Today I will be talking about a few things. Football, Politics, Basketbal, and anything else that pops into my mind. FOOTBALL: Questions. Will Peyton Retire? YES! I believe he will retire. But follow the lead of Jeff Saturday and retire as a COLT. Will Johnny Manziel find a home? Despite his intolerable behavior….I believe someone will find a spot for him. JAMESIS WINSTON found a home, DIDN’T he. What about Robert Griffin III ? I think he will land some where. BUT as I wrote before his, Russel Wilson, and Andrew Luck’s drafting. R.G.III needs to play behind a veteran for at least one or two years. Then I think he will be ready. POLITICS: Same old thing. people will elect another MULTI-MILLIONAIRE, who has no interest in the working people. Right now it looks like our choice will be Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Before I move on let me remind you I do not affiliate with any party. It is my belief THERE IS NO ROOM IN GOVERNMENT FOR PARTIES. That said; Donald Trump has set a precedent as one who will, if things get a little tough he will bail. Just look how many times he has bailed out of businesses using BANKRUPTCY!!!! Hillary Clinton: Don’t forget Who’s name was on NAFTA which sent and continues to send AMERICAN JOBS to another country. CLINTON. She has been caught in so many LIES already. Yes I know LYING is a politician’s pre-requisite. As an INDEPENT VOTER I must say our choices get worse every election. Lastly. BASKETBALL: Thank goodness we have something to look forward to. I will have your printable brackets, and updates for the NCAA Tournament. This year is the first time in many years the Tournament looks wide open. Every week we see I would say about 5 upsets. Who will peak at just the right time, or have an outstanding game: or the worst game of their season. Yes I will have my selections, how you would do if you had picked the favored team, AND the upset sheet which will highlight every upset for the Tourney. Time to go now. Talk to again. Be sure to check back for my coverage of MARCH MADNESS. PS: I almost forgot. The Oscars. As usual most all awards go to the least deserving. I usually go to one movie a week, and the movies I watched were MUCH better than the winners. I truly believe the pre-reqisite for an Oscar is a bad job which needs the “MAGICAL ACADEMY AWARD” to get a push. I won’t go through every award. Let me just say BEST ACTOR: DiCaprio???? Are you kidding. He was a terrible actor as a child, and is still terrible. The best movie he even came close to giving a really good performance was 14 years ago. CATCH ME IF YOU CAN. Sorry but that is truly the only movie I could call him creditable. THE REVENANT was an interesting story. But really a Chimpanzee could have turned in as good a performance. So as you can see they should have made a special category to score him as Oscar. The category should have been PARTICIPATION OSCAR. Just as the little soccer players win or lose get a Participation trophy. PSS: I forgot I wanted to mention the threat of the Louisiana Governor to do away with LSU Football. We all know that LSU brings in a massive amount of money to the state for their football games. To take away the financing would be a bigger blow to Louisiana’s economy than the program costs. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 117
Tag: Andrew Luck
NFL Playoff Wild Card Confidence Picks Week 1 Jan.9-10,2016
Regular Season has ended. Is it just me, or did this season seem to just fly by? Maybe I was just having too much fun. (Yeah, that’s it as many low spots, as I have had this year). Like week 17, my gut was saying Seahawks over Cardinals. But NO! I went with the numbers. Maybe there are times when one should listen to their gut. RECAP: Two games were decided by 3 or less points. Perhaps the biggest unexpected blow out WAS the Seattle Vs Arizona game. I really expected it to be a close game. It’s a new season, now. A fresh start for all teams. Will the leaders continue, on there merry romp, or will they falter. It appears Seattle is peaking at the right moment. Will other teams begin their rise to the top? This year I am making a change in the scoring. YOU can adopt the new scoring or continue to use the old scoring. This year we get a negative score for missed games. We will continue to get a positive score for correct predictions. EXAMPLE: LAST YEAR if you scored 1 pt on the first game and you had 15 pt on the second game and was wrong you would still have a Positive 1. HOWEVER. this year the same scenario would result with a -14 score. I will fill in my picks Friday. Until then feel free to: Just copy and paste for your own Fun Pool Use. Or to see if you can beat me. IF YOU SEE I MADE A MIS COPY OF THE GAMES AND TIMES FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AND TELL ME I GOOFED. All Times EST GAME VISITOR SCORE HOME SCORE CONFIDENCE RUNNING SCORE SATURDAY 01/09/16 16:35 1 K.C. CHIEFS 30 @ Hou. Texans 0 3 3/3 SATURDAY 01/09/16 20:15 2 PIT. STEELERS 18 @ Cin. Bengals 16 2 5/5 SUNDAY 01/10/16 13:05 3 STL. SEAHAWKS 10 @ Min. Vikings 9 4 9/9 SUNDAY 01/10/16 16:40 4 G.B, Packers 35 @ WA. REDSKINS 18 1 9/8 Tie Breaker (Sunday 2 team total game 45 Actual Score 53 Points Off –8 Possible Points 10 Post Views: 111
Confidence Picks, Week 17 01/03 /2015
WEEK 16 RECAP: Three games went into overtime. Two games were decided by 3 or less points. Three teams failed to score in double digits. This is the week that I expect to score low. This is the week too many teams have nothing gain by a win. Starters may see some or no action, to protect them from injury. Teams which do have something to gain will do whatever they can to get that added WIN. So you never know what to expect. My week was pretty dismal. But the two previous weeks were great. I suppose one must not let the bad weeks overshadow the good. I see Cleveland is still having trouble with Johnny Manziel. I think I would be tired of babysitting him. But….Let us consider this. Perhaps Manziel is playing a game of his own. I do not believe he wants to be in Cleveland. So what better way to get his release, (either by trade or out right release). If you believe this what would you do? Trade or release? OR, keep him but bench him. Hide him away if you will, till his contract is up. He will not have gained experience, as he should have been; had he behaved as an adult player. Would any team even remember him. Would any team want a QB with his record, both on and off the field? Something for him to consider. HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! For those of you who do not know how confidence ranking goes, let me explain. If we were playing an office pool,(which we ARE NOT). The object is to score the most points. To obtain the score YOU rank the teams by how confident you are a team will win its game. EXAMPLE: Say this week we have 16 games. The team you are most confident will win you would assign the number 16 and follow down to the team you are least confident in and assign that number 1. We use the Monday night game as a TIE BREAKER. The tie is broke by the closest to the total (that is the COMBINED score of the two participating tams) final score, without going over. If we were playing this is how my sheet would look; My pick will be in bold Capital letters. you can use circling, underlining, or highlighting. I will show my correct points in Bold YOU can adopt the scoring described above. Or, the optional method. A negative score for missed games. We will continue to get a positive score for correct predictions. EXAMPLE: if you scored 1 pt on the first game and you had 15 pt on the second game and lost you would still have a Positive 1. HOWEVER. with the same scenario new scoring system would result with a -14 score. I will fill in my picks Thursday. Until then feel free to: Just copy and paste for your own Fun Pool Use. Or to see if you can beat me. IF YOU SEE I MADE A MISS COPY OF THE GAMES AND TIMES FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AND TELL ME I GOOFED. I had some requests from the people who copy and paste, for their own pool to move the network out of the score column. I aim to please. So I hope this is better GOOD LUCK TO ALL. BYE WEEK: NONE NOTE: GAME TIME CHANGES. Are now posted All Times All Times EST GAME VISITOR SCORE HOME SCORE CONFIDENCE RUNNING SCORE SUNDAY 01/03/15 13:00 1 CBS N.Y. JETS 17 @ Buf. Bills 22 3 3/3 2 CBS N.E. PATRIOTS 20 @ Mia. Dolphins 10 14 14/11 3FOX Det. Lions 24 @ CHI. BEARS 20 2 14/9 4 FOX N.O. Saints 20 @ ATL. FALCONS 17 8 14/1 5 CBS Bal. Ravens 16 @ CIN. BENGALS 24 13 27/14 6 CBS PIT. STEELERS 28 @ Cle. Browns 12 15 42/29 7 CBS J’ville Jaguars 6 @ HOU. TEXANS 30 9 51/38 8 CBS TN. Titans 24 @ Indy Colts 30 1 52/39 9FOX Wa. Redskins 34 DAL. COWBOYS 23 6 52/33 10 FOX Phi. Eagles 35 @ N.Y. GIANTS 30 4 52/29 SUNDAY 01/03/15 16:25 11FOX St. L. RAMS 16 S.F. 49’ers 19 OT) 7 52/22 12 FOX T.B Buccaneers 10 CAR. PANTHERS 38 16 68/38 13CBS Oak. Raiders 17 K.C. CHIEFS 23 11 79/49 14 CBS S.D. Chargers 20 @ DEN. BRONCOS 27 12 91/61 15FOX Stl Seahawks 36 @ AZ. CARDINALS 6 10 91/51 Sunday 01/03/15 20:30 16NBC Min. Vikings 20 @ G.B. PACKERS 13 5 91/46 8 Tie Breaker Sunday 2 team total last game) 45 Games 9-7 67%/34% Actual Score 33 53% Points Off +12 Possible Points 136 Post Views: 99
Confidence Picks, Week 13 12/03,06,07 /2015
Mostly lopsided games6 this week. Only one game decided by a field goal, another decided by a blocked field goal. One game went into Over time. Thanks to a blocked field goal Cleveland showed us how to lose a tied game with no time left on the clock. We weren’t looking forward so much to a Monday night game featuring the 2-8 Browns Vs. the 3-7 Ravens. One can only guess at how few people tuned in to see this game. But what a game! Tied at 27 with the Browns 3 seconds to go. The Browns set up for a game winning FG, from the Ravens 33, A 51 FG attempt. However the Kick was low. The Result was a low kick which was tipped by Raven Brent Urban, making his NFL debut. Will Hill scooped up the loose ball, and returned it for a game winning TD. Giving the Browns the worst type of loss imaginable. Now as to the OT game. Who better than the New England Patriots, and Denver Broncos. The Manning-less Broncos hung with the unbeaten Patriots. And in the end came out on top by a score of 30-24. Are we actually witnessing the passing of the guard from Manning to Brock Osweiler? Seems that way Osweiler has proven his mettle. (So far). We all know you don’t change a horse in the middle of a stream. I am reminded of a stretch we had in my Basketball playing days. We had a player, for a while that sat the bench most of the time. (unless we had a big lead), but one night while playing one of our biggest and toughest rivals. Due to illness and injury, the Coach had no option but to put him in. We were down by 8 points, the final quarter. Coach told us whatever you do, “Do not let him have the ball…”. He did get the ball once, but passed the ball to the referee. Long story short we came back and won. Not that we were superstitious, but we played that player in the last quarter, at the same time he entered the previous game. We continued this procedure until we lost a game. I think we had a 7 game winning streak going. DON’T CHANGE HORSES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREAM. Now let us look at the Colts, situation. Backup QB Hasselbeck is on a roll, But, The Colts will be eager to insert him into the starter row as soon as possible. Afterall he is their future. But with an experienced pro like Hasselbeck they have the luxury of waiting until Luck is completely ready to come back. In Hasselbeck it would appear the Colts have the best backup QB in the league For those of you who do not know how confidence ranking goes, let me explain. If we were playing an office pool,(which we ARE NOT). The object is to score the most points. To obtain the score YOU rank the teams by how confident you are a team will win its game. EXAMPLE: Say this week we have 16 games. The team you are most confident will win you would assign the number 16 and follow down to the team you are least confident in and assign that number 1. We use the Monday night game as a TIE BREAKER. The tie is broke by the closest to the total (that is the COMBINED score of the two participating tams) final score, without going over. If we were playing this is how my sheet would look; My pick will be in bold Capital letters. you can use circling, underlining, or highlighting. I will show my correct points in Bold YOU can adopt the scoring described above. Or, the optional method. A negative score for missed games. We will continue to get a positive score for correct predictions. EXAMPLE: if you scored 1 pt on the first game and you had 15 pt on the second game and lost you would still have a Positive 1. HOWEVER. with the same scenario new scoring system would result with a -14 score. I will fill in my picks Thursday. Until then feel free to: Just copy and paste for your own Fun Pool Use. Or to see if you can beat me. IF YOU SEE I MADE A MISS COPY OF THE GAMES AND TIMES FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AND TELL ME I GOOFED. I had some requests from the people who copy and paste, for their own pool to move the network out of the score column. I aim to please. So I hope this is better GOOD LUCK TO ALL. BYE WEEK: NONE All Times All Times EST GAME VISITOR SCORE HOME SCORE CONFIDENCE RUNNING SCORE THURSDAY 12/03/15 20::25 1 NFL G.B. PACKERS 27 @ Det. Lions 23 7 7/7 SUNDAY 12/06/15 13:00 2 CBS N.Y. JETS 23 @ N.Y. Giants 20 (OT) 3 10/10 3 FOX AZ. CARDINALS 27 @ St. L. Rams 3 12 22/22 4 FOX Atl. Falcons 19 @ T.B. BUCCANEERS 23 2 24/24 5 FOX CAR. PANTHERS 41 @ N.O. Saints 38 14 38/38 6 FOX STL Seahawks 38 @ Min. Vikings 7 1 38/37 7 CBS Hou. Texans 21 @ BUF. BILLS 30 6 44/43 8 CBS Bal. Ravens 13 @ MIA. DOLPHINS 15 10 54/53 9 CBS CIN. BENGALS 37 @ Cle. Browns 3 15 69/68 10 CBS J’ville Jaguars 39 @ TN. TITANS 42 4 73/72 11 FOX S.F. 49’ers 26 @ CHI. BEARS 20 (OT) 8 73/64 SUNDAY 12/06/15 16:05 12 CBS DEN. BRONCOS 17 @ S.D. Chargers 3 11 84/75 13 CBS K.C. CHIEFS 34 @ Oak. Raiders 20 5 89/79 SUNDAY 12/06/15 16:25 14 FOX Phi. Eagles 35 @ N.E. PATRIOTS 28 16 89/63 SUNDAY 12/06/15 20:30 15 NBC Indy Colts 10 @ PIT. STEELERS 45 13 102/76 MONDAY 12/07/2015 20:30 16 ESPN Dal. Cowboys 19 @ WA. REDSKINS 16 9 102/65 75%/48% Tie Breaker (Monday 2… Continue reading Confidence Picks, Week 13 12/03,06,07 /2015
NFL Divisional Playoffs Jan. 10-11,2014. Confidence Picks
We had a fun week this last weekend. We had one very good game. One out of 4, means we had 25% good games, and 75% not so good. I would have to call the Ravens win over the Steelers a surprise. Perhaps not an upset. The Interstate match up of the Bengals, and Colts, came off as I suspected. One would think this would be a big rivalry. From Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati to Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, is a mere 112 mile drive. Just a bit over 2 hours apart. But for some reason, that rivalry never seem to materialize.(Just for those who do not know. Lucas Oil Stadium is also 181 miles from Chicago’s Soldiers Field. about a 4 hour drive. I imagine the fans of those two teams would love to see more games between the two….but not very likely. Before the Colts came to town and the Bengals existed “Da Bears” were Indiana’s HOME TEAM). Had Arizona been totally healthy, I little doubt they would have advanced. …..But, that is why I picked Carolina. There was little doubt in anybody’s mind the Cowboys, would triumph over Detroit. Yeah I know some of you will bring up the so-called “CONSPIRACY CALL”. The way I saw the play the on field reversal was the correct call. The only problem was the OFFICIALS failed to talk the call over before announcing it. BUT how about: who was it Dez Bryant? Or some Cowboy went onto the field without a HELMET. That should have been an infraction, but the officials merely told him to go back to the bench. Not only did he not have a helmet, but as far as I was concerned it put a 12th man on the field who was neither entering to play, or leaving after a play. Let me assure you I am not a Cowboys, or Lions fan. Thus that makes me an “IMPARTIAL OBSERVER”. Now we are down to what we call the Elite Eight. Congratulations to all teams who made it this far. For those of you who do not know how confidence ranking goes, let me explain If we were playing an office pool,(which we ARE NOT). The object is to score the most points. To obtain the score YOU rank the teams by how confident you are a team will win its game. EXAMPLE: Say this week we have 17 games. The team you are most confident will win you would assign the number 17 and follow down to the team you are least confident in and assign that number 1. We use the Monday night game as a TIE BREAKER. The tie is broken by the closest to the total (that is the COMBINED score of the two participating teams) final score, without going over. If we were playing this is how my sheet would look; My pick will be in bold Capital letters. you can use circling, underlining, or highlighting. I will show my correct points in Bold This year I am making a change in the scoring. YOU can adopt the new scoring or continue to use the old scoring. This year we get a negative score for missed games. We will continue to get a positive score for correct predictions. EXAMPLE: LAST YEAR if you scored 1 pt on the first game and you had 15 pt on the second game and was wrong you would still have a Positive 1. HOWEVER. this year the same scenario would result with a -14 score. I will fill in my picks Friday. Until then feel free to: Just copy and paste for your own Fun Pool Use. Or to see if you can beat me. IF YOU SEE I MADE A MIS COPY OF THE GAMES AND TIMES FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AND TELL ME I GOOFED. All Times EST GAME VISITOR SCORE HOME SCORE CONFIDENCE RUNNING SCORE SATURDAY 01/10/15 16:35 1 Bal. Ravens 31 @ N.E. Patriots 35 3 3/3 SATURDAY 01/10/15 20:15 2 Car. Panthers 17 @ STL. SEAHAWKS 31 4 7/7 SUNDAY 01/11/15 13:05 3 Dal. Cowboys 21 @ G.B. PACKERS 26 1 8/8 SUNDAY 01/11/15 16:40 4 Indy Colts 24 @ DEN. BRONCOS 13 2 6/8 Tie Breaker (Sunday 2 team total) 52 GAME 4 Actual Score 37 Points Off +14 Possible Points 10 60%/80% Post Views: 125
Colts 1st Round Draft Pick Is…..
With the professional football season over, for the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS. We have seen the end of the POLIAN ERA. The man who guided the COLTS, to the selection of PEYTON MANNING. The man who the past decade the COLTS have built their machine. But this year with the injured MANNING sitting OUT the season we saw the total collapse of the Indianapolis FRANCHISE and it was thunderous. I still think the nucleus of the team is intact; however some of that nucleus is beginning to become long in the tooth. (OLD). So there has to be some changes made throughout the team. The big mistake Polian made during those earlier years, to my way of thinking, was the signing of EDGERIN JAMES. Not that he was a terrible choice, BUT the BEST running back for the colts would have been Wisconsin’s RON DAYNE. It was too bad for all of professional football, when Dayne went to a team which did not like to run the ball. And the Great Dayne, was left rusting on the shelf. But why did the Colts falter so badly. Bill Polian and Jim Irsay, (yes he has to take some of the blame too. After all he is “THE BOSS”), failed to recognize the fact Manning, as he ages, and continues to play every snap, hurt or otherwise; could possibly miss some games. Therefore there was no backup plan. And who would want to be Manning’s backup? You never get to play. Maybe if you are lucky you might get to take 5-10 snaps a year. Now the COLTS have a new leader. Will he be able to right the ship? Will Mr. Irsay give him the power to do his job? Time will tell. Now to the matter of the FIRST ROUND PICK. With so many holes to be plugged, one must first determine, WHICH HOLE, is most needed to plug. At first glance it would appear the QB spot is of prime importance. Next we need to know, are we going with MANNING, or are we going to be seeking someone to take over the reins. Then what is our time line for the switch. I believe MANNING is a great leader, a masterful student of the game and of imparting his knowledge to his fellow teammates. I would not want him to leave the team. NOR, do I think he wants to leave the COLTS. But he knows what he can and can not do. Who would you draft if you decide to go for a QB? First you must look for the best fit for the team you have. (You can’t replace a whole team in one year. Oh I suppose you could if you can buy out everyone’s contract. But that is a bit unrealistic. I feel we have three quality candidates. STANFORD’S ANDREW LUCK. BAYLOR’S ROBERT GRIFFIN III. And WISCONSIN’S RUSSELL WILSON. Luck, of course is the nations choice. But is he the right man for the team. It all depends. What is the NEW GUARD of the COLTS looking for. Luck has the pedigree, but can he fit in and lead the team next year if necessary. Will he be satisfied to sit behind Manning. I personally don’t think so. I don’t know the boy, all I know about him is what the press says. (and we all know how the press can hype a player). Stanford is no pro team. (maybe). But when you move to the pro ranks it is a new game. CAN HE HANDLE THE CHANGE. Griffin III, winner of the Heisman Trophy, has shown his leadership skills, by leading a NON-POWER team to new heights. Again you have the same questions as with Luck. Wilson. We know he already has a professional contract to play baseball. He came to a new team and did an outstanding job of leading them in his first and only year with the BADGERS. For what it is worth this is my pick. Want someone who can come in and take over immediately? You must opt for Russell Wilson. If he can/or wants to opt out of his baseball contract. For Wilson, he can play baseball for 4-5 years for little pay. OR become an instant millionaire thru his quarterbacking skills. Want someone who is willing to follow MANNING, and learn from the master, with gradually increasing playing time. Then Robert Griffin III is your man. I think the COLTS need someone who can come in and take immediate charge. So there you have it. My number one pick would be Russell Wilson (if available) because I think the Colts need someone who is ready to take charge first game of the season. Given the same conditions, as above, if Wilson is not available then I would take Andrew Luck. Wanting some one to backup Manning and learn, and get gradual increasing snap, then Robert Griffin III is your man. That Is The Way I See It. UPDATE !!!!! January 13, About 6 hours ago from the time I am writing this; RUSSELL WILSON of the WISCONSIN BADGERS has announced he will forgo his baseball career with the COLORADO ROCKIES, in favor of a career in the NFL. Post Views: 231