Upsets and Big Moments: NC State Shocks Texas Tech: Score: NC State 80 Texas Tech 67 Recap: Burns dominated the paint, scoring 16 points in just 16 minutes. The Wolfpack outscored Texas Tech 42-20 in the paint, securing a stunning upset against the 6th-seeded Red Raiders. 11 Seeds Making Noise: Watch Out For: No. 11 seeds Context: Several No. 11 seeds have a history of deep runs. Keep an eye on these underdogs as they aim to upset higher-ranked opponents. Samford’s Incredible Comeback: Almost There: Samford Story: Down 22 points in the second half, Samford clawed their way back to within 1 point against a formidable opponent. Despite the loss, their resilience was awe-inspiring. Blowout Games: South Carolina Dominates: Result Key Stat: Outscored their opponent by a 14 point margin.Kansas Survives Exhausting Battle: Result: Kansas narrowly escaped Samford in a late-night thriller. Quick Turnaround: They face fifth-seeded Gonzaga with only 39 hours of rest. Key Matchups for Today: Kansas vs. Gonzaga: Time: 3:15 p.m. ET Coach Watch: Bill Self (Kansas) vs. Mark Few (Gonzaga) A clash of titans as the Jayhawks take on the Bulldogs. Other Exciting Duels: Stay Tuned: Multiple matchups promise drama, buzzer-beaters, and Cinderella stories. March Madness is more about matchups than seeding, and yesterday’s games proved just that. As the tournament unfolds, expect more heart-stopping moments, unexpected heroes, and bracket-busting surprises. Buckle up, basketball fans—it’s madness season! 🏀🔥   Post Views: 143

Non-Politics View of Biden Presidency

As I have stated many times in my posts.  I AM NOT REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT.  I have no political allegiance.  THERE IS NO ROOM FOR POLITICS IN GOVENMENT.   My Observations during my life span is that POPULAR PRESIDENTS are the ones who do nothing   UNPOPULAR PRESIDENTS are the ones who DO something.   The last 4 years we had an unpopular president. (As seen by the MEDIA), Right or Wrong President Trump tried to do something.  However he was faced by a Democrat packed HOUSE.  Unlike any I have seen.  They were SO disappointed of not SEATING Hillary Clinton, (which would have been a disaster for our Good Old USA.   (My opinion).   They never had time to do anything for “US”. The ONLY AGENDA  on their 4 year shift; was to undercut the “REPUBLICAN” , who defeated their Dear Hillary.  It didn’t matter if it were  Donald Trump, or you, or I who defeated H.R. Clinton.    The agenda would have still been the same. Undercut the person who won out over her.   Now, don’t get me wrong.  I did not agree with everything, our President said or did.  But he TRIED to some good things.  Only to meet opposition.  In fact I would have voted for Biden; had he been the Democratic candidate rather than Clinton. This year was different.  I found Biden to be somewhat  INDECISIVE.  It is  MY OPINION  The Democrats are using him as a pawn, to advance their Socialistic views. (As in Union Soviet SOCIALIST Republic).  The “HOUSE”, has already began laying the foundation to remove Biden from office.  Remember when the “PELOSI FAMILY”,  was plotting to make it so “ THE HOUSE”, could declare the President “UNFIT “? My personally conducted “STRAW  POLL” , came to the following  conclusion:  Biden is given at most 1 year as President, before the HOUSE begins the procedure to deem him UNFIT.  Thereby achieving their immediate goal of a WOMAN PRESIDENT.   I hope I am wrong.  I hope Biden will wake up and see how the Democrats intend to use him, and actually accomplishes something. I hope I am wrong about the plot of the  “PELOSI  FAMILY”. That is HOW I SEE IT! Post Views: 120

This That and the Other Thing

Today I will be talking about a few things.  Football, Politics, Basketbal, and anything else that pops into my mind. FOOTBALL:  Questions.  Will Peyton Retire?  YES! I believe he will retire.  But follow the lead of Jeff Saturday and retire as  a COLT. Will Johnny Manziel find a home?   Despite his intolerable behavior….I believe someone will find a spot for him.  JAMESIS WINSTON found a home,  DIDN’T he. What about Robert  Griffin III ?  I think he will land some where.  BUT as I wrote before his, Russel Wilson, and Andrew Luck’s drafting.  R.G.III needs to play behind a veteran for at least one or two years.  Then I think he will be ready.   POLITICS:  Same old thing.  people will elect another MULTI-MILLIONAIRE, who has no interest in the working people.  Right now it looks like our choice will be Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.   Before I move on let me remind you I do not affiliate with any party.  It is my belief THERE IS NO ROOM IN GOVERNMENT FOR PARTIES.    That said;  Donald Trump has set a precedent as one who will, if things get a little tough he will bail.  Just look how many times he has bailed out of businesses using  BANKRUPTCY!!!!   Hillary Clinton:  Don’t forget Who’s name was on NAFTA which sent and continues to send AMERICAN JOBS to another country.  CLINTON.  She has been caught in so many LIES already.  Yes I know  LYING is a politician’s pre-requisite.   As an INDEPENT VOTER I must say our choices get worse every election. Lastly. BASKETBALL: Thank goodness we have something to look forward to.  I will have your printable brackets, and updates for the NCAA Tournament.  This year is the first time in many years the Tournament looks wide open.  Every week we see I would say about 5 upsets.  Who will peak at just the right time, or have an outstanding game: or the worst game of their season. Yes I will have my selections, how you would do if you had picked the favored team,  AND the upset sheet which will highlight every upset for the Tourney. Time to go now. Talk to again.  Be sure to check back for my coverage of MARCH MADNESS. PS: I almost forgot. The Oscars.  As usual most all awards go to the least deserving.  I usually go to one movie a week,  and the movies I watched were MUCH better than the winners.  I truly believe the pre-reqisite for an Oscar is a bad job which needs the “MAGICAL ACADEMY AWARD”   to get a push. I won’t go through every award.  Let me just say BEST ACTOR:  DiCaprio???? Are you kidding.  He was a terrible actor as a child, and is still terrible.   The best movie he even came close to giving a really good performance was 14 years ago.  CATCH ME IF YOU CAN.  Sorry but that is truly the only movie I could call him creditable.  THE REVENANT was an interesting story.  But really a Chimpanzee could have turned in as good a performance. So as you can see they should have made a special category to score him as Oscar.  The category should have been  PARTICIPATION OSCAR.  Just as the little soccer players win or lose get a Participation trophy. PSS:  I forgot I wanted to mention the threat of the Louisiana Governor to do away with LSU Football.  We all know that LSU brings in a massive amount of money to the state for their football games.  To take away the financing would be a bigger blow to Louisiana’s economy than the program costs. That Is How I See It.           Post Views: 117

2013 Academy Awards Winners: My Reaction

As a rule I see the ACADEMY AWARDS as merely a way to promote the worst pictures. That has been the way it has been since the 1970’s.  Occasionally they slip up and give a legitimate award.  I tend to agree with Woody Allen, when he said something like, and here I paraphrase,(only because I can’t remember the direct quote).  You can not judge art.  No one really can.  The things I might consider art another may consider junk.  One would have to be able to completely divorce himself from all preconceived ideas.  Open mindedness is a hard state to find.  I have none of the preconceptions.  I know what I like. I know what I don’t like.  But I am able to put aside my feelings and make a pure judgement.  Granted I may sometimes judge things by the cover.  By that in regard to movies.  I will some times read the plot and make a decision on whether or not it interests me.  Some really interest me, and I may see them and be truly disappointed.  Others I will say, “Okay I won’t pay to see this.  I will wait for the TV or DVD release and see if any of my friends bought it.”  Sometimes the plot just reads so thin. I don’t even think of seeing them.  So here are my reactions to this years awards.  I will rank them as I feel they should have been.  Exception if I think another Picture, or Person more deserving that is where I will Place them.  Actual winners will be in green.with a note if I did not see them and/or did not care to see them. BEST PICTURE: ARGO:   Linxoln:  Saw this one.  Gave Argo a close run. Amour.  Saw this in the French version.  Loved the story line. Django Unchained:  Saw this. Lots of action.  Just was pretty much unbelievable. The rest were tied. Life of Pi: Considered this but decided would wait for DVD. Silver Linings: Same as above. Beasts of The Southern Wild, Zero Dark Thirty. Did not see. Can’t imagine how they got on list.  Should not even make it to DVD. Les Miserables.  Did not see.  Cannot even imagine this great work as a musical. BEST ACTOR: bradley cooper silver linings.  hugh jackman les miserables, joaquin phoenix the master.  denzel washington,flight. None of these truly deserved Best Actor.  I saw much better portrayals in other movies.  However of the list they gave us I would have to vote for Daniel-Day=Lewis. Of  the listed he probably was most deserving. BEST ACTRESS: Nominees were jessica chastain, zero dark thirty:  JENNIFER LAWRENCE, silver linings:  EMMANUEL  RIVA, Amour.  naomi watts, the impossible: quvenzhane wallis, beasts of the southern wild. It was my feeling the only true deserving winner for this category would have been EMMANUEL RIVA for AMOUR. BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: NOMINEES WERE: alan arkin, argo: robert de niro, silver linings playbook, philip seymour hoffman, the master: tommy lee jones. lincoln: and CHRISOPH WALTZ, django unchained.  Of these I found none deserving.  There were many better performances too many other movies to mention here. BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: This category I  find my choice for BEST ACTRESS, as I did not see her as a supporting actress but as the STAR.  So I suppose because I see her as BEST ACTRESS she had to be the outstanding BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS.  That person being HELEN HUNT. Of THE SESSIONS, However the other nominees,  why they got the nod Is way beyond any thinking I may be capable of seeing. them here.  Nominees were.  amy adams, the master; Sally Field (who would have been my second choice), Lincoln;  ANNE HATHAWAY., (who had to have a lot of nerve, just to take the role on).  and jacki weaver, silver linings playbook.’ BEST DIRECTOR; This one is a tough call.  You may have an excellent movie but  poor direction, or great direction with a poor movie. That being said Nominees are: Michael Haneke, Amour ANG LEE, Life Of Pi David O. Russel , Silver Linings Playbook Steven Spielberg , Lincoln Benh Zeitlin, Beasts of the Southern Wild Like I said I have no input on this category. BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY. Again I have seen screeplays I liked better so I must yield to the nominated ones. Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola, Moonrise Kingdom, (did not see, never even heard of this one). Mark Boat, Zero Dark Thirty John Gstins, Flight (again I never even heard of this movie ). Michael Heneke, Amour, (I felt it was not directed to it’s potential). QUENTIN TARATINO, Django Unchained. (which in my humble opinion the direction left a lot to be desired). BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY: This is another category, I do not have the knowledge to call.  as I have not read the books (i assume the adaption came from).  so Nominees are: Lucy Alibar and Beth Zeitlin, Beasts of the Southern Wild. Tony Kushner, Lincoln David Magee, Life of Pi. David O Russell, Silver Linings Playbook CHRIS TERRIO, Argo Probably a good choice, BEST ANIMATED FEATURE BRAVE: Again I have no seen only one of these,  BRAVE,  The only one I am waiting for DVD is Wreck-It-Ralph. Nominees were: BRAVE:  Which I have to agree with this choice. Frankenweenie ParaNorman The Pirates! Band of Misfits (which I will see on DVD) Wreck-It-Ralph The technical categories I will not go into.  because I am unaware of what goes into these categories.  I understand the success of many movies can rely on these services, so I will only list the winners. BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY LIFE OF PI, Claudio Miranda BEST COSTUME DESIGN: ANNA KARENINA, jacqueline Durran BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE: Nominees were, 5 Broken Cameras,  The Gatekeepers, How to Survive a Plague, The Invisible War, and SEARCHING FOR SUGARMAN,  (although I did not see this I at least heard of it. BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT SUBJECT: INNOCENTE, Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine. Other nominees were Kings Point, San gilman and Jedd Wider:  Mondays at Racine, Cynthia wade and Robert… Continue reading 2013 Academy Awards Winners: My Reaction

False Advertising Or Oversight

What constitutes False Advertising ?  Does anyone know.  I’m sure the lawyers all have a different idea, depending on the side they are defending.  I have my  definition.  False Advertising is the altering, omission, or just plain lying about your product.  When I went to, it said “ask a lawyer”.  Ha Ha. Here I am only going to deal with a single product.  I don’t use this product because it states one thing which is, as far as I can tell, is false advertising,  But also because I can’t stomach the item it falsely claims as something it isn’t.  By product name.  It is Campbell’s V-8 Juice.  The can states “100 % Vegetable Juice from concentrate….with added ingredients.  First of all if it has added ingredients,  HOW  can it be 100% Vegetable Juice. Now let us look at the JUICES.  Carrots. Okay I guess you can extract juice from carrots. I have never been able to.  I suppose if you put it into a blender and whatever you do with it you may come up with a juice like substance.  But I have never had a juicy carrot. Celery. Well I have had some celery that I would consider juicy. Beets, Yuck.  But I have seen juice around beets when they are served. Parsley.  I am not sure on this one.  When I eat parsley it has at some point been in water, so I don’t know if that is Juicy or watery. Lettuce.  Again I have never been able to extract juice from lettuce. Watercress.  I don’t even know what this is.  I have eaten it in my salads, but again; no juice. Spinach.  Love raw spinach. Hate cooked spinach.  No juice in raw spinach. But I see some slimy stuff when it is cooked, is that juice? Lets see that is 7 vegetables.  But the container says V8.  Suggesting there is Eight Vegetables.  Let me look again. …………No that is all the vegetables listed.  There is a FRUIT listed.  Now we all know Fruit is where the juice is. Hello people, here we are. The folks at Campbell’s appear to  count, TOMATOES, which any school child can tell you is a FRUIT.  (This is the one item that I cannot tolerate). So should not the label say V7 F1.  Just to be honest about the content. I think so. It would appear the Tomato (FRUIT) is the main ingredient. Or any way that is what it looks like to me. False Advertising?  Most likely not.  More like an oversight, or ignorance. I don’t know.  If you like it drink it.  But do remember it isn’t really V8.  In truth it is V7F1. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 160

Colts 1st Round Draft Pick Is…..

With the professional football season over, for the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS.  We have seen the end of the POLIAN ERA.  The man who guided the COLTS,  to the selection of PEYTON MANNING.  The man who the past decade  the COLTS  have built their machine.  But this year with the injured MANNING sitting OUT  the season we saw the total collapse of the Indianapolis FRANCHISE  and it was thunderous. I still think the nucleus of the team is intact; however some of that nucleus is beginning to become long in the tooth.  (OLD).  So there has to be some changes made throughout the team.  The big mistake Polian made during those earlier years, to my way of thinking, was the signing of EDGERIN JAMES.   Not that he was a terrible choice,  BUT the BEST running back for the colts would have been Wisconsin’s RON DAYNE.  It was too bad for all of professional football, when Dayne went to a team which did not like to run the ball.  And the Great Dayne, was left rusting on the shelf. But why did the Colts falter so badly.  Bill Polian and Jim Irsay, (yes he has to take some of the blame too. After all he is “THE BOSS”), failed to recognize the fact Manning, as he ages, and continues to play every snap, hurt or otherwise; could possibly miss some games.  Therefore there was no backup plan.  And who would want to be Manning’s backup?  You never get to play.  Maybe if you are lucky you might get to take 5-10 snaps a year. Now the COLTS have a new leader.  Will he be able to right the ship?  Will Mr. Irsay give him the power to do his job?  Time will tell. Now to the matter of the FIRST ROUND PICK.  With so many holes to be plugged, one must first determine, WHICH HOLE, is most needed to plug.  At first glance it would appear the QB spot is of prime importance.  Next we need to know, are  we going with MANNING, or are we going to be seeking someone to take over the reins.  Then what is our time line for the switch. I believe MANNING is a great leader, a masterful student of the game and of imparting his knowledge to his fellow teammates.  I would not want him to leave the team.  NOR, do I think he wants to leave the COLTS.  But he knows what he can and can not do. Who would you draft if you decide to go for a QB?   First you must look for the best fit for the team you have.  (You can’t replace a whole team in one year.  Oh I suppose you could if you can buy out everyone’s contract.  But that is a bit unrealistic. I feel we have three quality candidates. STANFORD’S   ANDREW LUCK.   BAYLOR’S   ROBERT GRIFFIN III.   And WISCONSIN’S   RUSSELL WILSON.  Luck, of course is the nations choice.  But is he the right man for the team.  It all depends.  What is the NEW GUARD  of the COLTS looking for.  Luck has the pedigree, but can he fit in and lead the team next year if necessary.  Will he be satisfied to sit behind Manning.  I personally don’t think so.  I don’t know the boy,  all I know about him is what the press says.  (and we all know how the press can hype a player).   Stanford is no pro team.  (maybe).  But when you move to the pro ranks it is a new game.   CAN HE HANDLE THE CHANGE. Griffin III,  winner of the Heisman Trophy, has shown his leadership skills, by leading a NON-POWER team to new heights.  Again you have the same questions as with Luck. Wilson.  We know he already has a professional contract to play baseball.  He came to a new team and did an  outstanding job of leading them in his first and only year with the BADGERS. For what it is worth this is my pick. Want someone who can come in and take over immediately?   You must opt for Russell Wilson.  If he can/or wants to opt out of his baseball contract.  For Wilson, he can play baseball for 4-5 years for little pay.  OR become an instant millionaire thru his quarterbacking skills. Want someone who is willing to follow MANNING,  and learn from the master, with gradually increasing playing time.  Then Robert Griffin III is your man. I think the COLTS need someone who can come in and take immediate charge. So there you have it.  My number one pick would be Russell Wilson (if available) because I think the Colts need someone who is ready to take charge first game of the season. Given the same conditions, as above, if Wilson is not available then I would take Andrew Luck. Wanting some one to backup Manning and learn, and get gradual increasing snap, then Robert Griffin III is your man. That Is The Way I See It. UPDATE !!!!!  January 13,  About 6 hours ago from the time I am writing this;  RUSSELL WILSON of the WISCONSIN BADGERS has announced he will forgo his baseball career with the COLORADO ROCKIES, in favor of  a career in the NFL. Post Views: 231


BCS…..Best Game. Supposedly the BCS Championship game should be the BEST  college game  of the year.  But as usual it turned out to be a ho-zzzz-hummer.  Very one sided.  And as is the usual case it appeared one of the teams forgot to show up.  (Or partied too hard).  Wasn’t there just one touchdown scored? I  did not watch all the BCS games.  But I did watch several. Of all the ones I did watch I would have to state MY PICK would have  to be The OREGON DUCKS and  WISCONSIN BADGERS.  This game has plenty of action.  Defensive, Offensive.  Much scoring. Great plays.   Real sportsmanship.  Lead Changes.  Strategy. Long runs.  Long passes. Much scoring.   What more could you ask for in a game.  There was only two real mistakes, which I though altered the game.  Unfortunately  for the BADGERS,  THEY committed both in the last few minutes of the game.  First, I can’t remember the man carrying the ball, however the ball carrier had gained the first down running down the sideline.  The problem was; he failed to properly protect the ball.  He had it hanging down as if it was a bucket with a handle, thus allowing the “Quack,Quack”  Ducks to strip the ball loose.  Result DUCK  BALL. The next was a coaches call.  To Spike the ball with 2 seconds to go?          What was that all about?  Granted the referee did clearly start the clock before the snap.  BUT!!!! Two (2) seconds.  Makes no sense to me.  If you know what was to be gained by this spike call….Please let me know. I know there were several records set during the course of the game.  MOST points in a quarter, MOST points in a half.  LONGEST run for a TD.  Probably MOST points scored in a game.  All this from theGRANDDADDY of BOWL GAMES.  Not to mention the parade.  Did the Alabama Vs LSU game have it’s own parade.  I must have missed it. So the good old BCS didn’t let us down.  It was it’s usual lackluster showing. For my part I would rather watch teams like OREGON, and WISCONSIN, play anytime. That Is How I See It.                       Post Views: 334

White Canned Coca~Cola

Have you tried the new Coca~Cola in the WHITE CAN.  Coke tries to pass this off as the “CLASSIC COKE”.   But real Coke drinkers can tell you it is NOT!!!! Some of you may remember when they ditched the Coca~Cola formula and introduced “NEW COKE”  What a disaster.  Coke lovers raised such a fuss they had to come up with “CLASSIC COKE”.  “CLASSIC COKE” as anyone who remembers was not the ORIGINAL COKE.  It left something out that gave Coca~Cola it’s unique aura of taste, and (for a lack of a better word), It’s kick.  A milder version of the ORIGINAL version. Coke, if you did not know came in 6 ounce bottles.  That was in it’s heyday.  Then because Pepsi Cola was selling 12 ounce bottles (this was how they competed.  They gave a very watered down version of coke in 12 ounce bottles which had about half the kick of Coca~Cola in the 12 ounce bottle for the same nickle as Cokes 6 ounce bottle).  For some reason Coca~Cola felt the need to compete with the 12 ounce Pepsi Cola.  When Coca~Cola put their product in 12 ounce bottles it lost some of it’s flavor.  The bigger the bottle the less pizzazz, it had. I just tried the COKE (?) in the WHITE cans and found it to be a sweeter milder  flavor, nothing like Coca~Cola.  Still better than Pepsi Cola. Better than the “NEW” Coke.  Not as good as “CLASSIC”  Coke.  No where near as good as “ORIGINAL” Coke. I fail to see why the company wants to fool with perfection.  I know this new generation may not be able to handle the REAL THING.  It probably has too much kick for them.  What I do not like is Coca~Cola trying to pass off this new flavor by saying we only changed the can color.  But for people with real taste we can tell the difference, and the difference was not made by a white can.  White Can Coke is NOT THE REAL THING! I am not a diet drinker.  But I have tried Coke Zero.  Believe me Coke Zero has more Coca~Cola taste than White can Coke. I’m not saying White “Coke” is all bad.  It just isn’t Coca~Cola.  It might go well by some other name.  But Please COCA~COLA don’t try to pass this formula off as COKE.  Give it it’s own name.  Perhaps the people who like the sweet mild taste of Pepsi Cola will pick upon your WHITE CAN cola. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 283

Fast Food Garbage

Remember when you could go to an eatery, and order a hamburger or cheeseburger, and paid extra for onion, lettuce, or tomato?  Those were really scrumptious burgers.  Usually ground  fresh that day.  I remember we had a little shanty of an eatery, only about 8 stools, and a stand up counter on the outer wall.  We would go in, order our hamburger, fries, and a milk shake.  I never got the fixins. (occasionally I would get onion on my burger).  I preferred my sandwich plain.  I would order my milk shake made with chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream, and chocolate syrup.  MMMMM triple chocolate shake.  We could sit right there and watch the hamburger shaped, (it was usually stored in  a ball and then flattened on the grill).  You could watch them make the milk shake. We had our Root beer stands, and drive up restaurants, too. It was the same thing,  good quality meat, and you paid extra for the fixings. Then one fateful day they built a new fast food joint.  It had a futuristic style building and was called The Satellite.  I tried it one time.  The meat was very bland, and of poor quality.  Now some of my friends who would get the fixins, thought these were OK because their sandwiches were cheaper, and they didn’t have to pay for the lettuce, onion, tomato or their special sauce, which was mostly mayonnaise. This was when the term “garbage” came into use, as with all the fixins it looked like garbage on their sandwich.  To compete with this chain our other fine establishments started putting the garbage one their burgers.  Then they realized they would have to buy cheaper meat in order to compete.  That is when the quality in most of our eating establishments sank to the bottom,  Today we still have no good place to eat.  We have many places to eat, but you can’t find good food at any of them.  The eateries have to put the garbage on to give any hint of taste to their sandwiches. My question is:  WHY do I have to  PAY for this garbage when I request they omit from my sandwich.  Granted the meat has no quality flavor on it’s own.  That is why you need to put a lot of salt on them.  I wouldn’t mind paying more for quality sandwiches.  But having to pay for the garbage I don’t get really irks me. Bting back the days of quality meat and paying extra if you want the garbage. That Is How I See It.     find find find Post Views: 125

Trevor Bayne, NASCAR At Daytona

TREVOR BAYNE.  NASCAR’s youngest Daytona 500 winner in NASCAR History.  Twenty years and one day. Who is Trevor Bayne?  Where did he come from? Trevor Bayne won the Prestigious Title  “Daytona  Winner”.  A title that has eluded so many a racer.  He is the newcomer, the ROOKIE.  But he didn’t drive like one in Sundays race.  With all of the crashes, his car still looked like they had just brought it to the track.  Bayne took care of his car, and the car took care of him.   What can you say, the move at the end of  the race was not a typical rookie move.  Carl Edwards came charging from nowhere, and look surely to pass Bayne.   What did the youngster do?   Dropped down to block,  (I know some of you flinch when I say block, but that is what he did), this left Edwards no other option than to push Bayne accross the finish line.  Trevor may be a rookie in NASCAR but not in racing.  Brilliant Move TB.   But who is he and where is he from. Born in Knoxville Tennessee, February 19, 1991.  Began racing go-karts at the tender age of  5 years. After 8 years of racing karts, he held 3  WORLD CHAMPIONSHIIPS. In 2004  he began his Legacy Racing career.  While racing the Legacies he was the YOUNGEST number ONE  Rookie.  His second year saw him crowned as “NATIONAL CHAMPION”. Age 15 he moved to USAR Hooters Pro Cup Southern Division.  Again receiving the HIGH ROOKIE AWARD.  (See a Pattern Here).  At this time he was signed by Dale Earnhardt INC.’s driver development program, and began driving in the Camping World World East Series. In 2009 he raced in the Toyota All Star Showdown.  Where he won. (yup),  Sunoco’s ROOKIE OF THE RACE Award. Bayne then signed a contract with Michael Waltrip for a limited schedule.  Later signed with Roush -Fenway In 2010 he entered the Sprint Cup.  Racing for Woods Brother’s Racing.  Finishing 17th in the AAA Texas 500.  He won his next Sprint Cup Race, again for the Woods Brother’s Racing in car 21,  (the familiar red and white trademark of the Woods Brothers). It was a real joy to watch him race.  And to see him return WOODS BROTHER’S FORD  to the winner’s Circle.  A small independent team overcame the odds to make history. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 126

AI Assistant Test Translation