Celebrity Apprentice ?

I never watch any of the “reality” shows.  However I have checked a couple of times, on the Celebrity Apprentice, (is that the name of the show).  I had to see Paul Sr. from American Choppers, (I guess this one reality show I watch.  Even though it isn’t as interesting as it was before they got all the fancy equipment.  I enjoyed watching and learning how to do things with the tools I had).  It seemed to me Paul Sr. would be so far out of his element. What I have seen, maybe a total of one (1) hour of the series, I have definitely decided the one person who would be fired the first time, is the, I don’t know how to put this politically correct, over weight woman they bill as a comedian. Sorry I don’t know her name, nor have I ever heard of her. But she is definitely the weakest contestant.  I would pull my hair out if I had to work with her.  She is your typical know-it-all, pushy, backstabbing, anything to get ahead ______ you fill in the blank.  She would definitely have been the first one “You’re Fired”. That is my feeling.  However because she is so much like Donald Trump.  She will hang in there for some time.   In the real world she would hang in until “The Donald”  felt her to be a threat to him.  He loves YES people.  Most people, as he, like yes people, because they stroke their egos.  Then as these yes people worm their way in they will eventually make their move to take the bosses job.  They either succeed in their attempt or are disposed of. I personally have failed to see any positive she has brought to the team.  But,  as I said I have only watched about an hour or so of the series.  I caught more of her this week when I couldn’t sleep and it was a later airing.  Then I was back and forth between a better show, which happened to be about the fifth time I had seen it.  Watch everyone, she is not a team player, she is an “I”  player.  Thus the lack of ethics.  A genuine plus in “BIG BUSINESS” That Is How I See It.   Post Views: 212

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