Time for National Anthem Change?

In light of all the criticism of how the ‘STAR  SPANGLED BANNER” has been performed and questioning if it is appropriate for sporting events.  I think it is time to consider a change. The “STAR SPANGLED BANNER ”  is a war inspired song.  A poem set to the tune of an old  ENGLISH drinking song.  Very hard to sing.  (I suppose if you were in an English Pub and had been putting down a few pints.  It would not matter).  Besides the                              “STAR SPANGLED BANNER”, only pertains  to a single battle, long ago in our history. My preferred replacement song would be ” GOD BLESS AMERICA”. This is often sang at sporting events in lieu of the “STAR SPANGLED BANNER”  and I think it better fits the thoughts of our founding fathers as they created this great country.  I know you have the minority atheists who would complain because they want to kick GOD out of America.  But it still fits our roots much better, and doesn’t sound so war like.  I don’t think the U.S.A. really wants to sound like we are a warring nation. My SECOND choice is “MY COUNTRY  TIS  OF THEE” Which served as our unofficial National Anthem prior to the adoption of   “STAR SPANGLED BANNER”.   I, for one do not like change.  I like tradition.  But in my search I found that of many years as a Nation, “THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER’  has only been our National Anthem since March 3, 1931.  By Congressional Resolution.  A short span in our history. How do you feel?  Is it time to get a more appropriate National Anthem?  One that better reflects the Ideals of the United States of  America. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 226

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