I’ll start this by saying. If you have a bank and you have a savings account, would you not be able to have at least a little bit of money saved? If you went six months later to withdraw some of that money, and found you had none, WHAT would you do? Would you go see a lawyer, just complain to the bank, or would you have an alternative of some kind? I have been on this futile trip many years, and when I go to withdraw the daylight I have none. So if you have a secret of how to get that daylight let me know. PLEASE! If you are a poor working stiff I’d be willing to bet you don’t like losing an hour of sleep. A shorter weekend. I know of some people who have lost their jobs because their body cannot adjust to the change. People who do make it to work on time are often drowsy, an inability to stay awake, thus increasing accidents not only at work but on the way to work. Till Roenneberg, is CHRONOBIOLOGIST, (that is a fancy way of saying he is an expert of how time affects life). Roenneberg is staff member of the University of Munich. Here is what he has to say about Daylight Saving Time. “Our internal clocks set themselves according to the environment”. “So, our natural chronometers keep time with the sun, not the alarm clocks sitting by our beds, and this is the main reason it is hard for us to adjust”. “The social time changes but the sun does not.” Supposedly, (per our government), The change is to save energy. There has been no proof of any such savings. There IS proof, however, the consumption of gasoline rises. I know most of my friends have to be at work between 6 am and 7am. It is still dark. When it doesn’t get dark until around 10pm it makes it harder to fall asleep at a proper time. Not to mention, have you ever tried to get children to bed when it is daylight? Good Luck. Children start going to school at dark. Not a real safe thing to do. While growing up in a small town, one of the rules was be home by sunset. Now that would mean 10 pm. Too late. Farmers do you have more daylight time to get your work done? Apparently not I see many of you in your fields after dark. Do your animals know you have changed the time on your alarm clock? ARIZONA is the only state that has a state government smart enough to leave the clock alone, and let nature take it’s course. Now for some it is even worse. You take Indiana for example. Indiana is a state which is actually situated in the CENTRAL TIME ZONE. But during the switch from mainly agricultural to manufacturing, the government decided to align itself with NEW YORK, rather than CHICAGO. My friends there tell me a few years ago, their Governor, Mitch Daniels, forced them to change to ATLANTIC TIME, during the daylight savings period. I guess the people never got to vote on it and some of their representatives even faced divorce, It seems the government did not have the votes in the Capitol Building to pass this atrocity, so what did they do. They put a hold on the voting for at least a day so they could bully the dissenters into changing their votes, going against the wishes of their constituents. The result is Indiana is 2 hours ahead of the sun. I would like to see them admit that there is no daylight saving, merely a shift of time zones. EDT = Atlantic Standard Time. CDT= Eastern Standard Time. etc. You get the picture If we have to endure this hardship so a few wealthy executives, can have a little more time to get their GOLF in, then why can’t we at least have a truth in time law. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 625