INDY 500 2011

Indy 500 was filled with controversy this year.

One item on the controversy agenda was….DOUBLE CAR RESTART.  Never having raced at the track, I see nothing wrong with a double row restart, after all the official start has them racing 3 abreast.  So what is the big deal restarting with one less row?  Seems to me you have more room than at the start of the race.  Safety wise I see no harm here, except in the case of late race restarts, which would be safe except for the “I have to make a move now or else,” mentality of the driver, who is pressured by himself, his team, sponsors, and fans to finish the best he can.  Preferably 1st.

From the driver’s standpoint.  Why should someone I passed be starting beside me.  Actually, that is the only valid argument I can find.  True INDY is  a one groove track.  But as my Dad would have told me.  “Find a way to use the rest of the track”.   I’ve never seen it in the rules, but doesn’t the lead car have the choice of his racing line for the restart.  He can use that to his ability, and be in the groove for the restart.  Back to the Car I Passed, scenario.  If I am above the groove, then the cars in the line behind the leader has an advantage.

From the Fans standpoint. I like it.

Controversy number 2.  The purchase of a ride by Michael Andretti from A.J. Foyt.  If Andretti could not field a car capable of qualifying with Hunter-Reay, why should he be allowed to purchase a ride qualified by an obviously (by means of qualifying), better driver.  I wonder if  A.J. sort of choked when he talked about how INDY had made him.  He sold Junqueria’s chance to make his name.

Controversy number 3.  THE PASS UNDER YELLOW! Yes.  Hildebrand crashed.  HOWEVER he did maintain forward motion.  As the leader it is up to him to set the pace until the pace car arrives.  Apparently this rule does not apply in all instances.  The new track management seems to have deemed a disabled car cannot lead the race.  How many times I wonder have cars either ran out of gas and coasted to a win. Or crashed just as they were about to cross the finish line.

This seems to me to be a rule that needs more definition.  As for me.  Hildebrand is the true winner of the 2011 INDY 500

I’m sure you all have opinions on these 3 things.  I invite you to post your comments here, and also let the people running the INDY 500 if they made the right calls.

That Is How I See It.


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