How many of you watch or even pay attention to awards shows. NOT ME. It has been my observation that the shows or actors/actresses. I think now it is more political correct to call the female actresses actors. What ever that has to do with it. If they are to be called actors then why have two categories. Just have best actor. Back to my original thought. I can only remember one BEST PICTURE, award that I could agree with. Most of the nominated pictures, I would not even watch on TV for free. Most of the TV shows nominated I only watched once and they stunk up the screen so badly I never watched them again. This is so true with all awards shows. I can’t understand anyone watching them. ACTORS. It has been proven that anyone can act. Unfortunately it seem the worst of the group is the ones who get the nominations. (Not always, just almost always). I truly believe these awards are merely a scam to stimulate interest in bad entertainment to put it loosely. As far as movies, I LOVE good movies. I can’t count the movies I have watched. I used to go 2-3 times a week, for many more weeks than I can count. I have never seen a remake that was better than the original. Wait, I do think the Dracula movies from the 50’s or 60’s (whatever the years were) was better than the one with Bela Lugosi. But that was due to the advances made in film effects. As a fan of the older movies. Face it. We no longer have the caliber of a John Wayne, Percy Kilbride, Francis the Talking Mule, Clark Gable, or Spencer Tracey. Actresses, like Audrey Hepburn, Kathryn Hepburn, Sophia Loren, or Marjorie Main. So many of the actors just sort of walk through their lines. I’m surprised that Refrigerator Perry didn’t made more movies. He could walk through them just like Leonardo DiCaprio. Probably the best job he did was on Romper Room, which he was kicked off for being disruptive. Actually best job he did was “Catch me If you Can” Very worst was in Growing Pains. But he was just a kid. I don’t know what happened in “Catch Me If You Can” Great performance. Rest is all downhill. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 153