Term Limits for Judges

OHave you noticed a change in your Judge over the years.  I have.  Not only locally but all over the country.  With few exceptions.  Judges, after serving consecutive terms seem to gain a more god-like feeling.  That is to say Judges get an all powerful feel, and I think they sometimes have drawn pretrial conclusions, and nothing will change their mind. Over a course of years they tend to form alliances with political parties, lawyers, prosecutors, and businesses, etc.  Some may do this unwittingly, others know they have these relationships.  Do these connections influence their decisions.  YOU BET! One Judge, a woman, (I don’t know if she had issues against men or this one in particular), I heard of put a man behind bars for  contempt of court.  “What did he do “, you ask.  He had paid his child support 6 months in advance, he worked construction and some winters there was no work. She told him he was in contempt of court because she had ordered him to pay weekly. One Judge, I know of, has been Judge for over 20 years, (how many over I’m not sure).  The case I am thinking of  the arresting officer testified he observed the suspect in a truck facing west, from his position 1 block east and 1 block north of the infraction, with a building in his range of view.   He was able to identify the driver but did not make an arrest, as he was only to observe.  When it was pointed out that it would be impossible to see the suspect from his position.  The Judge replied, “You have to have the proper binoculars  like the officer had”. Do any of you know where I can buy binoculars that can go out and make a couple of 90 degree turns, that is what it would take to see what the officer claimed. Alliances, Relationships, All powerful.  That is what you get when Judges stay in office too long.  I think 2 terms is more than enough. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 82

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