College Campus Basketball Games

Recently it was announced the Rivalry Between INDIANA UNIVERSITY, and their cross river Rival, the UNIVERSITY of  KENTUCKY, will cease to be in the upcoming 2012-2013 Season. What?  Say it  isn’t so.  ……But, alas it is. How did this happen? The way I understand it the University of Kentucky,( AKA, know as the minor league of the NBA), in it’s usual fashion of believing Basketball at UK is a business, only, situation.  They see $$$$ ,(dollar signs), in this long enduring confrontation.  Indiana University doesn’t. Yes folks, it all comes down to money, as so many things do.  The University of Kentucky Wildcats, want to move the games from the home gyms, to an off Campus site which seats, more people, thus, more money to line the schools pockets. Indiana University, says, NO!!!  The way the Hoosiers, of IU look at it is….This is a SCHOOL team.  It should be played on the campuses, to allow all students the opportunity to watch and participate.  By moving to an off Campus arena would require those students to drive or by some other means go arrive at the playing site, and thereby limiting overall school participation by those students who cannot travel. As for me I must take the Hurryin Hoosiers side on this.  It is a school event and should therefore be played on campus.  Yes the extra money would be nice…..but let us not lose sight of  the fact. of which has been lost for some time in College, and some cases High School,  SPORTS  are   intended merely to be an extension of the class room.  There, believe it or not, are things that can only be learned in a sports setting. BUSINESS,or LEARNING experience? That Is How I See It What Do You Think? Take Our Poll [poll id=’1′]   Post Views: 145

Fair TAX???

As most sport fans know our professional sports players pay Federal Income Tax.  They also pay State Tax.  However did you know they pay the STATE TAX to the state they earn the money in.  Not necessarily their home state.  Let’s say a Eli Manning plays a game at Indianapolis.  The money he earned for that game is taxed by the state of Indiana.  (I can only assume local city, county, etc. taxes are also collected).  Can you imagine the tax nightmare?  Does he have to prepare a tax form for every state he earns money.  Does this include personal appearances also? But here comes the rub.  I recently read..Pius Heinz, a German poker player won $8,715,636.oo  in the WORLD SERIES OF POKER, in Las Vegas TAX FREE !!!!    Martin Stazko of the Czech Republic the second place  finisher  won $5,433,080.oo.   Neither of these men will pay tax on any of this 14 million plus earnings.  However third place winner, Ben Lamb a resident of the good old USA will have to pay approximately $1,524,011.oo  on his $4,021039.oo  Fourth place finisher Mark Gianetti, another USA Citizen won $3,012,700.oo but will have to surrender $1,524,642.oo to the Federal Government.  Granted the 2 nd place winner will have to pay taxes in his native Czech Republic.  Due to Germany’s tax exempt gambling law,  Herr Heinz will pay NO TAXES. That is almost $14 million of U.S. Currency leaving the country, with no return to our treasury. Does anyone else see anything wrong with this?  I sure do. This Is How I See It.   Post Views: 890

NBA Strike. Fans Strike Back

The Bible has the 10 Commandments.  One of those commandments is “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You”. I am asking you to do this for the NBA.  Neither the owners or players, took into account the fans wishes when they entered into this STRIKE/LOCKOUT.  Causing the Die Hard fans anguish. With little or no regard. I admit I am not a Die Hard Fan of the NBA, only rarely watching a portion of a Professional game. I think everyone should GO ON STRIKE/LOCKOUT against the NBA.  No one should attend or watch on TV or listen on Radio.  The same number of games you have been deprived of by the on going actions of the NBA.  It only sounds fair to me.  But, alas the fans are weak and will give in willingly to the NBA machine. It’s Time for the fans to retaliate, and make a stand.  Passing the message to Professional sports that the FAN also has a say in these matters. It is only fair. STRIKE back LOCKOUT the NBA. That Is How I See It. have been Post Views: 568

Government Seeks More Of Your Money

It must be that time of year.  Companies are talking of more layoffs.  According to news reports the RICH widening their gap between them and the middle class, which must mean the poor are getting poorer.  What we have doesn’t buy what it did a year ago. One area I read about is trying to kill itself.  Earlier I wrote of a community in Indiana who charges parents for their children to ride to school.  And to participate in sports.  Now I see they are wanting to raise fees for just about everything, and put new fees on anything they can find.  NO wonder people are looking to move away.  Perhaps this is an attempt to weed out the poorer class (perhaps including the middle class),  and establish a community of upper crust citizens. I just read that Illinois citizens have built the WHITE SOX owners a new BACARDI restaurant, at a cost of millions.  By the way the taxpayers receive no share of the profits of this restaurant.  It all goes to the owners of the White Sox baseball team. BUT we all know that movie theaters make most of their money from concessions.  I just read that in Washington D.C.  The mayor wants to tack on an extra tax for concession.  They already pay 10% tax on concessions.  As I understand, which is quite high.  BUT to add another 5% and raise the tax to 15%…..well isn’t that a little greedy?  Not to mention the less people will be able to attend, and may put the theaters out of business.  Thus a loss of revenue from the property, and business tax, let’s not forget the current 10% tax on concessions. I think their reasoning is flawed.  They intend to use the money to lure movie production companies thus creating jobs.  Am I wrong if less people go to the movies because they can’t afford the concessions,  there will be more demand for movies to be made. I know now in my town for 2 of us to go to the movies cost about $20 this is more than the average wage.  But get this for one medium Coke and medium popcorn add another $20.  That is why we have began driving 2o miles to another town that costs us about $12 on a Sunday afternoon, to get in and about $10 dollars for a medium Coke and medium popcorn Oh for the good old days when we had drive in theaters.  One night I think it was Monday was carload night.  you could take your whole family to the movies for about $2,  You brought your own popcorn and Cokes.  Yet the concession stand was always crowded with people buying hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. Well I guess it is getting close to Christmas.  What better time to lay people off and raise taxes, fees, etc. That Is How I See It. more than between Post Views: 164

Election Mud

Welcome to the MUDSLIDE. Election time is here.  At least local elections.  It truly amazes me how these politicians,  these public figures, these people with college degrees,  who have other people with college degrees revert to a a kindergarten mentality. I apologize to you kindergartners, as you are probably more advanced than these so called leaders, and their think tanks behind them. If you listen to their ads you will learn that each one is a perfect fit to represent you.  they have never made any mistakes, or miscalculations, if you will.  But their opponents have done NOTHING right. The one I have been listening to in particular, (because one of the candidates apparently has more money than Bill Gates.  Every ad is centered on what the incumbent has done wrong.  The poor guy must have have been kidnapped by aliens as he has not fulfilled a single promise he made that got him elected.  I assume he will be returned after this election is over. Meanwhile I can remember when the other candidate was in office as an assistant for the job she is running for.  They didn’t accomplish anything, and did exactly all the wrong things she is accusing the now incumbent of doing.  Probably those same aliens grabbed her during her reign and brought her back after her term.  The way I see it these alien abductors erase all memory of them being gone, and the being that replaced them returns to outer space. What I would like to hear is WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO.  NOW!!! If I vote for you.  We have problems both economic, and political, as well as dozens of other smaller problems.  What are your plans to ease unemployment, school budget cuts, etc.   Perhaps I just miss these positive ads.  But it could be that there are either none or very few.  Maybe I am so far below your intelligence level that you don’t know how to communicate to me.  Or perhaps I am just to poor to understand the ECONOMIC  ramifications.  Living at or below poverty level.  What could I know about economics. Enough of the supposed history of the clients.  It’s time to look to the future.  The pass is passed.  (Although the past performance should be considered),  Since you millionaires running for office have nothing in common with me.  TELL me what your answers are for the future.  What the heck are you going to do to correct these past errors. Apparently you have no ideas on the FUTURE or you could promote them.  Not bash your opponent. That Is How I See It have been they have Post Views: 285

Ebay and Feedback

If you have ever bought or sold anything on ebay you know how important your feedback score can be.  I always leave feedback.  I buy more than I sell.  But by leaving feedback I am letting other buyers know if I had a good experience with the seller.  I have had some items take a little longer to receive than I thought necessary, but I can not think of more than just a couple of times in the years I have been dealing on ebay that I have left negative feedback. So what is my point? I may be the only person to have this happen but I think not.  It seems to me that the bigger dealers, are taking over ebay.  It is more of a E-store, for many of the sellers.  (Not All).   It makes no difference to me as long as I get what I pay for.  But it appears the BIG dealers, don’t care about feedback.  I figure I have left about 30 positive feedbacks for these people in the last 6 months.  I only get feedback from the small guy like me who may sell something on a rare occasion.  The BIG dealers, I suppose just don’t have time to leave feedback for everyone. I suppose I can play that game too.  The BIG guy doesn’t need my feedback anyway.  What should I do?   Maybe take the advice of a friend and not leave feedback unless I receive feedback first.  After all I sent them the money (Paypal).  Shouldn’t they give me feedback when they receive the money?  I leave feedback when I receive the item. I think I would feel a little guilty about not leaving feedback.  So I will most likely continue to leave it.  After all two wrongs don’t make a right That Is How I See It. more than Post Views: 145

Obama On A Genocide Mission?

Gen·o·cide [jen-uh-sahyd]: A noun.  The deliberate ans systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or CULTURAL GROUP.   Since Mr. Obama has taken office it seems he has pinpointed the elderly as the means to balance his budget.  Or should I say slant things to his pet projects. What do you do if you want to spend money you don’t have.  You eliminate things you don’t need.  Divert that money to what you want.  That my friends is just what Mr. Obama has done.  First on his agenda was to bail out his buddies in the banking, and manufacturing industries.  (Rich helping Rich get Richer).  To do this he refused to admit the costs of living rises (Medicinal, Utilities, and yes gasoline) .   He even wants to change the formula for figuring these costs, because he says they project a false and higher cost of living than is a true cost of living . Therefore not giving the elderly the raises they deserved, since he has been in office.  To subsidize his buddies, the elderly have, by not getting a raise for 2 years. Has amounted to between $45 and $90 trillion dollars.  That more than paid the trillions given to the bail out effort.  These people have paid into this account for 40 to 50 years.   It is not their fault the Government gave that money to other Government agencies. (Which fail to pay it back. let alone pay interest).  merely a mismanagement of funds. Some of you will think the amount paid in does not equal the amount paid out….HOWEVER…  Let us not forget the INTEREST which this money had been properly invested.  How many of the people who have paid in never receive a check, because of death.  Or just drop out of the system.  How much of this money is being spent on people who never paid in a cent. How about planning our own retirement income.  I did this.  I invested the maximum I could.  Two years later it was all gone.  My company shut the doors,  Not my fault.  Due to EMERGENCIES,  and the need to get by until I could find another job, (which has been 3 years now).  I have no money.  The barter system works fairly good but I still have to do without a lot,   So you see that doesn’t help either. So how does this  relate to GENOCIDE?  By denying the elderly people the money needed to exist on.  The poverty level is $10,890 a year.  If I were to be on Social Security now I would be getting about $13,800 a year.  But as of now I would have about $1392 a year subtracted before I get my check for MEDICARE,  Which I have also been paying for all my working life.  That takes me to $12,408, a year. Now let us not forget we need a supplement insurance.  This cost is around $125 a month (according to friends paying it). This is another $1500 gone.  Leaving us with $10,908.  This puts you at just    $18 above poverty level.  Now subtract a conservative average of $600 a month for rent or mortgage.  There goes $7200.  Let’s see,  that takes us to $3708 dollars to pay utilities, and buy food, house or renter insurance, life insurance and let’s not forget MEDICINE, Car insurance if we are lucky enough to have  one.  But then you would not be able to put gas in  it.  And let’s not forget we have to pay SALES tax on everything.  Including our utilities. It seems that Mr. Obama’s plan is eliminate the elderly as quickly as possible.  After all they are a drain on his economy. Genocide or what.  I see it as an attempt to eliminate the elderly. That Is How I See It. How many people do we have die of starvation or heat, or just plain a lack of compassion by our leaders. more than between find merely find find Post Views: 178

Parents Must Pay For Bus Ride To School

Franklin Township in central Indiana sold school buses to an independent firm for $1.  Now parents of the children in this district have a choice to make.  Take them to school, and pick them up. (Which would have been impossible for me as a working single parent).  Let them walk in the dark of the morning.  Dark because Supreme Ruler Mitch Daniels, deemed Indiana, a state which lines up in the CENTRAL time zone, observe ATLANTIC time (AKA Eastern DAYLIGHT SAVINGS time).  Which puts Indiana residents 2 hours ahead of the sun.  Thus children walking in the dark to school.  Or, PAY  about $475.oo a year for the first student in the family, with a discount for other children of the family. From what I read a family of 2 students will pay $900.oo  So, the way I figure it the rest of the families students ride for $425.oo each.  That means a family who is either living on unemployment, or welfare, or working and earning the minimum wage will really have little choice, but to make them walk, and risk being kidnapped.  Hit by a car or truck or/and harmed in some way.  Heck it would be a drain on any family.  By the time you clothe, and pay at least a couple of dollars for school lunches, extra curricular fees, and book rentals.   Plus the BUS fee of approximately $50.oo, per sport, per student participant  imposed on them. This all started when the Franklin Township school board decided they wanted more money than was available and wanted to raise taxes.  The referendum was voted down.  So, it seems to me their reaction, was an immature…We’ll make you pay one way or the other!  Other schools, faced the same cost cutting measures, and most have met the cuts needed without any repercussions.  The most penalties, school districts have made is a modest bus fee for sports, and extra  curricular activities.  But in some areas the business people have donated the money to cover those fees.  A pride in their communities. Some schools/sports are putting on charity events to cover these costs. These are public schools using tax payer money.  What effect will this have on the community?  Will people move away?  Will business close due to lack of customers, or workforce.  With a drop in enrollment also comes a drop in state funds.    The formula is so convoluted, I’m surprised a lawyer can figure it out.  But the way it seems to me,  a smaller school get less money from the state than a larger school.  (Which seems a little unfair).  Each day or part thereof missed by a student equals a deduction in the amount received by that school. I’ve rambled on too long.  What it appears we have here is a very greedy school system which has little empathy with the well being of the community children and a lust for more money.  It would serve them right if everyone moved out of their district, (which I know they either can’t or won’t).   I believe it is time for the voters, community leaders,  and parents, take back the school system. It seems apparent to me the school board has no concern about their students.  Will the harm the children face walking to school in the dark.  Or the hardship put on families affect the members.  Probably not.  The only thing that will affect them is a loss of MONIES. Could this happen to your children?  Is your community next? That Is How I See It. have been Post Views: 143

Legalize Marijuana?

Legalize marijuana or not legalize marijuana.  That is the question. We have heard this argument for many years.  Does it really matter?  I must admit I have never tried it so maybe I fail to see the advantage, or disadvantage here.  From what I understand drugs like marijuana have been used in many different rites during the course of our history.  The American Indian supposedly used this or a similar drug in some of their ceremonial rites.  The tribes of Africa used similar drugs for the same reason.  For all I know our forefathers may have participated in this type of rites, or maybe even recreational purposes.   Perhaps the medicinal uses were known way back when.  I remember hearing of our ancestors, and even royalty abroad having snuff boxes.  (And it wasn’t for tobacco snuff). No! I don’t know the answer.  What I do know is this.  If it is legalized,  our Government will be able to get a piece of the action, (money) .  The cost will most likely go down.  Thus crime created by trying to get marijuana should go down.  I suppose these would all be pluses, and I can’t really think of any minuses; other than there will always be those who have no legal claim to buy marijuana.  Also if it is legalized,  will growers be monitored like the existing drug companies,  like Eli-Lily. If it is legalized will insurance companies pay for it.  How much more will this cost us, the consumer in increased insurance premiums.  And how will it affect hiring practices of business.  There is mass impacts involved here.  I’m sure more than I can foresee. Finally let me insert my personal observation.  People already take legal drugs, illegally.  I know of one young lady who stole a doctors prescription pad, and wrote her own prescriptions.  This was many years ago, and the doctors signature would be impressed on the sheets below it.  Do doctors now take measures to prevent this?   I also know of  people who will steal a relatives much needed medication out of their medicine cabinet.  Without regard to the relatives health.   I also know peoples homes are broken into for the purpose of finding legal drugs. Legal or not people will get their hands on them and use them illegally.  MOOT POINT.  Does it really matter if it is or is not legal.  The government will benefit by getting a portion of the proceeds. That Is How I See It. more than involved Post Views: 208

The Best Job

Recently I read about a job I would love to have. Reminiscent of , of I believe the character is Milton, from the Movie Office Space.  You remember the poor guy who had his cubicle moved several times. A woman working in Virginia as an office assistant, was suspended  for “revealing confidential medical information”.   Like Milton they overlooked suspending her pay, and like Milton,  The checks just kept coming. True $2,600.oo may not seem like a lot to most people.  But I know several people who would like to be making $26,000.oo a year.  Unlike Milton, this woman has not set foot in her office or done a lick of work for 12 years.  It is unknown if she received benefits.   But $26,000.oo times 1 years is about $312,000.oo for staying home. It seems the company recently hired a new supervisor. When she went over budget, she discovered the Human Resource Department’s mistake.  She then fired the woman. Now the lady is filing got unemployment benefits, and a wrongful termination suit. Is she entitled to unemployment benefits?  I would say so.  Does she have a a wrongful firing suit.  Again I would say yes.   Only on the grounds that she hasn’t had any disciplinary action for the last 12 years.  Suspension does not mean FIRED. Morally, though,  I have misgivings.  Would you have questioned getting pay checks while suspended, if it was not stated “Suspended without PAY’? I guess that is why we have a legal system. That Is How I See It. Post Views: 112

AI Assistant Test Translation