[adrotate group=”1″] 🏈The Chicago Bears’ association with Soldier Field is one steeped in history and tradition. As one of the NFL’s oldest franchises, the Bears’ decision to either remain at Soldier Field or move to a new stadium is fraught with both sentiment and strategy. Here, we explore the pros and cons of each option. Pros of Staying at Soldier Field Historical Significance: Soldier Field has been home to the Bears since 1971 and is a monument to American football history. It stands as a testament to the team’s storied past and offers fans a sense of continuity and heritage. Location: Nestled within the city’s metropolitan area, Soldier Field is easily accessible for city dwellers and offers stunning views of the Chicago skyline, enhancing the game-day experience. The stadium generates significant economic activity for local businesses, including hotels, restaurants, and vendors, especially on game days. Cons of Staying at Soldier Field Outdated Facilities: Despite renovations, Soldier Field struggles to meet modern standards for amenities and technology compared to newer stadiums. Limited Capacity: With a seating capacity of just over 61,000, it is one of the smallest stadiums in the NFL, limiting ticket sales and revenue potential. Restrictions on Expansion: Soldier Field is a historical landmark, which imposes restrictions on any significant structural changes or expansions. Pros of Relocating State-of-the-Art Stadium: A new stadium would offer modern amenities, increased comfort for fans, and advanced technology for an enhanced viewing experience. Increased Revenue: A larger stadium would allow for more ticket sales, luxury boxes, and events, significantly boosting the team’s revenue. Opportunity for Growth: A new location could provide space for additional facilities, such as training complexes and administrative offices, fostering growth and development. Cons of Relocating Loss of Tradition: Moving away from Soldier Field would sever ties with a rich history that has become a part of the team’s identity. Financial Burden: Building a new stadium is a massive financial undertaking, with costs often running into the billions, which may not be recouped quickly. Community Impact: Relocation could negatively impact the businesses and workers who rely on the stadium’s presence in the city. In conclusion, the decision to either revitalize Soldier Field or build a new home for the Bears is complex. It involves weighing the benefits of modernization and potential revenue against the intangible value of tradition and history. The Bears’ choice will ultimately reflect their vision for the team’s future and its legacy. This post is a high-level overview of the considerations involved in the decision-making process for the Chicago Bears’ potential move from Soldier Field. For a more detailed analysis, further research and input from stakeholders, including fans, city officials, and the team itself, would be beneficial.🏈 [adrotate group=”1″] Post Views: 144
Category: Saving Money
Penny Auctions
Is this worth the price. This will be a very short blog. As I haven’t bid on anything. Nor do I know anyone who has. You see the advertisements. I won such and such for only $5. I may be wrong. So check it out yourself, Let me know if you see this the same way I do. This is how I understand it works. 1) Items you bid on will only go up 1 penny from bid to bid. 2) You have to pay for the right to place a bid. I think it amounts to something like 50 cents a bid 3) If you win an item you remit that amount. You will receive your won item in X days. To put this on a local level we are more familiar with. Say you go to your local auction house. When you sign in and get your bid card, you will be asked how many times do you want to bid tonight? I don’t know. It depends on the item. Then you are told it will cost you 50 cents every time your bid is accepted. And we will proceed in 1 penny increments. So you buy 20 bids for $10. Now let’s say you open the bid for 1 penny. The auction house has just made 50 cents on an item. The item is probably worth, say $30. If it is like most local auction houses there will be at least (for demonstration purposes) 5 bidders. Yippee You Won it for only $20 dollars, but you used all your 20 bids. Guess what you just paid $30 for it. But in penny increments, I think (Mind you I’m no Mathematician, so I could have my figures wrong), about 2000 bids. It appears the to me the auction made about $1000.oo on that $20 dollar item. One Item I looked was a $100.oo gift card. The item was paused. For reasons unknown to me. But $4.66 for $100.oo gift card is a great deal. However the Auction company has made $233.00. So even if the Auction house paid $100.oo for this gift card they have still made $133.oo gross profit. I don’t know how they secure the items, they sell. But I imagine they sell thousands of items a day, and the winner probably does get a good deal, just like the advertisements say. Provided they are wise enough to figure the timers, and when to bid. Oh yes they have timers. Usually set for 3 minutes. (Anyway that is what I gathered from the site I visited to write this. If no one bids during that 3 minute period the high bidder wins I didn’t understand the PAUSE function though. Any how as long as you understand how it works, go for it. You might get a good deal. That Is How I See It. they have Post Views: 101
NBA Lockout
Here we go again. Multimillionaire vs Multimillionaires, (or billionaires), who knows, who cares. The NBA claims the league lost $300 million this past season. The league will tell you it is the players fault. The players will say it’s the owners fault. I’ll take the blame. I haven’t been to a professional game in years, therefore it must be my fault because I didn’t pay to watch a bunch of overpaid people play a game I would play for free. No! I don’t take advantage of watching them on TV. Will they never learn? We had the NBA lockout in what (1998), then to get people back they created “SUPER STARS’, By allowing certain players to not follow the rules, and blasting their names on anything, and everything. These were decent players before, (Let me explain. I look at the overall skills of a player to rate them. If a player scores 30 points a game but puts up 60 shots; does this mean he is a great player. If a player is allowed to go from one end of the floor to the other with only 3 dribbles, is he a good ball handler. The answer in my opinion is NO!) The fact that professional basketball is not real BASKETBALL, but comparative to professional wrestling. They give what the so-called fans want. That’s OK it is merely a business, BIG BUSINESS, but business. In the NBA’s greed, they started raising ticket, and licensing fees. Then the players said Hey I want some of that. And I have no quarrel here. What we have here is: The NBA owns the company. The players contract with different teams for the most money they can get. It is just business. Who cares? Will we not be able to feed our kids if the two can’t reach agreement. Probably we would have more money in our pockets. I suggest if you want to see exciting BASKETBALL take in a grade school, (or as some of the upper class prefer elementary school), games, Jr high or middle school, or high school. Or a nearby division 2 or 3 College game. It won’t cost you nearly as much, and you will most likely see a more competitive game than the NBA will offer. And I’m sure your school and community could use the money. That Is How I See It. high school merely Post Views: 712
Cost Of Entertainment On Rise
I just read where Disney World is increasing the price of a day pass. Admittedly it may not be a big increase. I really don’t know. I once won a 3 day stay there, which included flying down, and back, with a room and continental breakfast. I told them to give it to someone who would go. It would take about a $million to get to Florida. Well I might go for $100,000.oo. I was there once. Drove 18 hours to get there, After reaching our destination, I stayed 5 hours and came back home. Worst place I have ever been. Exception might have been Camp Eagle. But that is another story. It may just be in my blood. My Dad went there to visit my Uncles who moved down there. He hated it too. My son went to college there one year. He is a little more lenient than my Dad or me. He will go there for a day or two to visit friends. But back to the rise in costs for Disney World. Now it isn’t just Disney World, it seems most amusement parks are raising their prices. We all know sometimes a price increase has to come along. As employee’s need raises, and employee benefit cost raise. So I’m not really knocking them for the price increase. However, when you think about the overall cost for someone like me to go as a family of four, it really is quite pricey. Assume it is still the 1800 miles I traveled the last time. (There wasn’t Interstates all the way, so went by U.S. Highways), I think a good estimate for cars now is 26 mpg average. So round trip of 3600 miles, figure gas cost now about $3.50 a gallon, equals about $485.oo. Entry at $80.oo time 4 equals $320.oo. Now we are at $805.oo. Even for me 1800 miles is too much for a one day trip. Figure, driving the interstates, it is at least a 2 day drive. Thus we end up with at least 10 meals each for the round trip. Even eating at Burger King, we are looking at $200.oo for food, and that is not counting any drinks or snacks you have while on the road. Two overnight stays at a motel, (one going, and one coming home), that’s at least another $300.oo. I don’t know if Disney World charges to park there, I have been to some Amusement parks that do. But most don’t. So I’ll assume Disney doesn’t. Now we are at $1300.oo and just getting in the gate. Assuming, (again), you and your children spend what we spent the last time I took my family, which was several years ago, on drinks and food and souvenirs we’ll ad another $100.oo. Up to $1400.00 now. And let’s face it how much are you really going to get to see or do in one day? I know most of you are probably thinking WOW! that’s not bad. I suppose not but after driving 12 hours a day, for 2 days to get there, and 12 hours, a day for 2 days to come home. (Let’s not forgetting listening to the children and wife all that time while trying to keep your mind on driving), is it really worth it? Again probably yes, just to see the kid’s having fun. But for me that is more than I make each month. AND I still have my house payment, utilities, food, auto expenses, etc. But don’t worry, even if I could afford it I wouldn’t go. Disneyland in California would be another thing. That Is How I See It. have been just getting Post Views: 123
Drivers Beware In Gary Indiana
We all have believed Cops have had quotas for traffic stops. After all they have to bring some money in to help pay their salaries. Finally a City which is not ashamed to admit their police officers, have quotas. they have not stated what the consequence is if you don’t meet the quota. ” What is the quota?” you ask. The quota is at least one “1” traffic arrest an hour. Gary’s Traffic Commander, mothy Tatum said this quota will remain in effect as long as he is “COMMANDER” . His actual edict says 10 traffic arrests per officer assigned to his traffic division per shift per day. Good Luck holding your job Timothy. I understand the prosecutors are already protesting your quota. They can always decide to NOT PROSECUTE. The voters probably will not appreciate your move. I’m not sure one cop can write 1o citations a day. I’m thinking what you are creating is an aura of “I have to meet my quota, so I’ll write up this poor guy driving the old car. He can’t afford to protest the stop, and pursue it in court”. Or “I’ll stop this guy, he’s from out of our area, and will just pay the fine.” Then, of course, there is the wealthy who will pay just because it is such a trifling amount it is not worth the time to go to court. Kind of sounds like everyone could be a victim of this QUOTA. I hope the traffic officers have enough pride in themselves to not make up violations to meet their quota. Or that an unreasonable stop does not end with injury to the cop or citizen. I know I will do my best to avoid Gary Indiana, and there goes my money I may have spent there. After all I’m sure they don’t need my money in this haven of high employment, and economy. It seems to me the “Quota” would be a valid defense, in court. But I’m not a Lawyer, or Judge. Hats off to Gary for admitting they have a traffic citation quota. Most places would not. That Is How I See It. UPDATE: UPDATE: Just in. Gary Mayor Rudy Clay Says Quota’s are over. Police Administration says never existed. Don’t know if Gary’s Traffic Commander, Timothy Tatum, is still Commander they have Post Views: 100
Local Government Waste
As you may recall, in a previous post “Dying Cities/ Towns”, (posted February 2, 2011), I was telling how a once busy city is now dying. Now from the same area, I have received word of more government waste that contributes to the fall. It is in the state mentioned in April 15, 2011 post titled, “Property Tax Capped/ Raise Rates. This once bustling city, has fell on hard times with the loss of most of it’s major employers. But the latest DUMB thing. Are you ready for this. The local primary election is coming up in May. Actually I think it being held today. As I, most likely, told you this county is primarily Republican, and will blindly vote for anyone who is Republican, with few exceptions. (As I have stated in other posts I am neither Republican, nor Democrat. I do not see any place for politics in government). In case there are a few people who do not know the purpose of a primary election, it provides all Republicans to vote for who will run on the Republican ticket in the fall, for the various offices. It also allows the Democrats, the same opportunity. Those of us who affiliate with no party are left with whoever they pick. Guess what. All candidates of both parties, are running against NO ONE, Uncontested. HOWEVER, the county is going to spend about $20,ooo.oo to hold this unnecessary election. WHY! The county does not want anyone to feel they did not have a chance to vote for their favorite candidate. LOL. Perhaps it is just me. Maybe I am the dumb one, (most likely), but does anyone see anything being accomplished for this $20,000.oo? I’ll bet they have a big turn out. Don’t you? Oh well it is just $20,000.oo, I’m sure they could not find a better use for that drop in the bucket. BREAKING NEWS. It appears in the election mentioned they had a 5.57 % turnout to vote for their favorite, unopposed candidate. Which according to my calculations cost the taxpayers $39 a vote. But at least those 517 people got to vote. That Is How I See It. they have find find find Post Views: 113
Extended Warranties
Extended Warranties. You know those things you asked to purchase every time you purchase an appliance, electronic equipment, or even a car. Ever wonder why? The fact is the retailer gets as much as 50% of the price you pay. ALL PROFIT. Do you really need it. Most likely not. The manufacturer’s warranty usually covers less time than they figure the item will last. If something goes wrong it is generally during the manufacturer’s warranty period. I usually divide the expected life of the purchase by the price I give. I find, unless I do something stupid and break it, my extended warranty goes unused. My first experience with extended warranties came many years ago, (when they were something new). I purchased a VCR from a well known outlet store. They talked me into purchasing the EW, (extended warranty). After 1 month it broke. The manufacturer’s warranty was still in force. Of Course. But here is the kicker. The store would not replace it. Give me a loaner, or anything. The extended warranty did not entitle me to anything. It was another 3 months before I got my VCR back. I had to make the payments for 3 months, without having the product. A contract is a contract. I live up to mine. My second encounter was when I purchased my first Big Screen TV, about 11 years ago. I still have that TV everything works fine. Knock on wood. The warranty went unused. Another TV I purchased 16 years ago is still running just fine. I did not purchase a warranty on this one. It is up to you whether you purchase the extended warranty. As for me I don’t have the money to donate. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 223
New Car or Old Car
My newest vehicle, other than my motorcycle, and project sports car. My daily driver is a 1995 Ford Explorer. I don’t know how many miles it has on it. The odometer doesn’t work. It had 150,000 miles on it when I bought it 3 years ago. I know I average 20 miles a gallon with it. I chase my kids and their kids in sports. I bought the Explorer 3 years ago, and have put about 75,000 miles on it. I paid $1500.00 for it then. I pay the minimum in my state for license. We have an excise tax added to plate cost each year, until the vehicle is X years old or bottoms out on value. I pay only for Liability Insurance. The insured value would be less than I paid for it. I don’t count in the usual expected expenses for maintenance. Tires, Oil Change, etc. These things come whether you have a new car or old. I was fortunate that that the Explorer had been taken care of and had no rust, or excessive wear on the interior. I subscribe to these beliefs as far as vehicles are concerned. A vehicle is to get me from point A to point B. Do I need a new car for this? NO! If I were to buy a new car, (and I have had a couple. Three to be Exact. the last one I had one year, before I got laid off, seems my vehicle had already lost 50% of what I paid for it. I was able to keep it with the help of my brother. Do I want to take that kind of loss again. No way. If I were to buy a new vehicle payments would run, probably between $250-$350 a month. that would be a minimum of $3,000.00 a year in payments. for about 5 or 6 years. So I figure if I can keep my Explorer on the road for $2000.00 a year I am ahead of the game. Knock on wood I have had to spend $0, beyond the usual maintenance costs for the these 3 years. So at $500 a year ($1500 divided by 3 years equals $500 a year). Well as you can see I have thus far save $2500.00 a year on payments alone. That is $7,500.00 I have saved. I know most of you think you have to have a new car for appearance sake, or mistakenly think you will spend more for maintenance. Think of it this way If you had an older vehicle YOU would still have put more money in your pocket. I had a cousin who only bought a new car every ten years. But he could afford it. By buying only every ten years he was able to pay cash. Pretending to make payments.(putting the money aside), he was able to take his family on many fulfilled vacations with the extra money. Why Buy a New Car when an Older one is just as good at getting you from Point A to Point B, at a huge savings. That Is How I See It, Post Views: 311