Let start by saying this is only a RUMOR, I heard about 3 or 4 months ago. Rumor only.
What I heard is that after the ousting of Tony George, as President (or whatever position he had), There was movement to divest the Hulman family’s ownership of the fabled track. Reason is unknown to me. I suspect the family had grown too large and for some reason wanted to collect the money and split it. Or perhaps their other holding were in trouble and this is their way of propping up those other businesses. A report in the news media has stated the family has been drilling for oil on their properties.  I don’t know.
The move to open offices in California seems to add fuel to these reports. It was said that the sale would not be announced until near INDY 500 race time. I suppose we will just have to wait and see. At any rate if they sell all the holdings of the INDY 500 It would be a massive bill. Because of the surrounding real estate that it owns is humongous. Just the sale of the Track facilities would be (given just land prices) would probably reach billions.
Like this is just a RUMOR I heard 3 or 4 months ago. There may be nothing to it.
This Is How I See It.
i love it