Mark Twain Humor Award

Will Farrel to receive award.  I cannot bring myself to even put Will Ferrel and name of the person whose name is on the award in the same sentence.

I feel it a slap in the face of Mark Twain for the above mentioned person to receive an award associated with him.

Other than getting naked in films.  What has Will Farrel done.  I love comedy, watch as many comedies as I can.  But not even one time has Farrel made me laugh not a chuckle, not even a tee hee.  I know there are other recipients who I have felt the same way.  I suppose there are enough of those people who are comedy depraved that would disagree with me.  I don’t care.  I have a keen sense of humor,  that is not off color or in any way jaded. I realize the younger crowd sees things differently.  We have the generation of you owe me.  The digital game generation who sit and play games all day, and night.  These people unfortunately have never been exposed to real comedy and don’t know it when they see it.

Well I suppose these are your days, regardless of what you don’t know.

That Is How I See It.

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