Franklin Township in central Indiana sold school buses to an independent firm for $1. Now parents of the children in this district have a choice to make. Take them to school, and pick them up. (Which would have been impossible for me as a working single parent). Let them walk in the dark of the morning. Dark because Supreme Ruler Mitch Daniels, deemed Indiana, a state which lines up in the CENTRAL time zone, observe ATLANTIC time (AKA Eastern DAYLIGHT SAVINGS time). Which puts Indiana residents 2 hours ahead of the sun. Thus children walking in the dark to school. Or, PAY about $475.oo a year for the first student in the family, with a discount for other children of the family.
From what I read a family of 2 students will pay $900.oo So, the way I figure it the rest of the families students ride for $425.oo each. That means a family who is either living on unemployment, or welfare, or working and earning the minimum wage will really have little choice, but to make them walk, and risk being kidnapped. Hit by a car or truck or/and harmed in some way. Heck it would be a drain on any family. By the time you clothe, and pay at least a couple of dollars for school lunches, extra curricular fees, and book rentals.  Plus the BUS fee of approximately $50.oo, per sport, per student participant imposed on them.
This all started when the Franklin Township school board decided they wanted more money than was available and wanted to raise taxes. The referendum was voted down. So, it seems to me their reaction, was an immature…We’ll make you pay one way or the other! Other schools, faced the same cost cutting measures, and most have met the cuts needed without any repercussions. The most penalties, school districts have made is a modest bus fee for sports, and extra curricular activities. But in some areas the business people have donated the money to cover those fees. A pride in their communities. Some schools/sports are putting on charity events to cover these costs.
These are public schools using tax payer money. What effect will this have on the community? Will people move away? Will business close due to lack of customers, or workforce. With a drop in enrollment also comes a drop in state funds.   The formula is so convoluted, I’m surprised a lawyer can figure it out. But the way it seems to me, a smaller school get less money from the state than a larger school. (Which seems a little unfair). Each day or part thereof missed by a student equals a deduction in the amount received by that school.
I’ve rambled on too long. What it appears we have here is a very greedy school system which has little empathy with the well being of the community children and a lust for more money. It would serve them right if everyone moved out of their district, (which I know they either can’t or won’t).  I believe it is time for the voters, community leaders, and parents, take back the school system.
It seems apparent to me the school board has no concern about their students. Will the harm the children face walking to school in the dark. Or the hardship put on families affect the members. Probably not. The only thing that will affect them is a loss of MONIES.
Could this happen to your children? Is your community next?
That Is How I See It.
Frankly I think that’s absolutely good stuff.
I’m not quite sure where to begin with this, so I’ll just say this is a really good article. I’ve enjoyed reading it and am pondering the many points you make.
thanks, very well written post, found it through a random google search and i shared it on my digg account