NFL CONFIDENCE Pick Sheet Week 6 10/13-16-17/2016

For those of you who do not know how confidence ranking goes, let me explain.

If we were playing an office pool,(which we ARE NOT).  The object is to score the most points. To obtain the score YOU rank the teams by how confident you are a team will win its game.  EXAMPLE:  Say this week we have 16 games.  The team you are most confident will win you would assign the number 16 and follow down to the team you are least confident in and assign that number 1.   We use the Monday night game as a TIE BREAKER.  The tie is broke by the closest to the total (that is the COMBINED score of the two participating tams) final score, without going over.

If we were playing this is how my sheet would look;  My pick will be in bold Capital letters.  you can use circling, underlining, or highlighting.  I will show my correct points in Bold

YOU can adopt the scoring  described above.  Or, the optional method.  A  negative score for missed games.  We will continue to get a positive score for correct predictions.  EXAMPLE:   if you scored 1 pt on the first game and you had 15 pt on the second game and lost you would still have a Positive 1.  HOWEVER. with the same scenario new scoring system would result with a -14 score.

I will fill in my picks Thursday.  Until then feel free to:

Just copy and paste for your own Fun Pool Use.  Or to see if you can beat me.

IF YOU SEE I MADE A MISS COPY OF THE GAMES AND TIMES FEEL  FREE TO EMAIL ME AND TELL ME I GOOFED.                                                                                                                                                   * Keep in mind; NFL  sometimes uses, “FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING”, which means they        may change game times.  Unless I catch the last minute change you will see the original schedule.


Allows teams to play their way onto the Sunday night schedule

In 2006 the NFL implemented a primetime “flexible scheduling” element on Sundays in Weeks 10-15 and in Week 17. In 2014 that was extended so that games between Weeks 5 and 17 could be affected by flex scheduling. However, only two games may be flexed into Sunday Night between Week 5 and 10.

Flexible scheduling ensured quality matchups on Sunday night in those weeks and gave surprise teams a chance to play their way onto primetime. The NBC Sunday night time slot for “flex” weeks lists the game tentatively scheduled for Sunday night.

Only Sunday afternoon games are eligible to be moved to Sunday night, in which case the tentatively scheduled Sunday night game will be moved to an afternoon start time. Flexible scheduling will not be applied to games airing on Thursday, Saturday or Monday nights.

Just as the six major college football conferences have done for many years, the NFL has the flexibility to move the start times of games on Sundays, using a 12-day notice format.

For example, a game scheduled for a Sunday could move from a 1:00 p.m. ET kickoff to an 8:15 p.m. start, but the change would be made and announced no later than the prior Tuesday, 12 days prior. Sunday afternoon games, as in the past, can still be moved between 1:00 and 4:05 or 4:25 p.m. ET.

In Week 17, in order to ensure a Sunday night game with playoff implications, the decision to move the start time may be made on six days notice.


  • Begins Sunday of Week 5
  • In effect during Weeks 5-17
  • Up to 2 games may be flexed into Sunday Night between Weeks 5-10
  • Only Sunday afternoon games are subject to being moved into the Sunday night window.
  • The game that has been tentatively scheduled for Sunday night during flex weeks will be listed at 8:15 p.m. ET.
  • The majority of games on Sundays will be listed at 1:00 p.m. ET during flex weeks except for games played in Pacific or Mountain Time zones which will be listed at 4:05 or 4:15 p.m. ET.
  • No impact on Thursday, Saturday or Monday night games.
  • The NFL will decide (after consultation with CBS, FOX, NBC) and announce as early as possible the game being played at 8:15 p.m. ET. The announcement will come no later than 12 days prior to the game. The NFL may also announce games moving to 4:05 p.m. ET and 4:25 p.m. ET.
  • Week 17 start time changes could be decided on 6 days notice to ensure a game with playoff implications.
  • The NBC Sunday night time slot in “flex” weeks will list the game that has been tentatively scheduled for Sunday night.
  • Fans and ticket holders must be aware that NFL games in flex weeks are subject to change 12 days in advance (6 days in Week 17) and should plan accordingly.
  • NFL schedules all games.
  • Teams will be informed as soon as they are no longer under consideration or eligible for a move to Sunday night.




All Times AST (Atlantic Standard Time)  Alias EDT

THURSDAY 10/13/16 20::30
1 CBS  BRONCOS  13  @ Chargers  21 5  0/5
SUNDAY 10/16/2016 13:00
 2 FOX
 49’ers 16  @ BILLS  45 11 11/6
 3 FOX
EAGLES  20  @ Redskins  27 2  11/4
 4 CBS
 Browns  26  @ TITANS 28  12 23/16
 5 FOX
 Ravens  23 @ GIANTS 27 9  32/25
 6 FOX
 PANTHERS 38  @ Saints  41  4  32/21
 Jaguars 17  @ BEARS 16  3  32/18
 Rams 28 @ LIONS  31
 7  39/25
9 CBS STEELERS  15  @  Dolphins  30  14  39/11
10 CBS Bengals 17 @ PATRIOTS  35 15 54/26
10/16/2016 16:05    
11 FOX CHIEFS 26  @ Raiders 10  1 55/27
 12 FOX
 Cowboys 30  @ PACKERS  16  8  55/19
 13 FOX
 Atlanta 24 @ SEAHAWKS  26 10  65/29
SUNDAY 10/16/2016 20:30
14 NBC
Colts  23  @ TEXANS 26 (OT)  6  71/35
10/17/2016 20:30
15 ESPN   
 Jets  3  @ CARDINALS 28 13  84/48
  120 pt  possible  70%/40%
Tie Breaker (Monday 2 team total last game)  46
Actual Score  31
Points Off  +15

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