NFL CONFIDENCE PICKS WEEK 8 10/29- 11/01-02/2020

REMEMBER TO SET YOUR CLOCK BACK SATURDAY NIGHT (Unless you live in one of the states that are smart enough to stay on one time year around) NFL TRIVIA:  Have you ever considered?  There are 4 quarters in a regulation NFL game.  Each quarter is 15 minutes.  That means the game is only 1 hour long.    (Of course that 1 hour doesn’t include commercials).  Yet we spend an average 3 hours, 12 minutes watching a 1 hour (plus commercials game).   WE watch at least 100 commercials during that 3 hours and 12 minutes.  We sit on the edge of our seat afraid we might miss a play.  Thank Goodness for those 100 commercials so we can grab a snack or beverage (except those of us who have one of those small “dorm” type refrigerators and microwaves beside our chair or couch).  But more important is the bathroom break.  1 hour game. 3 hours 12 minutes viewing time.  All that for a mere 11 MINUTES of playing action.      SIDE NOTE FOR COMPARISON.  My sons who wrestled in High School went all out for 3 periods of 2 minutes.   A full match is 6 minutes (plus occasional 0T’s).  ALL OUT EVERY MUSCLE WORKING ! That is more than half of the action time in an NFL Game.  It is nothing unusual to have 4 or more matches in a 2 hour period. Total time of action 24 minutes.  More physical action and effort than 1 football game.  Yes, I know not all matches go the full 6 minutes. For those of you who are new here. This is  how confidence raniking goes, let me explain. If we were playing an office pool,(which we ARE NOT).  The object is to score the most points. To obtain the score YOU rank the teams by how confident you are a team will win its game.  EXAMPLE:  Say this week we have 16 games.  The team you are most confident will win you would assign the number 16 and follow down to the team you are least confident in and assign that number 1.   You add up the TOTAL CORRECT PICKS.. That would be your score.  We use the Monday night (Last game played) as a TIE BREAKER.  The tie is broken by the closest to the total (that is the COMBINED score of the two participating teams) final score, without going over. YOU can adopt the scoring  described above.  Or, the optional method.  A  negative score for missed games.  We will continue to get a positive score for correct predictions.  EXAMPLE:   if you scored     1 pt on the first game and you had 15 pts on the second game and lost you would still have  1 pt. 1.  HOWEVER. with the same scenario new scoring system would result with a –14 score If we were playing this is how my sheet would look;  My pick will be in bold Capital letters.  you can use circling, underlining, or highlighting.  I will show my correct points in Bold I will fill in my picks Thursday.  Until then feel free to: Just copy and paste for your own Fun Pool Use.  Or to see if you can beat me. IF YOU SEE I MADE A MIS-COPY OF THE GAMES AND TIMES FEEL  FREE TO EMAIL ME AND TELL ME I GOOFED. GOOD LUCK TO ALL. BYES:  CARDINALS — FOOTBALL TEAM — JAGUARS — TEXANS (THURS Time AST or erroneously known as EDT) SUNDAY AND MONDAY EST GAME # TV VISITOR SCORE   HOME SCORE CONFIDENCE RUNNING SCORE THUR 10/29//20 20:20           1 NBC Falcons (1-6) 25 @ PANTHERS   (3-4) 17 1 0/1     SUNDAY 11/01/20 13:00 2 CBS RAMS  (5-2) 17 @ Dolphins  (5-1) 28 6 0/7 3 CBS Jets  (0-7) 9 @ CHIEFS(6-1) 35 14 14/7 4 FOX Vikings (1-5) 28 @ PACKERS (5-1) 22 12 14/5 5 CBS COLTS (4-2) 41 @ Lions (3-8) 21 4 18/1 6 CBS Raiders (3-3) 16 @ BROWNS  (5-2) 6 2 18/3 7 CBS TITANS (5-1) 20 @    Bengals      (1-5-1) 31 10 18/13 8 CBS Patriots (2-4) 21 @ BILLS ()5-2 24 7 25/6 9 CBS Steeler (6-0) 28 @ RAVENS (51) 24 9 25/15 SUNDAY 11/01/20 16:05 10 CBS CHARGERS (2-4) 30 @ Broncos(2-4) 31  3 25/18 SUNDAY 11/01/20 16:25 11 FOX 49″ers (4-3) 27 @ SEAHAWKS (5-1) 37 5 30/13 12 FOX SAINTS (4-2) 26 @ Bears (5-2) 23 (OT) 8 38/5 SUNDAY 11/01/20 20:20 13 NBC Cowboys (2-5) 9 @      EAGLES        (2-4-1) 23 11 49/6 MONDAY 11/02/20 20:15 14 ESPN BUCCANEERS (5-2) 25 @ Giants (1-6) 23 13 62/19 59%/18% GAMES 7/7 50%/50% Points Possible 105 Tie Break (Total score Last Game) 46 Total 48 Points Off -2   Post Views: 167

NCAA March Madness 2016

What a thrilling ending to the 2016 edition of MARCH MADNESS. North Carolina probably wishing the could have waited a couple of seconds for their final shot.  I didn’t do so well.  I DID however pick a number two seed to win (Michigan State); BUT it was a number two seed which won.  So I have to give myself  a half credit (?). It has been FUN.  I  plan to do this again next year.  Despite my troubles with CHROME.  It gave me fits in updating.  I would spend sometimes an hour updating just one bracket sheet.  Finally learned I had to clear my cache every time before I attempted to update anything. Be sure to check back regularly.  I don’t have any idea what I will write about….. NO! wait I have some idea.  Maybe some racing history. (If I can find the notes I made a couple years ago.  Also…. who knows. WELCOME TO OUR 2016 MARCH MADNESS.  I am not sure How many years we have been doing this.  I will have to look it up.   This is where you can print your “OFFICE POOL” Bracket, Check the scores, etc. I will have this “MASTER BRACKET”,  “WHAT IF YOU CHOSE THE HIGH PICKS”  for each game.  An “UPSET BRACKET”  (if the favored team wins it will be in Green, if it is an upset it will be listed in RED”.  And, Yes I will have my picks so you can compare your picks to mine. (And Laugh or Cry)  What is a seed?  Merely a starting place.  Although unlikely, IT is possible for two 16 seeds to meet in the final game.  Would lets say Michigan St  were to be seeded as a number 16.  They would still have  to win all games to be CHAMPION !    SEEDING attempts to give a more favored team an easier path to the CHAMPIONSHIP.  Seeding should lead to  the best 2 teams playing in the final game.  However there  is always that upset minded team;  or  the chance that the favored team has a bad game, a stand out player is sick or injured.  I am reminded of one year in our STATE High School WRESTLING Tournament.  The Athletic Assn.  decided to go with a draw, rather than seeding.  The Result?  Two wrestlers with one defeat each faced each other in the first match.  Loser of a first round match goes home.  It was a 3 OT match.  One of these wrestlers went home, while wrestlers with more losses during the season advanced.  The winner of this match had no competition left.  Easy wins.  He won the CHAMPIONSHIP  that first match.  Not much excitement. Reportedly there is a TEENAGE GIRL in Indiana who has only missed 3 games in this years bracket. She picked Texas over Northern Iowa.  California over Hawaii. Final game she had Syracuse over North Carolina.  Her Champion pick is……VILLANOVA. She says she does not follow Basketball regularly and has only attended a game or two at her high school.      Maybe this is proof the rest of us over think some things To  print BRACKET: Click on PRINT PDF button at top and select page with the bracket you want to print. ( If you do not see the “PRINT PDF” button.  Please go to the The Title “NCAA March Madness 2016”  and click to advance to the full post).  MASTER BRACKET ALL HIGH PICKS UPSETS MY PICKS       Post Views: 106

NCAA Countdown Timer

This is going to be a short post.  Some people question; “WHY is your timer different from all the others”  “Your counter says the tournament starts at 7 pm Tuesday.” Well, like it or not the traditional field of 64 is now 72,  Therefore the difference in the timers. My timer is a countdown to the actual start of the  NCAA TOURNAMENT.   As I said, like it or not we have and expanded field.  Most people refuse to accept this  as a part of MARCH MADNESS.  Some claim these games don’t count.  They are merely a preliminary to the tournament, a last chance qualifier, if you will.  I feel it it weren’t part of the Tournament the NCAA Committee, would not be the group which selects them.  They are however, if you are familiar with High School Wrestling Tournaments, call pig tail matches, with the winners advancing on in the Tournament.  By doing this there is no need to alter the original bracket. For example the winner of the first game,  will be considered as a number as the 16 seed in the SOUTH Bracket, facing ALL around number 1 Kentucky.   The winner of the second game will move as a 14 seed in the WEST, and face number 3 Marquette.  Third game winner will advance as a number 16 seed in the MIDWEST  bracket and face number 1 North Carolina.  The winner of the fourth game will move into the 12 th seed slot in the MIDWEST  and play number 5 Temple. I look at it this way.  Tne COMMITTEE could not decide who the two number 16 seed, The number 14 and 12 seed should be so this is how it will be decided.   And if you look at the 12 and 14  seeding these team probably deserve to be in the Tournament more than the NCAA placed number 16 seeds. What I can’t understand is why does the MIDWEST have 2 pig tail matches and the EAST is the only bracket without a pig tail match. Well that explains why my countdown timer is different.  The people who see the other timers will miss , most likely the four most evenly matched games  of the tournament. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 153

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