UPDATE:  NFL has found 11 of the 12 balls used Sunday against the Colts, were indeed under inflated.  I guess the Patriots were afraid of the Colts beating them.  Not that they had to as it turned out.  

What punishment would be appropriate?  We know the answer.  FORFEIT TO THE COLTS.  But they won’t go that far.  Any thing less will be merely a slap on the wrist.   After all the MARKETING MONIES, and PUBLICITY for advancing to the Super Bowl will way out weigh any other punishment.    Suspension of William Stephen “Bill” Belichick.  No problem.  Given the  teams history, they will most likely find a way for him to watch and get plays to the other coaches.  Speaking of the other coaches,  who have been with Belichick long enough to know how he would call the game any way.  Maybe suspending QB Tom Brady, TE Rob Gronkowski, Place Kicker Stephen Gostkowski, Punter Ryan Allen, and of course RB LaGarrette Blount.  But suspending players would not really be fair to those players or the rest of the team.

What ever punishment handed should have a HUGE impact on  the Patriots bottom line.

HOW ABOUT Forfeiture of all income springing from their advancement to and including Their SUPER BOWL appearance.  (excluding the players pay. Of Course).  Plus any sanctions NFL chooses to place on Future Draft Picks, etc.etc.  We  all know MONEY is what PROFESSIONAL  SPORTS  IS ALL ABOUT!

We have now reached the BIGGEST game of the season…..     SUPER BOWL”  !!!!!.

Two great teams, Two great Quarter Backs, with a great supporting cast.

Yes the QB’s usually take the praise when his team wins.  But he is also called upon to bear the burden when his team gets beat.  Just like the Pitcher on a Baseball team.  BUT, in FOOTBALL.  There are many teams.  Offense, Defense, Special Teams,  Back up Player, Practice Teams, Coaching Team, and lets not forget that all important team……the 12 th man team.  Everyone of these teams are just as important as the  other. 

The OFFENSE, plays its game to MOVE the ball down field, and SCORE points.

The DEFENSE,  plays its game to STOP the movement down the field, and if the opportunity arises, STEAL the ball away.  (Just like in Basketball).  Then in semi-rare occasions SCORE points.   Kind of makes it seem like the DEFENSE does most of the work and gets a passing note of praise, for a win.

The SPECIAL TEAMS.  Are a combination of OFFENSE and DEFENSE.  They are the SPECIALISTS, as the name implies. They can return kickoffs, or receive punts, or play for the onside kick.  They include the KICKERS, SETTERS, RETURNERS, and anything else they may be asked to do.

The PRACTICE TEAM, is that unknown group, which plays one of the most important roles on the team.  They don’t make the big money, the game time players make.  (Perhaps $100,000.00 a a year).  What many people don’t realize is the Practice Team must mimic every opponent their team may face in a season.  After  all, how would the Patriots practice against the Seahawks, and vice-versa.  If you think that is easy,  try being a different team every week.

The BACK UP Team.  The Subs, the Bench warmers. The men who sit on the sidelines hoping to someday get into a real game.  They must be ready at any moment to enter the game and play up to the same standards as the starters.  While on the sidelines they must be cheerleaders, spirit lifters, if you will.  It can’t be easy waiting to get in a game, (most likely; even if un-concioiusly  hoping for something to happen to the starter to afford them their chance), to be that support group.

The Coaching Team.  Held together by the HEAD COACH.  Each coach has his speciality.  They are the ones who decides the plays, trains the players, and inspires them to succeed.  Of course if you ask any one of them HIS job is the most important coaching position on the team.  But the Head coach is the one who acts as referee, and maintains the peace among this group.  I’m sure the Offensive Co-ordinator, makes most of the offensive play calls, just as the Defensive Co-Ordinator, makes the decisions on defensive plays. Etc.Etc. on down the line.  But the Head Coach is the ultimate decision maker.

NOW.  We come to that all important 12 th MAN TEAM.  They are sometimes called the “Boosters”, because that is what they do.  They give the team that extra BOOST.  Cheering them on to work harder, Applauding them when they make good plays.  Supporting the team by buying the game tickets, concessions, and the various souvenirs, and Team apparel.  They make noise to drown out the opposing teams signals, and hush up so their team can be heard and on the same wavelength.

On one hand you have the seasoned veteran, TOM BRADY.  On the other hand you have that “undersized” QB, RUSSEL WILSON, who is in his THRD year.  BUT…. by the way already has one Super Bowl Championship under his belt.  HUH? Can that be right.  The QB most teams thought was to short to play that position effectively?  YEP.  That be him.  (Not to brag or anything.  But if you check my post  of Jan. 13, 2012.  Colts 1st Round Draft Pick Is….  I had Wilson as a TOP 3 Pick: in my eyes the most capable of the three).  Can he be the QB with 2 Super Bowl Championships in a career of 3 years.

This should be the BEST Super Bowl in MANY years.  But there is always that unknown phantom that can come in and just make the game a blow out.  As my Dad, always said.  “HOPE FOR THE BEST, AND EXPECT THE WORSE”.

As of this writing the odds makers in Las Vegas, have made no move as to odds and who they think will win.  Right now it is just too close to call.

I will close for now but may be back with more if something comes to mind.

All Times EST

 02/01/15 18:30
  1 N.E. Patriots
NBC  @ Stl. Seahawks

 Tie Breaker
Actual Score
Points Off 

Possible Points 

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