Do Our Legislators THINK

It has recently come to my attention, the evils lurking in the banning of incandescent light bulbs. It seems the new CFL bulbs, or whatever you call the CFLs.  According to an elderly friend of mine , he and his cronies, while sitting at the local diner for morning coffee; (he calls it his coffee break.  He had one at work, and now he needs one to get away from his wi…er, house for a while.  Yeah! That’s the ticket.  Away from the house).  The topic of the proposed LIGHT BAN,  came up. It was at this meeting of the minds, he learned many other people have claimed the new CFLs,  have caused just about everything from regular headaches, stomachaces, tired eyes,(can’t read as long as they “ustacould”),  migraines, a feeling of tiredness, (causing them to have to take an extra nap), angst, and an increased inability to cope with their wife.  And it must be the reason they seem to be getting sick more often. Now taking in all of these “facts”.  Because I know this to be a very stubb….studious group.  How could our legislators possibly disregard their research. and ban incandescent bulbs. After checking these complaints, I have found various articles that support this groups thinking.  So maybe there is something to their statements. HEY ! Legislators,  LOOK into this.  Please. That Is How I See It.                                                          Post Views: 164

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