OFF THE SUBJECT: RE: BIG 12 Exclusion from the BIG Playoff. YOU did it yourself. You tried a sneaky move. Hoping to increase your chances of advancing to the “FINAL FOUR”. By not declaring a clear champion, (by your own rules), YOU did yourself in. ON the other hand WAS WISCONSIN really that off against OHIO ST. Not to say anything. This is merely MY WONDERINGS. Had the game been closer, or Wisconsin won. Would OHIO ST. have made it to the “FINAL FOUR”? Just wondering. I don’t know. WHAT is up with Oakland? Did they just realize the FOOTBALL season was upon us? 2014 NFL Team Schedule For those of you who do not know how confidence ranking goes, let me explainbu. If we were playing an office pool,(which we ARE NOT). The object is to score the most points. To obtain the score YOU rank the teams by how confident you are a team will win its game. EXAMPLE: Say this week we have 17 games. The team you are most confident will win you would ssign the number 17 and follow down to the team you are least confident in and assign that number 1. We use the Monday night game as a TIE BREAKER. The tie is broke by the closest to the total (that is the COMBINED score of the two participating tams) final score, without going over. If we were playing this is how my sheet would look; My pick will be in bold Capital letters. you can use circling, underlining, or highlighting. I will show my correct points in Bold This year I am making a change in the scoring. YOU can adopt the new scoring or continue to use the old scoring. This year we get a negative score for missed games. We will continue to get a positive score for correct predictions. EXAMPLE: LAST YEAR if you scored 1 pt on the first game and you had 15 pt on the second game you would still have a Positive 1. HOWEVER. this year the same scenario would result with a -14 score. I will fill in my picks Thursday. Until then feel free to: Just copy and paste for your own Fun Pool Use. Or to see if you can beat me. IF YOU SEE I MADE A MIS COPY OF THE GAMES AND TIMES FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AND TELL ME I GOOFED. BYE WEEK: NONE All Times EST GAME VISITOR SCORE HOME SCORE CONFIDENCE RUNNING SCORE THURSDAY 12/04/14 20::25 1 Ariz. Cardinals 12 @ ST. L RAMS 6 8 8 /0 SUNDAY 12/07/14 13:00 2 PITT. STEELERS 27 @ Atl. Falcons 20 3 5/3 3 Wash. Redskins 13 @ N.Y. GIANTS 24 11 6 /14 4 Miami Dolphins 13 @ N.E. PATRIOTS 41 13 19/27 5 Oakland Raiders 13 @ K.C. CHIEFS 31 14 33/44 6 Houston Texans 10 @ INDY COLTS 17 10 44 /54 7 Carolina Jaguars 12 @ BAL. RAVENS 20 16 60/70 8 G.B. PACKERS 13 @ Buffalo Bills 21 9 51/70 9 T.B. Buccaneers 17 @ CAR. PANTHERS 19 6 57 /76 10 Cincy Bengals 30 @ CLE. BROWNS 0 1 56 /76 11 Minn. Vikings 14 @ DET. LIONS 16 12 68 /88 SUNDAY 12/07/14 16:05 12 N.Y. JETS 16 @ Tenn. Titans 11 2 70/90 13 DEN. BRONOS 22 @ S.D. Chargers 10 7 77/97 SUNDAY 12/07/14 16:25 14 S.F. 49’ers 7 @ STL. SEAHAWKS 17 15 92/112 SUNDAY 12/07/14 20:30 15 Dallas Cowboys 38 @ PHILA. EAGLES 27 5 87/112 Monday 12/08/14 20:30 16 N.O. SAINTS 31 @ Chicago Bears 15 4 91/116 Tie Breaker (Monday 2 team total) 44 Actual Score 45 Points Off =1 Possible Points 136 67%/85% Post Views: 120