For millions of parents around the world, the day does not end with the school bell. There are still pictures to be painted, songs to be sung and games to be played. This all adds up to keeping children happy, safe and out of trouble. But, parents have to steer away from going overboard.
After school is not baby-sitting:
After school activities thrive only if it is backed by sufficient parental involvement. What would a baseball game be without parents cheering their little heroes from the sidelines?.
Research and choose:
Instead of convenience being the decisive factor, find out things that will interest your child. Once you select a program, get the fine print and find out what you have to contribute.
Free time:
Many children attend piano classes, followed by ballet and squeeze in some time for play dates in between just before they rush home in time for bed. This rigor is too much for a child. So, go slow.
When to quit:
Often, parents enroll their child in an activity to discover that he may not be the prodigy they thought he would be. This may be the time to let go. Your child may not become the next wonder-kid. But you must allow them to finish out their obligation to the team, etc. Today to many parents will tell their children to “just quit”. Or, perhaps, the family decides it is an inconvenience for them to let the child attend practice or games. Or maybe they plan a holiday and take the child away. This only enforces a “me” attitude. I can’t count the times I had to alter plans so the children could participate in their activities. I wanted them to learn about commitment. If they have committed to be a part of something. This is the time for them to learn to fulfill their obligations.
But, let him cultivate an interest that he enjoys. Remember, happiness and fulfillment are all very important.
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In the past, the father’s involvement in school activities was a much-underplayed concept. This is probably because it is the mother who is usually seen as the primary guiding force in the child’s education. However, we are now seeing a stronger emergence of the father figure when it comes to a child’s school life. About time, too – in a world where single parents are struggling to make up for the missing father or mother in bringing up their kids, the traditional two-parent model should not be under-utilized.
the best advice is to know that your kids are who they are from the time they exit the womb with a view, but you can screw it up if you let danger into their lives by neglect or simply assume that by affect and tolerance you can be your child’s friend.Parents have to be the bad guy sometimes, but they must, first last and always, do no harm
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