Oly’s SENIOR GOLF WEEK 3. 2023

FATHER’S DAY:  Yes I know I am a bit behind.  It has been a month since Father’s Day

Anyway my two sons took me to what was my home club when I was playing.  Remember last post I was telling you what an excellent course.  It was originally designed with hosting a PGA tournament there. in mind.  I never played the PGA Tees.  I never played the Championship tees either.  We, (even in league,) play, used the Intemediate tees which most people play today.  We did not have Senior tees.   We had Blue Championship, White Intemediate, and ladies tees.

I was really excited about playing there.  First thing I noticed was the office and equipment area was missing the pool table and the entire area had been turned into a storage area.  This area was in the lower half of the building, and you walked out to the card area which was also the course level.  NOW the office area is upstairs, parking lot level.   Had to wait for someone to come in if you wanted to pick up anything.  NO free ball markers. NO free green repair tools.  I don’t remember them having gloves, hats or anything.  The office was where the entrance to the restaurant and bar were.  The bar had been moved toward the office. and limited seating.  No bartender.   The rest was turned into a storage area. (The Food there used to be very good and reasonable; but now no restaurant.  So I picked up a pencil and scorecard.  The boys had already paid the green fees, and cart fees. 

I had already heard they had flipped the front and back nine.  No big deal.  But the tees (unlike before) was so hard you needed a hammer to insert your tee.  Bushes had crept into the fairway, making a narrow fairway narrower.  THEN the worse part.  HARD , patchy greens.  Cattails almost surrounding the water hazards,  and weeds creeping up where the fairway was around the water except about a 20 foot area.  Would not have been a problem in 1988 because I could drive to about 20 yards from this par 4 hole. (I am skipping around to different holes to explain how much MY Excellent course had gone down hill.  The sand traps were so hard most golfers refused to hit from them.  You get the idea.  This course was really deteriorating.  Primarily because, like so many courses NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS.  You have to have many players to be able to maintain the course.  Unfortunately the younger group does not play like we did,  they have other interests.  I don’t know what those interests are.

But now on to the game.  My youngest plays generally around 2-5 over par.  My oldest plays bogey golf.  I play triple bogey golf.  They tried to talk me into playing the  SENIOR  tees. But I told them they were for old men.  My problem was this: This was my home course.  Instead of accepting my being older I kept seeing each hole through the eyes of my younger self,  then getting aggravated because I couldn’t hit the ball as long and true as I could 35 years ago.  to say I shot, a disappointing 126 for the 18. the boys of course were playing their usual games.  Now I like to just tell my net score which in this instance was a 74, 2 over par. (Good old Handicap)!

Yes I had a great time just being with my boys,  score is score,  BUT time spent with your children is golden.

Before I go let me tell you what I learned that day. 

1. I had to admit I couldn’t play like I did 35 years ago.  So accept the Senior tees when playing with younger, stronger players.  (When I play with my friends closer to my age,(even if they are 7-8 years younger),  we play the intermediate tees.  It is fair.

2. When playing the courses I used to Play.  Forget playing there before.  Treat them like a new course you never played before.  That way you stop thinking “I used to hit this green in regulation or I can drive to within 20-30 yards of this hole.  You CAN’T. You have to think… I never played this course before let’s see what I can do.

3.  Conditions  of the course are conditions.  Just as fair for all players.

4. HAVE FUN.  You aren’t a tour player.  You aren’t playing for a living.  You are playing for recreation.

Remember these things, eventually you might improve your game.  But if not (unless you are playing alone,  you are enjoying time with friends.

I am hoping to improve enough I can feel comfortable playing in some scrambles.  After all I was once having a terrible day. And was heading home.  I was stopped and asked if I would play a scramble as one team was short a fourth.  I reluctantly gave in.  I played terrible all day.  The only shot of mine the team used was a 30 foot putt I sank which gave us the win.


Until next time HAVE FUN with your friends, and if you have a SENIOR GOLF LEAGUE,  sign up for it.  Who knows maybe you are as good or better than some of the players,  If not you still make new friends.


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