“It is extremely disappointing to see the situation in downtown Vancouver turn violent after tonight’s Stanley Cup game. Vancouver is a world-class city, and it is embarrassing and shameful to see the type of violence and disorder we’ve seen tonight. The Vancouver Police and Vancouver Fire Department are doing an exceptional job under challenging circumstances to maintain control of the situation and keep people safe, and emergency crews are working tirelessly to assist those who were injured.”
This quote from Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, sort of says it all. This is a not limited to Vancouver, You find this kind of reaction in the United States, as well as about any country where Soccer is played. The Soccer ones come to mind as they seem to be the most publicized ones. But in the USA we see this kind of behavior after Baseball, Basketball, and Football. And let us not forget Hockey, is Canada’s National Past time.
Am I the only one? Or does anyone else find this to be the DUMBEST thing to do. I mean what is accomplished. To me the only thing that has happened is the “FANS”, (Which is short for FANATICS) , have shown their disdain for their very own team and city. This type of behavior illustrates a total lack of respect for the effort THEIR team put forth. A lack of respect for THEIR city and lack of respect for themselves.
We also see this behavior when teams win. I’m no psychiatrist, and I’m sure they could give you a scientific name and what prompts this action. I can’t. All I see is someone immature, and no self respect. After all to respect others, one must first respect themselves.
I know in a situation like this it is impossible to find all the guilty parties. But those who are identified should have to pay restitution to the businesses, and individuals, who suffered a property loss. To the GOVERNMENT for the expense incurred trying to protect the properties. And to the TEAM for the black eye they received by the fans reactions. Or maybe just add a TAX to citizens to cover the damage.
That Is How I See It.
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