If you have had the weather we have  had recently,  You may find boats on the beach to outnumber the ones on the water.  I know our lakes are way down.  One of the LARGER lakes in our area is down so low you can tell where the original creek runs.  I have no idea where the fish go, when it is like this.  But that creek should be really crowded.  LOL. (Yes I know they will follow the creek to bigger water). But now back  to our title: Once you’ve made the purchase on a your  boat (new or used), you’ll be very excited – as you should be!  The first thing to do is celebrate with your family and friends, you deserve it.  You shouldn’t rush out on the water immediately after the purchase, as you have some things to take care of first. If you are new to boating, you should take a safety course first.  There is a lot to know about boats.  Being out on the water is a lot of fun, although there are things you should know and things you should always be aware of. After buying your boat, you should register it and re-title the boat and trailer if you need to.  Pay your sales tax and apply any up to date registration stickers if you need to.  Also, make sure you buy the proper insurance for your boat, as it will protect you while you are on the water. When you make your first trip on the water, you should do so with an experienced boater.  You can have them show you how to  turn in tight spaces, even trailering and docking.  Practice docking in different currents and take the helm with the boater there to help you.  Get comfortable at the helm enough to where you’ll feel comfortable taking others out for a ride. The world of boating can be very fun, offering you many things to do and a lot to see.  Boating offers plenty of freedom as well, especially for those who are completely new to boating.  Your first boat purchase is very important, as it opens up new doors in life. Your family will enjoy boating, all you have to do is give it a chance! HAVE FUN!!!! Post Views: 93

Ah! The Perfect Boat

Finding Your Perfect Boat Finding the perfect boat is an undertaking for an experienced boater.  For the first time boater, it can be a very difficult task to accomplish.  To help you with your quest for the perfect boat, there are a few things you should know. Deciding what’s important Choosing the right boat is all about knowing what’s really important to you.  You need to decide whether you’ll be using the boat for your own private use, fishing, or cruising.  You should also consider your families feelings, as buying a boat for your own personal needs without consulting your family will probably lead to disappointing experiences or less time spent on the water. Types of boats Typically, boats will fall into five categories –fishing boats, power boats, sailboats, personal watercraft, and self powered boats.  To help you find the perfect boat, we’ll take a look at what each one offers. Fishing boats The designs for fishing boats will vary quite a bit, as are the places you can use them.  The boats that are meant for shallow waters of inland lakes and rivers aren’t the same boats meant for deep seas and great lakes.  There are many different designs, even boats that serve no other purpose besides fishing. These types of boats normally have stowage and holders for bait, fishing poles, tackle, and even special tanks to hold live fish.  Other types of fishing only boats feature an open platform where anglers can fight fish from all sides of the boat. Power boats Power boats are the most popular boats sold.  The designs with power boats are as varied as their uses.  Boats with seating in the front are called bowriders, which are mainly used for towing skiers or rafts.  Most boats can also be used for fishing as well.  If you want to do both,  there are ski and fish combinations available. Sailboats When you first learn to pilot a sailboat, it can be very challenging, although very rewarding as well.  A sailboat requires more skill and knowledge to operate than boats, although they are considered more rewarding once mastered. With all available sailboats, the single masted sloop is the most popular design.  For those who only boat on occasion, catboats, daysailers, and dinghys are small and easily trailerable. When you finally decide on the perfect boat for you, look at what each one offers and how you plan to use it.  The perfect boat for you is out there, all you have do is find the one that best matches your needs. Post Views: 249


Thank you Oley for your contribution: Fishing, A Family Activity. I have many fond memories of fishing with family and friends.  Let me relate a few of those memories, here. My Grandpa, and Grandma, took me fishing quite often in the creek (pronounced crick in my area), that ran through their farm.  Come to think of it; even though I never thought about this before, they never BOTH took me it was only one of them at a time.  Depending on the time of day,and day of the week.  Grandma took me during the morning when Grandpa was working,  If Grandpa was not working, he took me. One time while fishing with my Grandpa, it wasn’t a good time to fish, we were just spending time together.  After a couple of hours and nary a bite, Grandpa said it was time to head for the house.  I began to drag my line in and met with some resistance.  Grandpa said I was probably snagged on a stick or something.  I resumed pulling in my line, and imagine our surprise, to find a sixteen inch, (I’m guessing at least two pounds, maybe more), Sucker on my hook.  (You may have different names for these fish,  depending upon where you live.  Suckers live near the bottom of the creek, and some people consider them to be scavengers).  Some people don’t consider them as edible, but my Grandma made them edible.  The three of us had a good meal from this one.  My Grandma could also make Carp taste like Bass. Another time, while fishing with a friend, we saw a Snapping Turtle, a large one, swim under a roll of fencing that had floated down to the creek during a recent flood.  There happend to be a man wading the creek fly fishing.    We told him about the turtle, and where it went.  Would you believe he reached in there, bare handed, and pulled the turtle out.  He then explained to us a turtle has seven different meat flavors.  He was visiting his uncle, a man we knew who lived just around the corner from me.  A couple of days later his uncle asked us over and he had prepared some of the turtle for us.  (My first taste of turtle), and sure enough there were seven different tastes.  DELICIOUS !!! Another time while visiting my uncle on his lakefront home,  my DAD, my uncle, and I were fishing off his pier.  Of course being about 13 I had to have my radio on playing good old ROCK’N’ROLL.  That is when they claimed my music was driving the fish away.  They got in the boat, and left me fishing off the pier.  About an hour to an hour and a half later when they returned with three little Crappie, I proudly showed them my stringer full of larger Crappie.  They never complained about my music playing anymore. Lastly, the laughter was on me.  I was taking my sons fishing where I used to fish with my Grandpa and Grandma.  They were quite small and had not learned to swim yet.  I had them walking along the bank.  I was wading the creek.  They got a real big kick when I fell in a hole and came up completely drenched, trying to catchup to my hat. But I haven’t been fishing for a long time.  The boys buy me fishing rods, that have not been out of the package, yet.  What with all the pollution in the creeks today, and around here they have warnings not to eat the fish from the creeks.  I have lost my taste for fish.  And if I did like fish, I always have a truck load.  I try to avoid bridges, when in my pickup.  You see,  The fish tend to jump out of the creek and into the bed of the truck.  Then I have to take them out and throw them back in the water.  Terrible curse I have here. But after writing this maybe I will go fishing with my boys.  No. Not to catch fish, but just to spend time with them.  After all I really don’t have to have a hook on my line. Weight will allow me to make the casts.  They have a really nice bass boat, and enjoy fishing in contests.   We will probably win.  When I am in a boat the fish tend to leap in it, just like in my truck bed. That Is How I See It. PS:  A friend from Texas told me our creeks are what they call rivers in Texas.  And I thought “every thing is big in Texas” Post Views: 146

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