turned apostle. His footsteps echo through time’s emerald halls, Guiding us toward love, hope, and the celestial. In every verdant sip, we taste his tale, A blend of faith, courage, and mirth. St. Patrick, forever woven into Ireland’s fabric, A beacon of light across the emerald earth. May the shamrocks twirl, the bagpipes play, And green beer flow on this hallowed day. Sláinte, St. Patrick, your legacy lives, In every heart that dances where the clover thrives. [adrotate group=”1″] Post Views: 144
NFL CONFIDENCE PICKS WEEK 3 09/22-25-26/2022
For those of you who are new here. This is how confidence ranking goes, let me explain. If we were playing an office pool,(which we ARE NOT). The object is to score the most points. To obtain the score YOU rank the teams by how confident you are a team will win its game. EXAMPLE: Say this week we have 16 games. The team you are most confident will win you would assign the number 16 and follow down to the team you are least confident in and assign that number 1. You add up the TOTAL CORRECT PICKS.. That would be your score. We use the Monday night (Last game played) as a TIE BREAKER. The tie is broken by the closest to the total (that is the COMBINED score of the two participating teams) final score, without going over. YOU can adopt the scoring described above. Or, the optional method. A negative score for missed games. We will continue to get a positive score for correct predictions. EXAMPLE: if you scored 1 pt on the first game and you had 15 pts on the second game and lost you would still have 1 pt. 1. HOWEVER. with the same scenario new scoring system would result with a –14 score If we were playing this is how my sheet would look; My pick will be in bold Capital letters. you can use circling, underlining, or highlighting. I will show my correct points in Bold I will fill in my picks Thursday. Until then feel free to: Just copy and paste for your own Fun Pool Use. Or to see if you can beat me. IF YOU SEE I MADE A MIS-COPY OF THE GAMES AND TIMES FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AND TELL ME I GOOFED. BYES: None All Times AST (Erroneously referred to as EDT) GAME # TV VISITOR SCORE HOME SCORE CONFIDENCE RUNNING SCORE THUR 09/22//22 20:20 1 Prime Video Steelers (1–1) 17 @ BROWNS (1–1) 29 10 10/10 SUNDAY 09/25/22 13:00 2 FOX SAINTS (1–1) 14 @ Panthers (0–2) 22 8 10/2 3 CBS Texans (0–1–1) 20 @ BEARS(1–1) 23 6 16/8 4 CBS CHIEFS (2-0) 17 @ Colts (0–1–1) 20 11 27/19 5 CBS BILLS (2–0) 19 @ Dolphins (2–0) 21 13 27/6 6 FOX Lions (1–1) 24 @ VIKINGS (0–2) 28 12 39/18 7 FOX RAVENS (1–1) 37 @ Patriots (1–1) 26 7 46/25 8 CBS BENGALS (0–2) 27 @ Jets (1–1) 12 15 61/40 9 FOX RAIDERS (1–1) 22 @ Titans (0–2) 24 5 61/35 10 FOX EAGLES (2–0) 24 @ Commanders (1-1) 8 14 75/49 SUNDAY 09/25/22 16:05 11 CBS Jaguars (1–1) 38 @ CHARGERS (1–1) 10 16 75/33 SUNDAY 09/25//0 16:25 12 FOX RAMS(1–1) 20 @ Cardinals (1–1) 12 9 84/42 13 FOX Falcons (0–2) 27 @ SEAHAWKS (1–1) 23 1 84/41 14 FOX Packers (1–1) 14 @ BUCCANEERS (2–0) 12 3 84/38 SUNDAY 09/25/22 20:20 15 NBC 49’ERS (1–1) 1o @ Broncos (1–1) 11 4 84/34 MONDAY 09/26/22 19:10 16 ESPN Cowboys (1–1) 23 @ GIANTS (2–0) 16 2 84/32 62%–24% 8–8 50%–50% GAMES Points Possible 136 Tie Break (Total score Last Game) 41 Total 39 Points Off +3 Post Views: 128
Non-Politics View of Biden Presidency
As I have stated many times in my posts. I AM NOT REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT. I have no political allegiance. THERE IS NO ROOM FOR POLITICS IN GOVENMENT. My Observations during my life span is that POPULAR PRESIDENTS are the ones who do nothing UNPOPULAR PRESIDENTS are the ones who DO something. The last 4 years we had an unpopular president. (As seen by the MEDIA), Right or Wrong President Trump tried to do something. However he was faced by a Democrat packed HOUSE. Unlike any I have seen. They were SO disappointed of not SEATING Hillary Clinton, (which would have been a disaster for our Good Old USA. (My opinion). They never had time to do anything for “US”. The ONLY AGENDA on their 4 year shift; was to undercut the “REPUBLICAN” , who defeated their Dear Hillary. It didn’t matter if it were Donald Trump, or you, or I who defeated H.R. Clinton. The agenda would have still been the same. Undercut the person who won out over her. Now, don’t get me wrong. I did not agree with everything, our President said or did. But he TRIED to some good things. Only to meet opposition. In fact I would have voted for Biden; had he been the Democratic candidate rather than Clinton. This year was different. I found Biden to be somewhat INDECISIVE. It is MY OPINION The Democrats are using him as a pawn, to advance their Socialistic views. (As in Union Soviet SOCIALIST Republic). The “HOUSE”, has already began laying the foundation to remove Biden from office. Remember when the “PELOSI FAMILY”, was plotting to make it so “ THE HOUSE”, could declare the President “UNFIT “? My personally conducted “STRAW POLL” , came to the following conclusion: Biden is given at most 1 year as President, before the HOUSE begins the procedure to deem him UNFIT. Thereby achieving their immediate goal of a WOMAN PRESIDENT. I hope I am wrong. I hope Biden will wake up and see how the Democrats intend to use him, and actually accomplishes something. I hope I am wrong about the plot of the “PELOSI FAMILY”. That is HOW I SEE IT! Post Views: 120
Parkland High School Shooting Thoughts
While putting together my thoughts on the recent tragedy in Florida. I had many things flash through this feeble mind. We had the shock of another terrible loss of young lives. We had the “STUDENT ACTOR”. We had the Scripted Interviews. We had the usual MEDIA SPIN. We had the Anti Gunners. We had the Pro-Gunners. We had the Sheriff’s men who failed to enter the school. So let us look at these things. First the Shooter. Had he not lost his parents at such a tender age, would he not have acted the way he did. It appears that his adoptive family, noticed he was troubled. According to reports the local constabulary, even the FBI, had concerns about the mental/emotional stability of Nineteen (19) year old Nikolas Cruz, EVEN the school personnel had concerns. They expelled him. I have not read or heard anything where these people tried to get him help. Had they tried to get him help, would it have possibly detoured this terrible event. Probably, maybe not. We don’t know. BUT, it would have been worth a try. Should he have had guns. Given his background reports we have seen; NO! BUT, there is always a but; I believe this to be where the LAW should have impounded his guns, until further investigation, and psychic evaluation was attained. BUT, WAIT ! He did have grenades. Where did these come from? I am sure they are harder to get than guns. Aren’t they? Seems they should be. Now the student and teacher population of this School. It is always a bad sign for our future when innocent young people needlessly lose their lives. Seventeen, 17, lives. I would not want my children exposed to this. Nor to the pain of those who were at the school or worse witnessed the unfortunate incident. I know of no Teacher who leaves for school thinking I may be killed at work today. Who knows what emotional and/or mental damage may have been done. We all know the MEDIA, has a penchant to SLANT the news the way they want it. How many times have you watched political events, or anything, only to have the NEWS MEDIA, say “Now let US tell you what you really heard”. ? I remember learning in grade school, then having my newspaper editor reinforce. A reporter tells WHO, is in the story. WHAT, is the story. WHEN, the event occurred. WHY, did the event occur. The WHY, becomes the gray area. You have heard of sport team announcers getting fired because they said something the OWNER found to be derogatory to the team. Players get fined, for the same thing. It most probably is TRUE. BUT, are contrary to what the BOSS wants. The same is true with reporters, They may disagree with management, BUT, (see here it is again; I wonder how many times I will use it today), THEIR JOB maybe on the line. Some may simply state their opinions, (NOT FACTS), In other words they EDITORIALIZE. NOTE: Editorialize is what I do. After all this BLOG is for MY OPINIONS. I share them with you as MY opinions. Not hardcore news. (See the difference) Is the media above scripting interviews. NO happens quite often. Are the anti-gunners above hiring actors to further their propaganda. SURE ARE. How about the Pro-gunners. Could be. Probably do. But I prefer to think They would be ABOVE taking advantage of such an event as this. One thing ANTI-GUNNERS are quick to point out is “Law enforcement is only a call away”. In this case they were just OUTSIDE the door. THEY WERE A LOT OF HELP. Had teachers been able to have guns….Would that have altered the outcome? Hard to tell. I am not sure I would be able to pull the trigger. I think I would be more inclined to pull that trigger to protect someone else (KIDS) than I would be to protect myself. BUT, I am sure if it was him or me, I would choose ME. What I am saying is; if it were just me and him, I would most likely not go hunt him. BUT, if he came hunting for me. DEFINITELY ME. Back to the Law Enforcement Officers. YOU CANNOT COUNT ON THEM. My own experience. 1. I had a motorcycle stolen off my front porch. I called the police. I was told; “ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS IF THEY SAW ANYTHING”. ” COME TO THE STATION AND FILL OUT A REPORT”. 2. My High School son was threatened that he would be shot when he walked out of the school, (a disagreement about a girl), I called the cops. I was told, “Just one of those teenage things. You probably should pick him up and take him home after school”. 3. I had my Mustang convertible top slashed, the dash destroyed. My truck window smashed and the stereos stolen from both. Witnesses knew who did it. The Cops knocked on the culprits door, and said, “Did you steal those radios’? He said, “No”. The cops said okay. That was all there was to it. 4. While watching a friends property while he was away. One of his relatives called said he had received a threat of vandalism to the property at some time soon. I called our local County Mounties. “It will be some time before we can get there”, they said. It took me about a half hour to get there. No damage yet. One (1) hour passed. No County Mounties. After waiting another half hour, I called again. “We haven’t dispatched anyone to that location yet” Yeah. Right. The Law is only a few minutes away. HA,HA. The Right to Bear Arms is a constitutional right. A Right that state shall not be infringed upon. That means NO ONE can stop you from legally owning or carrying a gun. There have been exceptions made. Felons, people with a misdemeanor of domestic battery, mental disorders, or if so adjudicated by a judge. Driving is… Continue reading Parkland High School Shooting Thoughts
Welcome back. I have taken a little longer on this part. I really wanted to know more about how gun control has worked for the countries, (and our own states with gun control). This is what I found out. It appears that the first steps taken by dictators is to seize full control is to: Suppress the basic freedoms. RELIGION, SPEECH, and RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. We have already experienced attempt at all of these. The Supreme Court has taken it upon itself to MAKE/ALTER, (however you want to put it), the intent of our CONSTITUTION. Their job is to interpret not make up their own laws. An example of this would be if I were talking to a person from say Japan. I say, “Hello, it is nice to meet you”. The interpreter tells this person from Japan “Hello, why don’t you go back to Japan.” So you can see how the erosion of our basic rights IS happening. I remember Soviet Premier Kruschev saying, “We will bury you”. He gave no time line. Nor method of carrying this threat out. Back to the Supreme Court Justices. RE; the FREEDOM OF RELIGION. The intent of this RIGHT was very simple. The government shall not dictate any one religion. Example would be Pennsylvania founded by Quakers. Pennsylvania is not to make it a condition of Pennsylvania you must be Quaker to reside there. Or Utah to require you to be Mormon to live there. But as you have seen they have taken the whole concept and mis-construed it to say I don’t have the right to openly practice my faith in a government facility. They did this which changed one word of the this Amendment. They effectively changed “…FREEDOM OF RELIGION, to read. FREEDOM FROM RELIGION. See how one word can change the whole intent. No they didn’t physically change the word, just the way they interpret it. New York and especially New York City, Illinois (with Chicago). Washington D.C. and all the states with strict “gun control laws”, have a higher crime rate than states with laxer gun control laws. The United Kingdom confiscated all guns, (from law abiding citizens, according to the reports I have heard), has seen a 40% rise in gun related crimes. One English police officer said. “…Our job is harder. Only the criminals have guns… and they are more willing to use them.” One example I have heard of is about a farmer named Tony Martin. The story goes like this. Two men, actually a man and a teenager, broke into his rural home. Fred Barras, a 16 year old criminal had 29 convictions. Brendan Feraon, a 30 year old criminal, had 34 convictions. Fred Barras was fatally wounded. The farmer was sentenced to life in prison for murder. (The charge has been reduced to manslaughter, so he will eventually be set free). (Really? Life in prison for defending himself and his property?) Brendan Feraon, also was shot, and was sentenced to 3 years, but only served 18 months. Now Fearon is using taxpayer money to sue farmer, Martin for damages. Break into a home, then sue the victim for damages. It happens here. What is wrong with this picture? A criminal breaks into your home and then sues you for damage. Criminal definitely has an edge here. Authorities say Martin should not have used his gun, he should have yelled for help. He lived on a farm with no nearby neighbors. Who would have heard his cries for help at 2 in the morning. Those of us who live in towns and cities, Do you think someone in the house next door would hear you, or if they did; would they come to help you, or even call the police. Odds are the answer is NO! Australia, banned guns in 1996. The result there is as follows. ARMED ROBBERY, up 69%. ASSAULTS WITH GUNS, up 28%. GUN MURDERS, up 19%. HOME INVASIONS up 21%. So, instead of a decrease in crime we see an overall increase, of 137% The town of Kennesaw Georgia, actually passed a law requiring every household to have a gun. They immediately saw a drastic DROP in gun related crime. I don’t think I would like being told I had to own a gun, but I understand this law is not strictly enforced. But for the most part criminals will not risk being confronted with someone with a gun An unknown is just how much crime goes unreported. If there is no loss, or anything, (NO FOUL, NO HARM). No report. My conclusion regarding gun control is I AM AGAINST IT! Like (it seems is the majority of US citizens). I feel there should be some sort of control. But I really have no answer. The gun control I am against is the one which wants to take THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS OF LAW ABIDING CITIZENS away. The gun control to keep GUNS or any WEAPON out of the hands of CRIMINALS. That is the big problem. Law abiding citizens will obey laws. Criminals have no such regard for the Law. There will always be a black market. (A criminal element.) Criminals do not care where or how they get anything they want. For example, on the black market, a gun which normally sells for $600.oo may fetch upwards of $1500.oo. Where will the law breakers get that kind of money? Unlike you or me, and save up the money. They will steal it from the unarmed citizen. They will sell dope to your kids. Or they may even kill to get a gun. The police aren’t even exempt. They will still have guns. Simply walk up to one as a normal citizen, take a knife and stab or slit his throat. Now he has a gun and some ammunition. That is how dangerous the situation could get. One gun in the wrong hands, by this means, makes it easier to get more guns. A criminal will really have the… Continue reading GUN CONTROL: IS IT NEEDED? PART 3
Obama’s Administration Other Face
As most of you know, for years the war of State Vs Religion has been waged. With the leadership, or backing, however you see it; of the aclu, (Anti Christian Lawyers Union), God is slowly being removed from the USA. The USA was founded on a basis of “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” as I have stated in other posts. (See “Hope You Had A Happy 4th). Our current president (I use the lower case here, as I find it very hard to respect the man elected to lead us). Mr. Obama claims to be a Christian, but actions speak louder than words. (You have all heard that before). What brought about this posting? I was just made aware that, this administration which has had it’s share, or more, of anti Christian moves; HOWEVER, has given $770,000,000.oo to reconstruct Moslem Mosques, in the Middle East. Am I the only one who has a problem with this? This administration with a leader with Muslim ties, an administration who continues to back the loss of our freedoms, an administration that misinterprets, our Constitution, and insists on NO support of any kind of religion, will give this huge amount to support the Muslim religion in foreign countries. We are also supporting them by building their INTERNET system. This is fine with me. I just wonder what the rogue muslims, (note no capital here either, as I do not believe them to be devout muslims), will do with internet access. As an American, I have no problem with Muslims in general, just as I have no problem with the Jews. We all believe in the same GOD, we just have different views of our Messiah, (if you will). Do you see a the other face of our administration? No religion, in USA, Support religion in other countries. They justify this action as “….building foreign relations…” That Is How I See It find find find Post Views: 612
Hope You Had a Happy 4th
The 4th of July when we celebrate the signing of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. The beginning of our country. The Pilgrims came to our shores to escape religious persecution. In fact our 1 st Amendment states.: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Yet as we celebrate our DAY OF FREEDOM, we must look at the rights we have lost,: and there are many of them. Remember just recently our 4th Amendment, barring illegal entry of our homes, was struck down by the Supreme Court, by upholding a ruling that police no longer need a warrant to barge into our homes, and we lost our right to defend our homes from police action. Sometime ago our SUPREME COURT sided with a minority led by the ACLU (Anti Christian Lawyers Union). When they errantly interpreted our 1 st amendment. What they are missing. The SEPARATION of STATE and CHURCH. Was actually meant to protect our right OF, (Not FROM as your local ACLU would have you believe) religion. You remember at the top of this post I said the Pilgrims cane here to flee religious persecution. Well that was what was happening. EXAMPLE: Some states were mandating the prevailing sect of that area, or of the ruling class. (Yes we did not have royalty. But like now we have the wealthy who can make the most noise, and thus assumed to be the leaders of the people). Perhaps in one State, let us say predominately Methodist. This sect would be essentially the state adopted religion. While a Baptist minister might be jailed for preaching the Baptist beliefs in this state. In a neighboring State, The state may favor the Baptist, and the Catholic priest may be in jail. Do you see what I am getting at? Separation of State and Church was meant to keep the STATE from mandating a religious sect. (Religion, if you will). Not to remove GOD from our country. We hold these truths to be that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. CREATOR as explains. The Creator, GOD. Hope you had a happy 4 th of July. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 213
St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day. A day we celebrate with parades, shamrocks, and green beer. But who was St. Patrick, and why do we celebrate a day with his name. St. Patrick a, Christian leader, is revered by Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodoxy, Lutheran Church, and the Anglican Communion. Patrick, the only name I could find, was born in the year 385 at Banna Venta Berniae. of Roman Britain, and died March 17, 461 age 75 or 76 depending on month of birth. (There are some who believe his death was in 493.) The son of a high ranking Roman family. Around his 16th year he was captured by marauders, and sold into slavery as a shepherd for an Irish Chief, from Antrim, (a country in N.E Ireland). While tending these flocks he would pray to God as many as one hundred times a day. It was in those six years young Patrick learned the Celtic language . His master ,Milchu, was also a high druid. Thus Patrick learned of the primeval Irish religions. He fled to Tours (a city in Western France). While at Tours, Patrick became a missionary and later was dispatched to Britain to combat wrongful teachings of Pelagius, (an English monk whose teachings opposed those of St Augustine). Although St. Patrick is accredited with ridding Ireland of snakes, evidence supports the theory after the Ice Age, Ireland never had snakes. It is suggested the “snakes” referred the serpent symbolism of the Druids. The shamrock, you see in so many St. Patricks Day was used by him while explaining the Holy Trinity. St Patricks Day parades was started by the American-Irish who celebrated the saint’s feast day by marching through the streets of New York in 1792. Although Chicago is host to the most famous St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Kiss me I’m Irish. Some enterprising person came up with this idea, because of the Blarney Stone of Irish legend. Supposedly kissing the Blarney Stone, (A stone built into the Blarney Castle; which one has to lean out on a ledge look up and kiss), brings one the gift of gab. The thinking was….If you can’t kiss the stone, then kiss an Irishman. When drinking your “green beer” say “slainte! (Pronounced slancha). Irish version of “cheers.” Slainte means health. Again, we have here a holiday no self respecting atheist can celebrate without being a hypocrite. Too Bad. Happy St Patrick’s Day!! That Is How I See It. Post Views: 274
BYU and Star Center
Brigham Young University has suspended their star center for the remainder of the year. Reason: Violation of the schools honor code. The violation was having pre-marital sex. How did they find out?? BYU was ranked number 3 in the nation. A real contender for the NCAA title. It had to be a hard decision to make. But, one that shows the integrity of the sports program at BYU. Many a college would have either said nothing, or said they were looking into the allegations, (which would have at least taken them to the end of their march for the NCAA title, or maybe put a 2 or 3 game suspension in place. Another action, as has been used by other schools would be to move the suspension to next years exhibition season. The 6 foot 9 inch Sophomore, Brandon Davies was averaging 11.1 ppg, and leading the team in rebounds, with 6.2 per game. He has learned, and the the whole BYU campus has learned the Honor Code is for all students, even the school stars will be held to the same standards as the rest of the student population. Brandon Davies will be a better man for this action by BYU. Hopefully he will reflect and realize RULES ARE RULES. He will have time to come to terms with his actions, and decide if he wants to play at BYU next year. I for one think he will be back. Lesson learned, and work to be an even better player next year. I’m sure the hardest thing for Brandon Davies is the fact he let his teammates, his fellow students, and his school down I believe there are other schools who would have done the same thing. But I suspect there are more who would have tried to work a way around it, at least until after the NCAA Tournament. At this point I would like to insert. After Purdue lost Robbie Hummel for the year, many fans and the media wrote the Boilermakers off as a contender, PU did not roll over and die. They retooled and look at the season they have had. Possibly a ONE seed, depending on how they close their season. Can BYU do this? Time will tell. Brandon next year is a new chapter, you can still have a chance to lead your team. Kudos to BYU for upholding your ideals. Good Luck to both BYU, an Brandon Davies That Is How I See It. Post Views: 91