Fast Food Garbage

Remember when you could go to an eatery, and order a hamburger or cheeseburger, and paid extra for onion, lettuce, or tomato?  Those were really scrumptious burgers.  Usually ground  fresh that day.  I remember we had a little shanty of an eatery, only about 8 stools, and a stand up counter on the outer wall.  We would go in, order our hamburger, fries, and a milk shake.  I never got the fixins. (occasionally I would get onion on my burger).  I preferred my sandwich plain.  I would order my milk shake made with chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream, and chocolate syrup.  MMMMM triple chocolate shake.  We could sit right there and watch the hamburger shaped, (it was usually stored in  a ball and then flattened on the grill).  You could watch them make the milk shake. We had our Root beer stands, and drive up restaurants, too. It was the same thing,  good quality meat, and you paid extra for the fixings. Then one fateful day they built a new fast food joint.  It had a futuristic style building and was called The Satellite.  I tried it one time.  The meat was very bland, and of poor quality.  Now some of my friends who would get the fixins, thought these were OK because their sandwiches were cheaper, and they didn’t have to pay for the lettuce, onion, tomato or their special sauce, which was mostly mayonnaise. This was when the term “garbage” came into use, as with all the fixins it looked like garbage on their sandwich.  To compete with this chain our other fine establishments started putting the garbage one their burgers.  Then they realized they would have to buy cheaper meat in order to compete.  That is when the quality in most of our eating establishments sank to the bottom,  Today we still have no good place to eat.  We have many places to eat, but you can’t find good food at any of them.  The eateries have to put the garbage on to give any hint of taste to their sandwiches. My question is:  WHY do I have to  PAY for this garbage when I request they omit from my sandwich.  Granted the meat has no quality flavor on it’s own.  That is why you need to put a lot of salt on them.  I wouldn’t mind paying more for quality sandwiches.  But having to pay for the garbage I don’t get really irks me. Bting back the days of quality meat and paying extra if you want the garbage. That Is How I See It.     find find find Post Views: 101

Don’t Tax My Coca~Cola

It has been brought to my attention Our Government, in looking for more money to give to companies that invest badly.  So it  is looking at a possible 20-40 percent tax on my Coke.  LAY OFF MY COKE. They say if we pay a 40 percent tax we won’t drink as much, (hurting the soft drink industry).  The tax is to help us lose weight.  It is said we could lose 1 pound a year if we pay a 40 percent tax.  WOW!!   A whole pound, imagine that.  Of course with less sales the Soft Drink companies may have to lay off people and increase our roll of unemployed,  less tax paid by the Soda companies.  Sounds like a win- win situation to me.  NOT.  The only weight I’d lose would be from my pocket. As a small boy I was really frail.  The doctor told me my problem was that my stomach did not produce enough acids to properly break down my food.  To offset this I was told to drink Coca~Cola with my meals this would help break down the food for me.  Would I be entitled to claim a medical exemption on this tax and my Cokes. I just really don’t see the benefit of taxing my Coke.  Why not tax Candy, Cookies, bags of Sugar, etc.  Chocolate and fast food probably put more weight on u than my Coke.  Tax them. That Is How I See It. LAY OFF MY COKE. Post Views: 74