aclu (Anti Christian Lawyers Union) at it AGAIN

We all know how the ACLU is always proclaiming separation of state and CHURCH.  That is what they claim anyway.  However if it is in their best interest they do an about face. Now I believe in the beginning the ACLU had good intentions, and the ACLU stood for “American Civil Liberties Union” .  But as many civic groups grow they become drunk with power.  I think this is what has happened with the current aclu.   Somewhere along the line they  strayed from their original intent.  Protect our CIVIL rights.  Now it  seems all they are intent on doing is to destroy our CIVIL rights in the name of  the minority.  No longer does the majority rule.  Just as the NAZI’s  Communistis, etc. I don’t know ,how but I suspect money has something to do with it.  The ACLU become corrupt and the new aclu has the power to convince OUR supreme court to misinterpret our  CONSTITUTION.   Somehow Our Supreme Court appointees have either become corrupted or very badly misled.  They no longer consider that the  majority rules, only the minority rules. Back to what prompted this post.  In case you missed it the aclu, after all their talk about separation of state and church now wants the government to tell private CHURCH owned HOSPITALS  to go against their beliefs,  You see it is okay for the STATE to do whatever they want but let’s not give the CHURCH and Christians any rights.  Sort of sounds like Communism and Nazism doesn’t it. The aclu wants the State to force Catholic owned Hospitals to go against their core beliefs regarding abortion.  If the aclu wins this one…..  The aclu wants to force these Catholic owned facilities to perform ABORTIONS.  It isn’t about what you an individual believe, either pro or con.  It is about conscious.  I for one think the aclu should build their own Hospitals.  Surely their are enough Government owned health facilities to provide this procedure. It is my considered opinion,  if aclu wins this I would be behind the Catholic Church if they decided to close all their Hospitals.  WOW!! That would leave a gaping hole in health care community.  Wouldn’t it?  I know that in my city we would be without a hospital.  Our nearest facility would be about 50 miles away.   aclu you are in over your heads on this, back off and try to return to your original edicts of protecting OUR , meaning,  protect the rights in the best interest of all and not just a small group.  I feel I have the right to eat  and enjoy public events without having to inhale someone’s  second hand smoke.  What are you doing about that. That Is How I see It Post Views: 602

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