This That and the Other Thing

Today I will be talking about a few things.  Football, Politics, Basketbal, and anything else that pops into my mind.

FOOTBALL:  Questions.  Will Peyton Retire?  YES! I believe he will retire.  But follow the lead of Jeff Saturday and retire as  a COLT.

Will Johnny Manziel find a home?   Despite his intolerable behavior….I believe someone will find a spot for him.  JAMESIS WINSTON found a home,  DIDN’T he.

What about Robert  Griffin III ?  I think he will land some where.  BUT as I wrote before his, Russel Wilson, and Andrew Luck’s drafting.  R.G.III needs to play behind a veteran for at least one or two years.  Then I think he will be ready.


POLITICS:  Same old thing.  people will elect another MULTI-MILLIONAIRE, who has no interest in the working people.  Right now it looks like our choice will be Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.   Before I move on let me remind you I do not affiliate with any party.  It is my belief THERE IS NO ROOM IN GOVERNMENT FOR PARTIES.  

 That said;  Donald Trump has set a precedent as one who will, if things get a little tough he will bail.  Just look how many times he has bailed out of businesses using  BANKRUPTCY!!!!  

Hillary Clinton:  Don’t forget Who’s name was on NAFTA which sent and continues to send AMERICAN JOBS to another country.  CLINTON.  She has been caught in so many LIES already.  Yes I know  LYING is a politician’s pre-requisite.  

As an INDEPENT VOTER I must say our choices get worse every election.


BASKETBALL: Thank goodness we have something to look forward to.  I will have your printable brackets, and updates for the NCAA Tournament.  This year is the first time in many years the Tournament looks wide open.  Every week we see I would say about 5 upsets.  Who will peak at just the right time, or have an outstanding game: or the worst game of their season.

Yes I will have my selections, how you would do if you had picked the favored team,  AND the upset sheet which will highlight every upset for the Tourney.

Time to go now.

Talk to again.  Be sure to check back for my coverage of MARCH MADNESS.

PS: I almost forgot. The Oscars.  As usual most all awards go to the least deserving.  I usually go to one movie a week,  and the movies I watched were MUCH better than the winners.  I truly believe the pre-reqisite for an Oscar is a bad job which needs the “MAGICAL ACADEMY AWARD”   to get a push.

I won’t go through every award.  Let me just say BEST ACTOR:  DiCaprio???? Are you kidding.  He was a terrible actor as a child, and is still terrible.   The best movie he even came close to giving a really good performance was 14 years ago.  CATCH ME IF YOU CAN.  Sorry but that is truly the only movie I could call him creditable.  THE REVENANT was an interesting story.  But really a Chimpanzee could have turned in as good a performance.

So as you can see they should have made a special category to score him as Oscar.  The category should have been  PARTICIPATION OSCAR.  Just as the little soccer players win or lose get a Participation trophy.

PSS:  I forgot I wanted to mention the threat of the Louisiana Governor to do away with LSU Football.  We all know that LSU brings in a massive amount of money to the state for their football games.  To take away the financing would be a bigger blow to Louisiana’s economy than the program costs.

That Is How I See It.






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